Is the Devil making you happy, too?

by littletree 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • littletree

    So true, kls. Since I left, my mom has become a full-time pioneer. I don't know if it's because I left, but I was her only daughter (of 3) who was stuck with "the Truth." So now she's batting zero and has to make it up to Jehovah somehow. But no matter what good things happen in my life- like having been dating a really sweet guy for the past year, or getting coming off of medicine, or thinking about the possibility of starting a new career- it doesn't seem to matter to her. She only sees me like she sees every other non-Witness: as a potential Witness. That's elder's wife is the same way. Humans, no matter what contributions they make, or now "nice" or "good" they are, have no value if they are NOT JWs. It's such a closed-minded attitude. My new friends, the few non-JWs who I'm trying to slowly build relationships with, are so much nicer and accepting. I threw my first "wordly" cookout this past weekend, and the people on my job and my neighbors had a GREAT time (We did karaoke, too!). Felt good to be around people that don't judge. And like most of you have probably experienced, my family have stopped associating with me for the most part. I'm not disfellowshipped YET, but I live right across the street from a Witness, who I'm sure has seen my boyfriends car leaving my house in the morning (SCANDALOUS!). My mom came by the cookout, just to grab a plate, and the next day she managed to 'whisper' a "a had a good time". I know that hurt her, to acknowlegde that she enjoyed herself in a room full of heathens. And I invited a few of my NON-JW family members whom I'd cut off for the past few years (my mom made me); and it was so GOOD to be with them. Very hard not to be bitter about what I've missed out on because of that religion.

  • Emma

    Welcome to the board.

    When I just came out and told her how happy I've been since leaving, she said that my seeming happiness was only "because of the Wicked One."

    You're damned if your miserable and damned if your happy; I cannot describe the clarity of the moment I realized I was not going back. It was if suddenly everything was alive and in living color! That's why they don't want any members talking to those who left; we are all so well and happy.


  • littletree

    Yup, Emma. They can't stand to see non-JWs happy. That would prove their theory- that you have to be part of the Organization to have a good or successful life- WRONG. I received e-mail from another sister last month, and when I told her I was happy, she said she still prays that I'll come back. HECK NEVER! Many of my old friends and family just can't WAIT until something bad happens to me, so that they can say, "see what happens when you leave Jehovah?" It's so crazy- I'm even driving more carefully, and taking extra care of myself and health, so that they can't attribute anything bad in my life to me being overtaken by the Devil. (I know I shouldn't let them get to me, but it's hard...). The positive side: I am SO determined to do good things, to prove to them that it's possible. I'm not knocked up or on crack yet, so it must be working, SO FAR! hahaha

  • Elsewhere
    Since I left, my mom has become a full-time pioneer. I don't know if it's because I left, but I was her only daughter (of 3) who was stuck with "the Truth." So now she's batting zero and has to make it up to Jehovah somehow.

    Yup! When I DAed my family went into JW OverDrive mode too.

  • micheal

    The Devil Rocks!! ( even though there is no devil )

    BTW Welcome littletree.

  • Bryan

    Welcome littletree!

    I remember everyone saying the reason Michael Jackson (back in the early 80s) was so wealthy was because the Devil gave him all those things to keep him in the world.

    What a great way to keep control. Good for you not caving in.


  • Fleur

    welcome littletree!

    may you learn and grow to be a 'bigtree' here among friends :)



  • Nosferatu

    Welcome aboard, and congrats on getting out before you've reached adulthood! You've got a full life ahead of you, and it sounds like you're gonna do allright.

  • littletree

    yeah, Elsewhere, they have to show the congregation that they aren't WEAK like the one who left. Which is ironic, since I've never felt stronger!

  • littletree

    Nosferatu, Thanks! But I'm actually 27 already. (Is it too late for me???!?!... hahaha) I'm gonna go back and visit on Wednesday night, September 1- they have the Service meeting and TMS (that's the anniversary of my baptism and my departure... the beginning of my "non-service-year"). I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to wear a disguise! haha I hope the elders don't try to grab me into a backroom and ask me about my virtue.

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