Guards at Stadium Conventions during Song and Prayer

by VM44 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • RandomTask
    I love that stadium, it's my favorite. Those little curly q things were loads of fun to race your friends down.

    Yeah, much better than Dodger Stadium

  • blondie

    50 years of assemblies/conventions and 40 before that for my family, never an incident; that includes 5 states and 2 countries.

    Just some demonstrating outside the building.

    I remember a case where an overzealous JW security brother jumped a man dressed "suspiciously." It turned out to be an employee of the facility working on a door.

    The security brothers had to go through a little "retraining" after that one.


  • RandomTask

    Actually, I do remember one incident when I was a child at the Assembly Hall in Escondido. A guy who looked homeless started walking up the aisle and shouting "Blasphemers! Blasphemers!" 4 elders bum rushed the guy and dragged him off.

  • blondie

    I wish I could have seen that. It would be more entertaining than the program.


  • garybuss

    Blobby, you wrote:

    the only thing on the agenda is taking care of the brothers

    Crap! A load of crap!

    nothing like that goes on anymore??

    My 3 year old son and I were belly pushed away from a working vending machine with a out of order sign written with a magic marker on butcher paper Scotch tapped to it by two Jehovah's Witness assembly cops (attendants) at the Jehovah's Witness District Assembly in Bismarck, North Dakota in the mid 1970's.

    It was a defining moment for me and a next to the last straw.

    I'd say the only reason they did not use canes on us is they did not have any. Those a$$ holes were not looking out for the Witness people. They were looking out for the cash registers of the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation. Associating with people who would belly push a three year old kid away from a rainbow lifesavers with a nickel in his hand? I would be ashamed if I were you! I sure wouldn't write crap like yours here. We know better.

  • garybuss

    The only time I have ever had force used on me in my life was by Jehovah's Witness attendants at a Jehovah's Witness District Assembly. I was only 30 at the time and I had my small son with me. If those jerks tried anything like that now, they would be very sorry.

    Sending two thugs to guard a vending machine they don't even own? Belly pushing a young father with a small child? Gimme a break! What a rinky dink outfit!

  • jst2laws

    Shoot guys, Slow down. What follows is at least three years old so any new info would be beneficial. There is a department that works as a subsidiary of the overall Attendant Office at conventions called 'Day Watch'. For decades it was called "Security" but the boys learned the hard way that it was best NOT to send those yahoo volunteers off with the notion that they actually had AUTHORITY to make the bros 'secure'. I was in charge of 'Day Watch' for many years before being moving up to a 'greater privilege of service' in 'Jehovah's organization'. We were instructed to have two bros at the bottom of the steps at ALL TIMES to make sure the program was not disrupted by someone rushing the stage. During the Key Note addresses we put bros on every corner of the stage sitting down and scanning for trouble. After the BBC confronted the GB member with their hidden cam for the Panorama expose as he stepped down from the stage in the final talk, I suspect what you see now is the WT's response to un-invited media probes. They will tell us they are looking out for the brothers, but these guys are Day Watch personnel assigned to protect the stage and the speaker from embarrassment. Any new info from current Day Watch personnel? Jst2laws

  • woody02302

    Come on everybody, you need guards of some kind at these events. As much as all of us may hate going, there are some who would not want there program to be interupted. And 2 years ago i was one of those security fags, and we actually had a woman almost get raped and if it was not for the security then it could have been real bad. So just stop the hate... all that hate...some of you need help

  • onintwo

    Gosh! Guarding the stage! You guys got all the fun jobs. About as close as I ever got was the assignment with another brother to station ourselves outside the Women's bathroom and watch for perverts. We were told that men were hanging around the ladies restrooms trying to sneek a peak whenever they could.

    And see what? I thought. Young and middle aged women fussing with their young kids? Maybe catch a glimpse of women applying makeup? Woooooweeee. Actually, there was more to see near the stairwells!

    At any rate we never saw anyone acting "weird". So we just visited with each other the whole time.


  • jst2laws


    Another Welcome to the board.

    Come on everybody, you need guards of some kind at these events. . . . we actually had a woman almost get raped and if it was not for the security then it could have been real bad. So just stop the hate... all that hate...some of you need help

    Yes we did watch for perverts and people who obviously did not belong. I was one of those admin bigshots that used to give the lectures to the Attendant Department before the sessions began. It was rare that we had a problem with perverts, purse snatchers or "apostates", but we were well prepared to deal with them.

    The comments here are about men posted around the stage during and at the end of the program. In this instance they are not instructed to watch for perverts. No one is saying there is no need for a security/daywatch system. We are simply discussing why the big concern at the end of a session.

    As to "So just stop the hate", it is not really hate, it is HURT. I personally do not suffer any "hate" nor 'hurt', but understand that dealing with pain is a lot of what this is about. Be patient, and try to see through what may appear as hatered and you may see a lot of enjured people rather calmly dealing with the hatered directed at them as rejected JWS.

    And welcome to the board, Woody


    BTW, You weren't at any Sringfield Ill, or Macon Georgia conventions, were you?

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