by Mary 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leolaia

    Blondie....Just wait a week and see Potter!!!! (fingers crossed)

  • blondie

    Leolaia, that's the plan! HP here we come.

    I may go to TDAT for the special effects but wait for the budget theater.

    Blondie ()

    And then there is Spiderman2 and the next Star Wars.

  • drwtsn32

    I'm sure I'll go see this movie. I enjoy unrealistic, cataclysmic movies. I even watched The Core for crying out loud!

  • hillary_step

    When you look at a lot of US movie Directors and screen writers they have barely pushed past spotty adolescence and it is not surprising therefore that what they produce has barely pushed past spotty adolesence. Chewing gum for the mind.

    I have yet to see Sherlock Holmes saying, "Yeah, cool man" to Dr Watson, but I have come very close. The US entertainment industry has little in common with art and creativity, but much in common with the same principles that fuel the Lotto and the disease of Reality TV, which incidentally, is as unreal as life could be.

    If you want to see real films, choose your directors and screenwriters carefuly, or stick to UK TV movies and radio and French and Italian filmmaking.

    Sorry my opinions are so abstract and lack-lustre.


  • Swan

    I suppose JWs will go to this movie and come out saying something stupid like, "Just think, this is what Armageddon will be like." My aunt said something like that after she saw Earthquake back in the 70s.


  • blondie
  • Swan

    Very funny, Blondie!

  • blondie

    That was 46 years ago, Swan, and they have been reinforcing that ever since. I used to ask my mother how God was going to prevent the good people from falling into the crevasse. She never had an answer.


  • Leolaia

    "Soul-chilling terror"....."Selfish fight to live" (i.e. how dare you defy God by trying to survive).... graphic description of rotting body parts....those pictures, yeah....scary, scary stuff...TO PUT IN A FRIGGIN' CHILDRENS' BOOK!!!! My Book of Bible Stories was pretty bad but it has nothing on this....

    The Watchtower has no doctrine of Hell. They don't need one. Armageddon is their equivalent of Hell and serves the same purpose of scaring the faithful to the straight and narrow...

  • Mary

    Yep, Blondie those pictures looked pretty damn close to what we saw today...........truly a lousy movie.............

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