Where is the MONEY REALLY GOING? -- Special Assembly Days, etc

by EyeDrEvil 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    To everyone's questions:

    Standard donation to the WTS: "suggested" donation. It is supposed to be the elders (for the circuit) that make the motion and second it as to the amount. I'm sure the CO/DO have their little opinions. A lot of it depends on the past record of the circuit's ability to pay. I don't know what happens if their expectations are not matched by the donations. I do know that the WTS gets their money first and any money for the maintenance fund or expenses has to be made up by the circuit in another way.

    As far as I know, the elders are not consulted at the district level, so I imagine that the CO(s) assigned to that DC and the DO, make the decision.

    They take into account the number of publishers in each circuit and determine the "suggested" donation much like how the WTS handled the auto/health insurance for the CO/DO in the past.

    Have you ever noticed there there is never a breakdown of the expenses like there is in the congregation once a month?

    Has the Society lied to you?: That's a rhetorical question, right? Actually, you aren't entitled to know, so according to the WTS defnition of lying, they were telling you the truth.

    What would happen if you questioned the CO's expenses? You would be marked as a complainer and it would take ten years of good behavior to get the mark removed. Moving and changing your name might be a good idea.


  • iiz2cool
    I wonder what would've happened if someone would have voted no, would they have been counseled???

    I often wondered the same thing. I eventually started abstaining from voting, and was questioned about that. It would have been funny to see someone vote in opposition to a resolution.

    A few years back they used to have audience participation discussions in my first hall before passing resolutions that involved money. One such time involved a proposed renovation of the hall. One guy suggested several more effective ways of doing the job which would have saved a substantial amount of money. Of course, the elders didn't listen to him. He never got appointed as an MS either, even though he was an otherwise perfect Jdub. They never had audience participation in those parts afterward either.


  • Mark

    Hi all,

    If you're curious, this is how it REALLY works. When the elders get together with the CO and DO for their business meeting, which usually takes place in the same week of the assembly, an amount for contribution to the WT society is always agreed upon. Why? Because the WT society always EXPECTS a contribution from the circuit for each such gathering. This contribution comes from the circuit's funds and the amount is calculated on the basis of the number of publishers in attendance and the duration of the assembly, anything from two to three dollars per publisher per day being a common figure. This is all done even BEFORE the assembly takes place, and it is often the case that the money is sent immediately. Remember, first things come first. Then this amount is presented to the unsuspecting publishers attending the assembly as part of the expenses incurred, but without ever specifying how the expenses are divided. No itemized list of expenses is ever provided at an assembly, and this is so for a reason. Most publishers believe that the money sent to the society at assemblies is some part of the remainder of their contributions once the expenses for the assembly are subtracted. But no: The contribution to the society is often the assembly's MAIN expense. T he WT society does not want to leave the individual publishers to decide whether to donate or not. By presenting donations as 'expenses in disguise' they obviously obtain a higher revenue.


  • Mark


    Sorry, I didn't realize you had already made the same points.

    And yes, the elders are only consulted before the circuit assembly takes place. But the outcome of this business meeting sets the 'donation-as-expense' pattern for the rest of the year.


  • blondie

    Well, Mark, it just proves I was on the right track.

    The last CA I attended, it was hard to find an elder to make a motion and to second it because the circuit was already in the hole financially.

    As my husband says, vote with your pocketbook and then your feet. Stop donating and when you can leave the organization. It is the only thing they care about.


  • stillajwexelder

    and the way they do the acoounts they are always in deficit anyway - it is a TOTAL CON - but legal I am afraid

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    The BIGGIE they don't pay real estate taxes.I am politically active in my town of Bangor Maine USA (pop.31,000)

    I given this some R+D.Bangor Maine is a regional service center we have a LOT of non taxed property.So,we know who pays what.None of the churches pay taxes including the Kingdom Hall.But they all contribute back to the community,some in a big way.Support for the homeless,food pantrys,soup kitchens etc.

    The Watchtower with all it's wealth are drone parasites who pay no taxes and give nothing back.Not even ONE food pantry or soup kitchen.

    Does the WT$ stash it all somewhere in an off shore bank account?

  • Swan

    It's those stage flowers and plants! You have the initial outlay, and then the cost of plant food. You don't realize how much those fertilizer spikes cost!


  • Nocturne
    Plus, has anyone ever talked about the voting? I mean...like who is going to say "NAY" in front of everybody

    Actually, in my hall there was actually someone who voted "NAY" in the public vote for one of the congregational matters. Let's just say I was quite shocked at the time, although strangely enough, that person doesn't attend anymore...I wonder why?

  • Gopher
    ...they would ask the cong about the CO expenses on the week of his visit.

    I belive the rule was that the CO couldn't petition the congregation to reimburse his expenses, but they could only be reimbursed if THEY ASKED for the receipt. So this is a formality, probably to ensure that the travelling overseers don't look like "paid clergy". That's why we went through the rubber-stamp "yes" vote at each service meeting following the CO's visit.

    I wonder what would've happened if someone would have voted no, would they have been counseled???

    Once when I was attendant at the weeknight Service Meeting, the presiding overseer asked me to watch for any hands raised that objected to ANY proposal put forward by the elders. Their names were to be written down and kept in the congregation records, apparently. I don't know if anyone got a personal visit from 2 "friendly shepherds of the flock" for daring to voice a dissenting opinion by their vote. (After all they do ask a show of hands for TWO possible answers, yes and no!)

    It's those stage flowers and plants! You have the initial outlay, and then the cost of plant food. You don't realize how much those fertilizer spikes cost!
    LOL -- There's a LOT of fertilizer at every assembly -- more than enough for everybody to um, enjoy!!

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