JWD is the top rated site

by Big Tex 61 Replies latest forum announcements

  • RevMalk

    JWD does have a higher ranking than watchtower.org

  • Sunnygal41

    -------------------Runs in from the wings of JWD, throwing her hands out and bursts in to song ala Julie Andrews:

    "We've only just begun...................."

  • Sunnygal41
    And I just have to believe it is sites like this and Lambs Roar and Free Minds and everyone else, that are not only telling the truth about "The Truth", but also providing a place for Witnesses to come and heal.

    Pointing at Big Tex............."Yeah, what he just said........we're mad as hell and we ain't gonna take it anymore!!"

  • Euphemism

    Congratulations, Simon et al!

    I think it's interesting that #3 is Landover Baptist (a parody site), and #5 is for Ex-Mormons.

    While other religions may not be as internet-paranoid as the WTS, it does appear from these results that the ex-religious have a stronger online presence than the religious.

  • Farkel

    I report my "hours" faithfully every month to Simon. I also report my "placements". In apostoland(tm) "placements" are those very special moments where one places information into the Cultist mind that just might help them break away.

    I also have several "Bible studies." These are my correpondences with scared dubs and doubting dubs where we use the Bible to show that the WTS is full of shit using their very own Bible. Now THAT is a Bible study!

    As a duly appointed "ApostoCircoSeer" (duly appointed by the District OverBeer from our Dallas Headquarters) I use my authority wisely. I help newly exiting dubbies see that the whole 1914 eschaetology is wrong. The Kingdom was established when Elvis took full reign over this earth in 1985. (This corresponds with a Jubileee Year and the anniversary of one of his hit songs. I forget which one it is, but it is all Bible-Based(tm) The indisputable facts show that since he appeared at Wall-Marts since then shows this also is ALL Bible-Based(tm). The indisputable fact that he invisibly appeared at those Wall-Marts is further proof of my doctrine of TRUTH.

    I do not deal in fantasies like the WTS. I only deal in FACTS. Don't mess with me. I know my stuff.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    What I find interesting about this is that ex-JWs seems to reaching out more than any other group to give and get support. This may be biased but it sure is pointing to a need that is being met by the boards

  • talesin

    This is good news, indeed. Congrats on Lambs Roar, I read over there sometimes.

  • bebu

    Congratulations again! Seems that this board can't stop growing!


  • simplesally

    Simon, why do you think someone doesn't like you?

  • ezekiel3

    Dear Simon,

    You are the light of the world. A city cannot be hid when situated on a mountain. People light a lamp and set it, not under a measuring basket, but upon a lampstand, and it shines upon all those in the house. Likewise let your light shine...

    Thank you.

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