Nicholas Berg's Beheading

by Elmer J. Fudd 50 Replies latest social current

  • Yerusalyim


    Of course it can't be a REAL video, your friends the Radical Muslim Terrorists would NEVER do such a thing. Let's face it, the video is grainy enough it's really hard to tell WHAT the blood is doing, it might have been shooting straight down, Nick might have been so drugged up that his heart wasn't pumping hard enough to create a squirt, etc etc etc. The biggest reason to believe the video is what it says it is, is because the people who are blamed for his death said they did it.

  • PinTail

    It was real I have seen many gross things in my life as in the way of industrial accidents and that was real. But aside from him being killed in a sadistic manor which was real, it was surely sadistic and demonic. It reminds me of the scripture to become babes as to badness." I had been considering off and on for a while to return to the meetings but it was not until I moved to a different area away from the problems in my congregation and seeing that video, did I realize that its only with the calmness that Jehovah gives and his hope is the only sure way to live out these last days in confidence. As for the imperfections that I see in the organization and with cirtain dogmas that I can not accept most of them can, I will wait on Jehovah to handle matters. I would rather wait on him, than this sick demonic world that knows no mercy. Come Lord Jehovah and Jesus and save those whose hearts are complete towards you. I know Jehovah knows those who are his own. Shane,

  • frenchbabyface

    ... Oh well

  • dolphman

    I've seen quite a few beheadings by Islamic extremist on the site, mainly by Chechnan Terrorist who used the same method of execution as Nick Berg's killers. They take a big knife, pin the guy down and saw away at his throat. You hear a gurggling sound as his screams/crying are interuppted by the knife severing the vocal chords. Then the blood pours out, but doesn't spurt or spray, and the convulsions aren't all that severe, considering what's happening. Nick's wasn't any different. In fact, I think the guys probably spent time in Chechnya at some point. Does that make them Russian mercanaries hired by the CIA? Here's a NEWSLFASH FOLKS: Islamic insurgents have been fighting in Chechnya for YEARS. Al Zarqowi I'm sure has a few buds he can call on there to help him in Iraq. So if there was some Russian speaking, well, they very likely could be from that region. DUH! It's really a who's who of Islamic fundamentalist these days. Has anybody ever heard the reports of foreign fighters in Iraq? ANOTHER GROUNDBREAKING STORY.

    As far as the ring goes, check out the Daniel Pearl video. That guy who sawed off Danny's head wore a ring too.

    So to all you wanna-be medical Coroners out there, before coming to any conclusions try watching more real executions as part of your education before delivering assinine verdicts that are more based on Hollywood movies than the real thing. Real life executions can be a let down after witnessing slow motion death scenes for years in films and TV.

    Also, to answer someone's question as to why people would watch this sort of thing, the answer is simple: To know the reality. Everything we get is sanitized, neat, and clean. Nothing will show you the truth of the situation better than an uncensored video of it. If you're going to make bird-brained assertions about something you've never seen, how can your opinion possibly matter?

    Watch it. It's the truth about radical islamic fundamentalism You wanna know what the funny thing is? It wasn't the beheading the disturbed me the worst. IT was the chant of Allah Akbar. Downright Creepy. .


  • Cassiline
    So to all you wanna-be medical Coroners out there, before coming to any conclusions try watching more real executions as part of your education before delivering assinine verdicts that are more based on Hollywood movies than the real thing. Real life executions can be a let down after witnessing slow motion death scenes for years in films and TV.


    Thank you Dolphman for your entire post.


    Now did he cry or not ? Everydody said he was crying

    He screamed yes.... but without going into the gory details... he was able to scream for a reason....

    What kills me are those who want to play sunday morning quaterback without first seeing what they are speaking of. No one should be forced to watch anything like this, but why comment on such without watching?


  • Brummie
    The biggest reason to believe the video is what it says it is, is because the people who are blamed for his death said they did it .

    It never ceases to amaze me that the conspiracy theorists never see the most obvious explanations..dur, I think its also disgraceful that the attention can be taken off the sufferer and placed onto something as insignificant as the "sound" of the video.


  • Pleasuredome

    i think the fact that people here and elsewhere are giving it so much attention means that the video has done its job no matter who did it, psy-op or terrorist.

  • frenchbabyface
    Dolphman : So to all you wanna-be medical Coroners out there, before coming to any conclusions try watching more real executions as part of your education before delivering assinine verdicts that are more based on Hollywood movies than the real thing. Real life executions can be a let down after witnessing slow motion death scenes for years in films and TV.

    I don't know for real (but even under drugg I don't think the blood doesn't spit out on the heart bits) But I'm not the one who have watch the video so I don't know.

    Dolphman : Also, to answer someone's question as to why people would watch this sort of thing, the answer is simple: To know the reality. Everything we get is sanitized, neat, and clean. Nothing will show you the truth of the situation better than an uncensored video of it.

    They're choice. I don't care myself (I'm just worrying about the fact such attrocities are done). I would only be ok to watch it in a court if I have to, to make sure I know what I'm talking about)

    Dolphman : If you're going to make bird-brained assertions about something you've never seen, how can your opinion possibly matter?

    Oh ! ... still ... All those who watched do not have the same view on it (not the first time for everybody I think) Are you such a specialist in the matter ? Are you politically oriented ? so you support on side and others support an other side (that is the way it works I guess)

    My real question about this all story is why BERG ? (everything around it sounds like details to me ... who need the the answer Why Nick ? First)

  • funkyderek

    Well, obviously it was a fake video and whoever went to all the trouble of creating it just threw in a few Hallelujahs because they hadn't done any research at all on Islam. Couldn't possibly be someone who doesn't speak Arabic mis-hearing such poor quality sound.

  • funkyderek

    Double post

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