
by Agent 1 of 1 60 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • talesin

    Taking this 'truth' as a given,

    God is all powerful (omnipotent) and sees all (omniprescient) sp? and we are all his children.

    Here is my question,

    How can I love 'someone' who watches children being horrifically abused and has the power to stop it, yet does nothing?


  • rem

    >> Truth:
    >> I've had this argument out with REM, et al., before:

    >> "Anecdotal evidence" may be considered "weak evidence", but hardly "no evidence at all".

    The value of anecdotes in evaluating extraordinary claims can be considered so weak as to be, in practice, no evidence at all. Anecdotes tend to be more reliable as evidence when used to evaluate ordinary claims.


  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    My biggest question is why has God allowed so many people to misrepresent the Bible to suit their own needs? - i.e. WTS, Fred Phelps, the countless wars killing those simply because they are not Christian

    If faith in what the Bible teaches is so important, then why hasn't God, or Jesus, done something to make sure we have the accurate truth? I know that sounds eerily similar to WTS theology, and I realize they have plenty of flimsy doctrines, - i.e. the 1914 garbage, 144,000 go to Heaven, FDS class, etc. etc.- but wouldn't a loving God provide the accurate truth to people interested in becoming Christians?

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Any of these entities should be capable of showing itself if it exists, thereby ending debate.

    Maybe in their world they're speculating and saying the same thing about us.... that we should be capable of showing ourselves to them to prove that we exist. We know we do, but how do we have the power to show another "world", "universe", whatever that we exists .... could all be relative. Ever initity deals only within their realm. (too mind boggling.... I need a )

  • enquirer

    "For without faith it is impossible to believe God, for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him." (Quotation from A.V. - see if you can find it.)

    Also - "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."(A.V.)

    Interesting verses!


  • El blanko
    El blanko
    Maybe in their world they're speculating and saying the same thing about us.... that we should be capable of showing ourselves to them to prove that we exist. We know we do, but how do we have the power to show another "world", "universe", whatever that we exists .... could all be relative.

    That is a very good point - not one than can be proven, but possibly genius

    I was wondering earlier why it took Eliphas Levi many hours to summon a spirit and also why he had to prepare for many days if not weeks beforehand. Maybe there is a gate that only opens through the correct focus and discipline. It could be the same for a spirit creature, they may have their own form of craft to open portals.

  • truthseeker1

    rem: I totally agree with you. Weak evidence is no way to prove anything.

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    Weak evidence is no way to prove anything.

    What to you constitutes strong evidence?

    Would you require say, a visitation from an angel to gain a firm belief system? After the angel had gone, do you think the process of doubt would set in again?

  • truthseeker1

    Well, if someone told me that an angel visited them, that would be anecdotal. if an angel visited ME, that would be strong evidence. if a guy came to my door saying he was an angel, I'd ask for strong evidence (fly in the air or something to that extent) before I took his word for it. (A sceen from Dogma comes to min when the voice of God appears in the woman's bedroom). I wouldnt accept "the guy down the street says I'm an angel" as strong evidence.

    Strong evidence is something that can be duplicated through scientific experiments. Viewing an apple fall to the ground would be strong evidence that the earth has gravity. Being at a high enough altitude to see the curvature of the earth is strong evidence that the earth is round.

    On a similar note: visitation from a leprachaun would change my beliefs on leprachauns. I dont believe in them now, but if one appeared to me and brought me to his pot-o-gold at the end of his rainbow, then i'll believe in him. Of course if I was taking hallucinogens at the time, i'd probably not trust my sensory devices.

  • rem

    Seeing that for almost 100 years scientific experiments in the field of parapsychology have found no evidence of anything paranormal happening, I'd say there is no good evidence. Many of these experiments are quite ingenious - and if anecdotes are to be believed - picking up evidence of the spirit realm should be extremely easy.

    Unfortunately all we find are negative results or outright fraud.


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