What does the Convention do, when no one gets baptized?

by DaCheech 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • isaacaustin

    more conventions with no baptisms that is...

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    They will have to set up an unbaptism pool outside the entrance.

    A spa pool with a bar and a waiter to look after the new Apostates would be good.



  • dissed

    "Brothers, we have 0 baptismal candidates. Its a sign we are close to the end!"

    20 years ago......"Brothers, we have 50 baptismal candidates. Its a sign from JG we are close to the end!"

  • blondie

    According to the Bethel rep at the last SD , It is a matter of time before baptisms are ditched at special assembly days (and possibly circuit assemblies as well) - he described the situation as "a complete farce". There seems little point in going to the expense and hassle of dedicating a 30 minute talk and hiring a pool for one or two candidates (if any). Most of the baptisms from my circuit over the last few years have been at district conventions where at least you are guaranteed a reasonably large number of candidates - nobody wants to be the only one being baptised.

    At the last Special Day I was at , the speaker addressed his whole talk to the sole candidate , a mortified and terribly embarrassed young woman in the front row , referring to her by her first name throughout. Then a few people trotted out to the 25 metre pool and performed the ceremony in front of a bemused posse of lifeguards and officials.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    My father had one of his victims so frightened of Armageddon arriving before he got baptised that he insisted Dad baptised him in our bath. The ArseEmbly was far too long to wait. My Dad obliged. He spent the remaining 30 odd years of his life peddling the Paradise that never came.

  • dissed

    I was baptized in '72. We had 16 from just our congregation baptized at the CA.

    The questions were handled as a group, like a classroom.

    Most of them have left, maybe all. Have not been in touch since we left.

    So, hardly anyone is getting baptized? I wonder why?

  • JWoods

    I believe that we held the circuit assembly baptisms only in summer months, and also only when it was known that at least a dozen or so baptismees were available. We usually held them at my parents house because we had a pool.

    Almost always the police got called because of people parking all over the place around our house.

  • DaCheech

    thanks to all for the participation.

    I saw this happening years ago in small CA's (800-1000 attendance). now it's happening to more.

    anyway here in Jersey/NYC the "big" conventions are being replaced by 3000 or so at stanley, it will be interesting to see how many get dunked in these new style/size bruhaha's

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