What does the Convention do, when no one gets baptized?

by DaCheech 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hippikon

    a) Everyone gets time off to go to the library to review for the next exam (rotten review)

    b) The Speaker tells dirty jokes for ½ hour

    c) Swimming lessons in the baptism pool pond bath.

    d) Drinking games in the beer tent (that actually used to happen at German conventions )

  • trumangirl

    There were no baptisms at the assembly in my circuit a couple of years ago (that was the second to last assembly I went to). The discouragement was palpable.

    The speaker was a warm speaker with a light friendly touch, he mentioned that there was no candidates at the start but said maybe it was because they planned to get baptised at the district convention! Then he gave the talk anyway because it was "a good reminder for us baptised of our dedication" or something like that. I felt sorry for him, having to dream up a fudge.


  • obiwan

    When there are no baptizims, it's time for apostate porn!!!

  • DaCheech

    I resurrected this old thread I started because since I wrote this 5 years ago I've seen a couple of these doozies!

    I remember being in Giants Stadium, NJ and seeing a baptizmal pool with a line a halfmile long in the early 80's/late 70's.

    now we have to look at the front row, and see 0-20 baptized?

    all these increases that they pronounce must be hogwash

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    In Australia we dunk dummies {K-Mart maniquins} to raise our numbers.

  • DaCheech

    kmart, underwear @400 oak street, cincinnati, Ohio

    yeah yeah

  • JWdaughter

    Truly "Good News To Make You Happy" :)

  • Nathan Natas
  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    I hate heights.....this picture really turnt my tummy...lol Couldnt do that for anyone haha...

  • isaacaustin

    I think I remember a few where none got baptized. I wish I had seen more.

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