Governing Blunders Part II - Women and Cranial Capacity.

by hillary_step 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step

    Part I of Governing Blunders in which the WTS used a quotation from an anonymous psychiatrist and the department on 'many authorities' attempting to prove that woman feel, while men think, and that the tow actions are mutually exclusive, reached this conclusion in part - "Thus the supervision of women by men seems to be nature?s plan, however desperately women may fight it."

    As we all know, it takes as little as this type of statement for groups of men with shiny pants and briefcases to begin herding their women like cattle, trying to convince them that cooking endless 'nutritious' meals really is fun, and that holding a microphone just so, is a real mans work.

    I thought we would continue in like vein, reminding the reader once again that many of the writers and editors of the WT and Awake are still writing atricles for these magazines as we speak.

    From the August 22, 1967 Awake (p27).

    "Thus a leading authority on the human body....tells us the interesting fact that as regards the human skull there is no difference until the time of puberty; but then as adulthood is reached the difference becomes more and more apparent. The female skull is lighter and its cranial capacity is about 10% smaller that that of the male....True, mere brain size in itself is not as important as brain quality, but where the quality is the same the larger brain capacity has an advantage ( there then follows a quote on brain size and ability in starving Africans)

    Implicit in these findings is that man is advantaged by a greater brain size...women must learn the art of 'eternal aquiescence' and 'deep altruism' in dealing with their husbands if they want to find happiness


    Now we do know that many Muslim Clerics and fundamentalist crackpot Christians have concluded that due to having smaller cranial capacities women are of inferior intellect, that the WTS chose to align itself with such thinking is unfortunately not surprising. It was admittedly thirty years ago that this appeared in a WTS magazine, back in the days when God was not so choosy about what he allowed within his dime store rags.

    Things have really changed since then...


  • Puternut

    It's unfortunate that the women in the borg have a 'lesser' status in the borg. This was something that we as elders were reminded of quite often in the elders schools. The men were the 'thinkers' and the women were the 'feelers'. It almost sounded at times that women had no brains at all.

    In my course of time in the borg, I found that the opposite was often more true. There were many women who were better thinkers than some of the bone headed elders. Most were even better readers, and kinder in dealing with others.


  • galaxy7

    very enjoyable read .I am looking forward to more.Do I have the capacity to take all this in?

  • Odrade

    no wonder my cowboy hat falls down over my eyes...

  • SuperMommy

    It is sad that God gave women brains at all LOL...he wasted so many IQ points on women...GET REAL!!

    I guess my high score on aptitude tests and IQ tests must be a mistake...DUH

  • findingme

    This kind of garbage makes my blood boil.

    I wonder what the Governing Body would have to say about the following discrepancy with regard to women's brains:

    Prior to graduation last year, I was chosen for the Vocational Technology Award in Industrial Manufacturing Technology. I graduated with a 4.0 when I received my Associate Degree (last year). This program is male-dominated; I was the only female in the program at the time.

    I have since entered a new program: Engineering. I have a lot of schooling to go through, and it is more difficult and challenging than the previous program. My boss, who is a Professional Engineer where I hold my internship, assures me often, "Robin, you wait. Ten years from now you will own your own firm!" I'm amazed at what a professional person in the field tells me, compared to the Pants within the Organization.

    I still wonder if it was the years of degration by the Organization that led me to pursue a male-dominated field to begin with. How dare they try to mold me in a form "fitting" to women. Hmmmphhhhhh!

  • FlyingHighNow
    Now we do know that many Muslim Clerics and fundamentalist crackpot Christians have concluded that due to having smaller cranial capacities women are of inferior intellect,

    Well, let's see: women generally also have smaller feet but they can walk just as well as men.

    Women have smaller hands in most cases but we can use them just as many ways as men just as well.

    Women have smaller hearts in most cases but we can love just as much and as often as men.

    Women are smaller all over in general than men. It would only stand to reason that our heads might be a little smaller. Doesn't mean our brains have less capacity. They are just smaller in scale.Except for women like me: I have a big head. Does that make me smarter? No. Just means my head is bigger in proportion to my bodysize than the average person.

    I've read "scientific evidence" that the African has a smaller brain than the caucasion. We can make science support our prejudices. If we look hard enough. There is one out there with a study that will support our opinions.

    Thank you, Hilary for being wise enough not to fall for such balderdash. This subject is always very amusing and also very saddening. Makes me bewildered that any of us fell for that headship idiocy.


  • FlyingHighNow
  • Flowerpetal

    Hilary, I always enjoy your posts!!

  • the bandersnatch esq.
    the bandersnatch esq.

    That reminds me of the Harry Enfield sketch, aping the government broadcasts of the 40s and 50s:

    WOMEN - Know your place!

    [int. dining room. England. An old-style 30's dinner party (in b/w) is going on. The men are laughing, and the women are tittering.]

    Voice over: An ordinary dinner party. The sort of occasion we all enjoy.
    The men are exchanging whitty stories. And look at the women - aren't they pretty? Look at how they laugh - aren't they delightful? But now the conversation turns to more serious matters...

    Man 1: I wonder if the government should return to the Gold Standard?

    Man 2: I think it should.

    Man 1: Good. Then we're all agreed.

    Voice Over: But - oh, dear - what's this? One of the women is about to embarrass us all...

    Woman: I think the government should stay off the Gold Standard, so that the Pound can reach a level that would keep our exports competitive.

    Voice Over: The lady's foolishly attempted to join the conversation with a wild and dangerous opinion of her own. What half-baked drivel!

    [The men are regarding the woman with utmost distaste. Man 2's top lip
    curls up. The Woman starts crying, softly, and dabs at her eyes with her napkin]

    Voice Over: See how the men look at her with utter contempt...

    Man 1: We're going home.

    [Man 1 grabs Woman by the arm, and roughly drags the poor unfortunate
    off. a caption appears, and is helpfully read out for us...]


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