UK Daily Mirror Editor Sacked for Printing Faked Iraqi Abuse Photos

by Yizuman 40 Replies latest social current

  • Cassiline
    Yes, but you are only supposed to kill "the enemy" and not civilians. This is expecially important when you are an occupying force supposedly trying to liberate and not just conquer.


    So the men in the article above were all tried in a British court and proven guilty to be war criminials or some such? I'm only asking because it seems that these men who were killed seem very similar to those in the Abu prison.

    Why is what the British troop ANY different than the American, because there are no photos? I just don't get it I guess?


  • Cassiline
    People in the U.S want to be very careful about throwing accusations of Brit troops not being charged

    Please show me where these British Soldiers were charged in the death of these Iraqi POWs less than a year ago.


  • Simon
    Why is what the British troop ANY different than the American, because there are no photos? I just don't get it I guess?

    That's the point I was making - whether there are or are not photo's is not the "big issue". The issue is whether there is or isn't abuse.

    Photo's are just a powerful way of exposing it and focus public opinion. The Brit photo's were fake, the US one's weren't. That's all.

  • Yizuman

    And how do you know the US ones aren't fake? Does that mean every SINGLE photo of a US soldier is real and every UK soldier is fake? Come'on, get real. There's bound to be some fake photos perpretrating a US soldier to be fake just the same as the UK ones. Liberals is willing to do anything to undermine the good things by constantly reporting the bad things and let me remind you that the media has often ignored the good ones more times than the bad. Yiz

  • Simon
    And how do you know the US ones aren't fake? Does that mean every SINGLE photo of a US soldier is real and every UK soldier is fake?

    Jesus wept ...when will you learn to READ !! When have I said that?

    Come'on, get real. There's bound to be some fake photos perpretrating a US soldier to be fake just the same as the UK ones.

    Maybe, but I don't know of any. The pentagon seems to think the US ones are real as well doesn't it? I'm sure they would be the first to claim they weren't if there was the slightest chance.

    Liberals is willing to do anything to undermine the good things by constantly reporting the bad things and let me remind you that the media has often ignored the good ones more times than the bad.

    What you mean is, they don't report the party mantra that everything is rosy and hide the "bad news" such as images of coffins coming home as the president would like? The problem is there hasn't been much good news ... just plenty of bad. As always though it's easier to blame the messenger isn't it?

  • searcher
    Yes, but you are only supposed to kill "the enemy" and not civilians. This is expecially important when you are an occupying force supposedly trying to liberate and not just conquer.

    So when we see on the news, pictures of people in civilian clothes, firing AK47's and the like, are they civilians or the enemy?

  • Simon

    They are the enemy. That's not a hard one is it?

    When you burst into someone's home and put a gun to their head and/or shoot them though, what were they? How about an 8 year old girl in a dress ... would you consider her the enemy?

  • Englishman
    When you burst into someone's home and put a gun to their head and/or shoot them though, what were they? How about an 8 year old girl in a dress ... would you consider her the enemy?

    That's far too simplistic, Simon. You can't label an entire army on the appalling behaviour of a few miscreants. Only if those type of people formed a major part of an opposing force would it be justified to tar everyone with the same brush.


  • donkey
    17-May-04 01:26 May 17, 2004 by Simon: Correct formatting
    17-May-04 02:30 May 17, 2004 by Angharad: Correct formatting
    17-May-04 02:31 May 17, 2004 by Angharad: Insulting, threatening or provoking language

    lmao...Ang I suggest you punish him later. Simon's been a bad boy and you caught him.

  • Simon


    That is not what the discussion is about or the point I was making, it was just to answer the insinuation that I was somehow advocating that I wouldn't expect people to be shot at in war.

    I do expect people who are taking part in battle to be shot at but I do not expect unarmed civilians to be shot (or targetted rather). There has be be a line somewhere and most recognise that this is it.

    Unfortunately, it seems that some think that "it's a war" is enough justification to excuse any and all killing and any behaviour - it isn't.

    I get the impression that people are being 'deliberately stupd' though to try and label me or attribute comments to me that I have simply not made and do not believe.

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