Does posting here build your character???Has It Help you in any way???

by frankiespeakin 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    I think when we post here we are rubing each other by a kind of energy that seems to be moving us in a good direction,,

    It is very weird but has anybody else felt this???

  • gitasatsangha

    It helped me out, yes. Defiantely, yes. Not really any longer, though its nice to know the old place is there when you need it.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Roger that,I was just saying to my mate,mental exercise has been found to forestall alzheimers,and we have fun too.Well living is the best revenge and we kill the enemy besides.

    Making me cybersavy too.

  • Stefanie

    I agree. I feel like I belong here. Hope I can make someone feel the same way.

  • talesin

    I never realized how much residual anger and pain I had in me for the WTS. Over the last while, I have realized how angry I am; I had to take a couple breaks from here for a week, 10 days to work it out. It was beginning to spill out of me in ways I did not like. Yes, the board has helped me a lot with that.

    Being out of the bOrg for so long, I had no knowledge of the UN, child abuse scandals, and the changes with 'new light'. I have learned a lot about abuse within the org. It has also been MOST helpful to know that I am not alone, there are many others who struggle with the same issues as I.

    I have always been far too serious. Lately, I have been having a lot of laughs with JWD, and even joking around myself more!! Hopefully, this will translate to RL as well. Also, I have never been able to flirt, sounds silly but it is a fun thing and I have been too shy mostly, but I'm getting there.


  • kls

    Since i have been here i can't even believe myself. I have become very strong were as before i was very shy and very weak. My dub husband would always be able to minipulate me but not any more . Basically i have become very independant and i won't take anymore crap from him . I don't know if you all realy know the impact this forum has on people,when someone needs help you are all there ,if someone has questions you are all there to answer and most of these people have never met any on this forum and will do any thing it takes to help. This is family and i thankyou all.

  • Puternut

    I can finally be myself, without being worried about getting called on the carpet.

  • lovinglife

    Oh definitely! It has helped me in many aspects of my life, showing me that I'm not the only one whose dealt with being a JW and the craziness that went with it. It has helped me get another family member out for good. It reaffirms to me just how lucky I am to have gotten out when I did. I do not post very often but I cannot let a couple of days go by without looking in to read new posts. It keeps me informed (Blondie's Watchtower study; etc.) because I still have other family members in and it lets me know what information they are being fed. It has helped me heal old wounds that I had been carrying around with me for many years. Yes, this site has definitely affected my life. Bless you and thank you Simon and everyone that contributes to this site!

  • slipnslidemaster

    I was wondering whos hand that was!

  • blacksheep

    Yes 'n No. I love relating to people here. But, geeze, I get addicted and think I spend to much time here when I should be fulfilling my other (VAST) responsibilities!

    But so WHAT! Really, I cannot say enough about forums such as these. I wish they had been around when I was REALLY soul searching years ago./

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