Remember the 1961 green Bible?

by outbutnotdown 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • cobaltcupcake

    OMG, the dinosaur! We joined the cult when I was 12, and I always thought that dino was just whacked out. It was like they were implying dinosaurs lived at the same time as those costumed guys in Europe.

    And that green! I heard some story about the WTS getting a good deal on the green vinyl. Must have been a boatload that nobody else wanted.

    You'd need large pockets to accommodate those "pocket" bibles.

  • jam

    I swear I saw that green bible in a movie last nite," The

    Wrath of Cain" starting Ving Rhames. He found God while

    serving life.LOL

  • steve2

    I remember when the New World translation was not fully translated and, as more "books" of the Hebrew Scriptures were translated, was progressively released in successive assemblies. The print was large too, with lots and lots of footnotes. My dear JW grandparents were ecstatic with each new release.

    Above all else, I remember the lovely fresh printery smell.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    I might be going against the grain here in saying this, but I was actually quite impressed with the thing when I first encountered it.

    When my newly-converted JW grandmother gave me one as a present back in 1964, the mainstream churches were still using the King James version - and the archaic English in that used to put a lot of people off, including me.

    At least the "Witnesses' bible" was written in modern English (little did I know!)


  • steve2

    Interesting comment Bill. However, I think the plain language English Revised Standard Version (RSV) was in circulation well before the New World Translation.

    The New World Translation was certainly not a "first" in terms of a plain English language Bible.

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