Remember the 1961 green Bible?

by outbutnotdown 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    I almost forgot:Back in 1990 during operation desert storm i purchased a complete camoflauge hard cover pocket size Bible with a metal plate in the cover to provide bullet proofing.I brought it to the Kingdom Hall and showed it around.The elders said:"only Danny would buy a "bulletproof" Bible".

    Roger that,how perceptive of them.Undaunted Danny

  • Junction-Guy

    I remember the green,red and brown bibles. In fact I believe I still have one of the red ones that belongs to my Dad. My grandma had a black bible in the 70's it was a soft cover, this would have been before they new black bible, does anyone remember this one.Everybody else in the family had the green ones though


  • codeblue

    lol...Nina could be right. Maybe the green stuff used was at a HUGE discount price!!!

    What an unholy color for a book that is suppose to be the HOLY Bible.


  • ball.

    That was known as the "delux" in the UK, gold leaf on the edges.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    While we were all forced to use the yucky green Bible my husband reserved his Deluxe Bible for the platform.

    Took me quite a while to get my own deluxe version

  • hoser


  • bigmac

    I was so grateful when the Bibles were finally printed in black in 1981 (?)

    interesting (well--almost )---over here in the UK we had "proper" versions--black--flexible cover--gold leaf edging---in the mid 60's--i was pioneering then--in birmingham--and we sold--sorry--placed---lots of them in the west indian immigrant community. as we got them at pioneer rates--they were a good little earner.

    i wonder if the wotsoc kept back the supply of these black editions--and fobbed off other parts of the world with the green jobs.

    i remember the 5 separate sections--plus the "christian greek" part-0--and werent they also bound as one big fat green single edition?

  • tiki

    wow - i remember the bright green one, but nothing about dinosaurs.......i recall before that it came in separate volumes in a dark forest green with a larger print. they were into bright colors back then - the orange paradise book - there was a neon green was it daniel? bright yellow one from the early 60's - i want to say something about salvation?

    the green though was very undignified....when they came out with the maroon or black with gold leaf it was much more "professional" looking......and believable. as for its contents i lapped up the cream that it was the BEST most ACCURATE translation going..........but i was a kid, what did i know.

  • transhuman68

    LOL, there's the dinosaur from the inside front cover of the NWT. Very historically accurate, just like everything the WTS publishes...

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    i remember the 5 separate sections--plus the "christian greek" part-0--and werent they also bound as one big fat green single edition?

    Yes, the JUMBO Bible (US - FAT BOY), I still have one. Bought at a District Convention in Blackpool (1966 I think).


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