Which Side of the Bed?

by simplesally 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • outoftheorg

    Yeah, what Dan O said.

    Same side.

    Same reason.

    Different wife. Got to get that in.

    Otherwise I would get trampled on several times a night.


  • onacruse

    Whatever 6 square inches I can get...often on the floor!

  • JH

    I live alone, and take the whole bed, unless my cat decides otherway.

    OK, I take what my cat leaves me.

  • Sassy

    I have always slept on the side nearest the door. It began at first from being pregnant during first yr of marriage.... and all those nighttime restroom breaks... then the baby comes along and the baby cries... and I was the one that everytime had to get up.. so I needed to get to the door as fast as possible.. .. then it just became habit..

    and so depending on how the bedroom is set up in coordination to the door...... depends on if I am on the right or left side of the bed..

  • jwsons

    For me whatever side is also okay, unless my head is not closer to the front door (or windows) than my legs. I always have a scary thought:Someone may get in through the front door (or windows) and chop my head instead of my legs. Funny thought but it makes me feel secure


  • xLaurax

    I have the sexiest bed in the world. It is a four-poster with the little princess curtains around. It's placed right in the middle of the room and i refuse to let anybody sleep in it. I tend to sleep on the left if your looking at it but for some stupid reason i found myself on the right this morning..

    I love my bed


  • ball.

    Funny thing is, I have always slept closest to the door. I have been told on good authority that normally the man sleeps closest to the door, and we have evolved to assume the "protector" of the female, from the days of sleeping closest to the cave entrance. I suppose to stop bears or maybe other cavemen taking your women? Anyway, it doesn't really apply to me as I don't have any women to protect so I sleep bang slap in the middle of my king size bed with four pillows and Ralph Lauren black bed linen. I like my bed too.

  • LittleToe

    You're all paranoid or perverted!!! All of you!!!



    Darn!! I posted to this thread, too

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Depends on if it's an election year or not. In election years, I sleep on the couch.


  • JessieeMay

    I sleep on the left and my husband on the right,however if I am alone I tend to sleep on the right side for some reason.

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