To the theists (Christian or otherwise)....

by logansrun 80 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stillajwexelder

    Please do not all berate me -- but I actually agree with the WTBTS explanation - it sorta makes sense

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    But time is not actually stretched in this instance, just your perception of it.

    Our perception of time makes time what it is.

    LSD was responsible for my most profound experiences. Totally whacked out and twisted.

  • GentlyFeral

    I do believe that there are invisible people to whom we can appeal for help. Maybe it's because there's a hole in my self-confidence or something, but the world is less horrific that way.

    But I don't believe in an all-wise, omnipotent, all-loving creator.

    There's a South American myth I saw illustrated in a book once - a giant humanoid figure with tiny human and animal figures all over it: a god emanating living creatures like sweat. This makes much more sense to me - a creator working out of its instincts or subconscious, driven not by "love" (although that may be a factor) but by the need to create as humans need to breathe. A creator who may, in fact, be the universe.

    The gods who love us are lower down in the "great chain of being" - small enough to have minds that understand human concepts like "love" and "power" and "justice", but big enough to make the impossible happen sometimes.

    And I haven't even touched on why evil exists. I think now that it's more like "And then they realized they were naked" - evil was not recognizable as such by the universe until humans opened their eyes to it for the first time.


  • rem

    >>We're trying out for Philosophy 101, here. Why don't ya join in with some opinions, instead of sniping from the sidelines

    My opinion is that (that particular part of) the conversation is just about as silly and worthwhile as discussing the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin. I'm just pragmatic that way. ;)

    Carry, on, friends!


  • hybridous

    Bear with me...

    Consider the situation at mankind's 'creation'...God(knowing good and evil) and mankind(not knowing good and evil). If God's goal is to bring creation closer to him/her self, perhaps mankind could only eventually become 'God-like' through experiencing, and understanding evil.

  • logansrun


    Please do not all berate me -- but I actually agree with the WTBTS explanation - it sorta makes sense

    How then do you respond to my argument against their explanation earlier in this thread? Bradley

  • jgnat

    Stumbled across this today, Bradley. I think you would enjoy it.

    "Yet Another Dialogue Regarding Natural Religion"

  • Abaddon


    It's all very well you trying to make the conversation look silly, but you expose your own ignorance old chap. You have to know the size of pin, the type of angel, the style of dance, the ductility of the ether...

    Joking aside I would say that the concepts discussed have been excessively Biblio-centric, and thus the square-peg-into-round-hole nature of trying to explain "why god permits evil" when you are talking about a bronze-age tribal god given a warm-over by a putative messiah with humanistic overtones and then developed from simple beginings into a state religion are rather noticable.

    Of course it doesn't make bloody sense.

    BUT it is interesting to go beyond those rather quaint beliefs and wonder why a non-corporeal being of immense power would allow sapient creatures to experience subjective misery.

    Doesn't neccesarily make more sense though...


    Hiya! How's life treating you these days. Hi from me and Delilah

    I do believe that there are invisible people to whom we can appeal for help.

    Gotta love the people who answer the phone when you dial 911...

    ... I'd love it if I could believe it. Occasionally the Glastonbury Fairy (for want of a better name) smiles on me or rewards my desires... but she is fickle. Either that or I'm personifying sychronicity.

  • LittleToe

    Define synchronicity, personified or otherwise...

  • rem

    Coincidence. :)


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