Freedom of speech, cousin Jeb and the Bin Ladens

by Simon 71 Replies latest social current

  • dubla


    i don't think i claimed the US has no freedom of speech did i?

    i asked you if you agreed with simons suggestion, namely that disneys rejection of this movie in some way equals "no free speech in america". you responded by talking about indirect censorship and how authors cant be successful without media backing. maybe you misunderstood me....i was just trying to stick to the thread lets ask again: do you agree with simons suggestion?


  • ThiChi

    (Lets see how much freedom of speech I have here..)

    1. Moore knew for a whole year that Disney would not distribute the film. Why the big hoopla now? To dramatically get all the milage that he can get, to help his radical left agenda.

    1a. Moore has a distributer all ready lined up to distribute the film in the US.

    2. Disney is a private business (non-governmental), which can decide for itself to distribute or not to distribute the film. The Government is not involved. As such, there is no freedom of speech issue.

    3. Like Moore?s last film, I am sure we will soon read about the factual mistakes of his current ennui project.

  • dubla


    one correction......disney is a public company, not private......doesnt change your facts on the topic though, which are all correct.


  • ThiChi

    I use the term as a "non-governmental" operation.

  • dubla


  • dubla
    As such, there is no freedom of speech issue.

    heh, of COURSE there is no freedom of speech issue......that doesnt mean there wont be zealots on here so intent on getting out their anti-whatever agenda that they will try to make issues where there are none. its really pathetic.


  • AlanF

    Moore is a thoroughly dishonest pseudo-journalist who makes up stories that tickle the ears of ultra-liberals to make himself a pile of money. Of course, a lot of what he writes is true -- if everything he wrote were false, he wouldn't last long -- but he intersperses a few lies among the truths. His movie "Bowling for Columbine" and his book Stupid White Men are good examples of this dishonesty mixed with truth. Moore tends to exaggerate the faults of those he goes after, in the same way that JWs tend to exaggerate the faults of JW critics.

    Nevertheless, if Moore manages to tell the truth about a nefarious connection between the Bush administration and the Bin Ladens, then I'd like to hear it.


  • Realist


    i don't know what simon intended etc.

    in my opinion the US has of course freedom of speech but the possibility to get opposing opinions across to the broad public is severely restricted.

  • dubla


    i don't know what simon intended etc.

    are you serious? here, ill paste for you:

    Well, despite not having the much touted "freedom of speech" that America enjoys, we will get to see Micheal Moore's new film "Farenheit 911" whereas America, for now, won't..........

    Still think you have freedom of speech?

    are you telling me you cant see the insinuation there? if you really dont want to answer the question, just say so, lol.


  • Valis

    I look at people like Moore the same way I look at the Rush Limbaughs of the world...polar opposites working toward basically the same, recognition, and the talk of the town...I also agree w/AlanF..


    District Overbeer

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