Few Black/African people on this board

by Joker10 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat
    Anyway, sometimes I think JWs are okay with blacks/hispanics as long as they stay in their place, i.e. not dating my kid, sometimes that's when their true feelings come out.

    I grew up in a bi-racial household. My father caucasian, my step-mother Asian. Since I am bi-racial (Caucasian/Asian) myself, most often people didn't realize my step-mom wasn't my real mother. I always loved how accepting the brothers were in almost every congregation I went to. My parents were never racist that I could remember. We had friends black, white, yellow, red. It never mattered.

    That is until I was 18 and interested in a black brother in a neighboring congregation. My father went ballistic! I could NOT understand his hostility at all, so I yelled at him one time in an argument, "How is this different from you and mom?" He said, "Mom's not black. Her skin color is pretty much the same as mine. Being black is a different story."

    Not too long after that I began seeing the "troof" for what it was. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

  • Sassy
    growing up I was the all white congregation's pet young black sister, they all just loved me...until the white PO's son and I got engaged

    Sabine, I can understand that. There are a lot of people who say they aren't predjudiced, but when put to the test, they can be. But then again it doesn't have to be about race either. My brother started dating an elders daughter and they had been all nice to our face, but when they found out their daughter was interested in my brother, it was a whole different situation. It wasn't that he wasn't white like she was, but that he wasn't the level of social circle background that they came from, he simply wasn't good enough for their family. They put an end to their relationship immediately.

    I know for me, many people, even those who I thought were friends and JWs when I was and I assumed they were not predjudice in any way, then they found out I was dating (and engaged) to a black brother..... comments I received were......so you are into that Zebra thing huh?... or.. why date black men ? when statisitcally more of them beat their women.. (I think I already commented on that statement earlier in this thread.. or the other one).. these comments came from 'brothers' and 'sisters'...on the normal they would tell you they have no predjudice.........but in the real... sure they are

  • Sabine
    It wasn't that he wasn't white like she was, but that he wasn't the level of social circle background that they came from, he simply wasn't good enough for their family.

    To be fair Sassy, this was a huge part of it too. I had no family in the religion, and my husband's dad was very looked up to as a former missionary and the PO. At first he claimed he was just disappointed his son wasn't going to follow his footsteps and go to giliead and be a missionary, later though, he suggested if my husband "needed" to get married why not a local white sister in particular who's dad was an elder and also had a high status in the area...it's all so pathetic really. In desparation my father-in-law finally brought out a rooming form (we used to ask local householders to house convention delegates and this form needed to be filled out). In this rooming form it asked for the delegates race, he said "what box would you two check off, you are two different races"...boy was he reaching!

  • logansrun

    Well, I'd like to consider myself a black man in a white man's body. I'm the opposite of a coconut: white on the outside, dark on the inside.

    Bradley.....(has anyone noticed there are no black emoticons available? Racism!!)

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