An honest estimate of ourselves.... (long)

by Theocrat 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    3 b-days are in the bible. Job's kids.

    Well, yeah The Living Bible calls those gatherings birthdays; but not all versions of the Bible call them birthdays. Whether it be two or whether it be three b-days, the point is still the same: there is no ban.

  • AlanF

    Theocrat, your exposition on the Bible has virtually nothing to do with why people on this board are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses. Leaving Christianity is quite different from leaving the JWs. Christianity has its own problems, and the JW organization has much worse problems.

    For example, the JW organization until recently made it a priority to cover up sexual molestation in the ranks of JWs. Now, due to a good deal of adverse publicity, the Watchtower Society has tightened up a bit on its rules, but it still makes doing as little as possible to deal properly with molestors a priority. This can be seen in its policy of demanding two eyewitnesses to an act of molestation before they'll admit an accusation against a JW. How many molestors molest in front of a 2nd eyewitness? Not many, and the few eyewitnesses are not about to admit to witnessing molestation and doing nothing about it. So the Watchtower's policy, as William Bowen of Silentlambs rightly points out, makes a virtual "pedophile paradise" in JW congregations. Furthermore, the Society's policy of asking elders to report molestation only when State laws demand it, rather than a proactive policy of asking elders report all acts of molestation, proves their indifference to molestation victims.

    The Society's tradition of ignoring the criminal nature of child molestation is well illustrated by what the Governing Body did when it was informed in 1984 that one of its members, Leo K. Greenlees, had molested a ten year old boy. Rather than reporting this pervert to the New York State police, they convened a judicial committee and found him repentant, then sent him off to be a Society-supported special pioneer. He died a few years later, a respected member of a New Orleans congregation. Now let's look at this carefully: Greenlees was in his early 70's when he committed this heinous act. There is simply no way that a man of that age would suddenly begin to lust after young boys. Therefore he had been a pedophile for a very long time. This fact is proved by the recent surfacing of a man who Greenlees molested back around 1960, when the man was just about 10 years old. This whole thing proves several points: (1) Since God would never appoint a child molestor to a position of authority in any organization he had anything to do with, the fact that Greenlees was appointed to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses in the early 1970s proves that the JW organization has nothing to do with God. (2) The Governing Body as a whole, by finding this serial molestor repentant rather than investigating him thoroughly, and then sending him out among "the sheep", proved themselves to be uncaring about "the flock", which proves that they have nothing to do with God. (3) The Governing Body proved themselves willing to violate "Caesar's laws" on reporting molestation, as well as normal common sense about the same, simply to avoid a public scandal. Scandal, of course, admitted by the Governing Body itself, would prove fatal to the belief of a great many Jehovah's Witnesses that this Governing Body is what it claims to be -- the voice of Jehovah God on earth.

    So, Theocrat, unless you can convince people on this forum that the JW Governing Body has anything to do with God, in view of the above facts, you might as well save your breath. These people bought the organization under the Brooklyn Bridge one too many times.


  • eljefe

    However, his family and the other elders did not treat him as if he were an apostate. They lovingly helped him through prayer and upbuilding conversations.

  • BluesBrother

    Welcome Theocrat , I appreaciate an honest, albeit opposite viewpoint., just watch yourself. You have no right to be here if you wish to remain in "Good standing", You could find yourself "Cast out into pits of deep darkness"

    Is life better outside? yes, believe me. Once I stepped off that treadmill ....Oh what blessed relief!

    We do not all take pleasure in the "Works of the flesh" ... I feel the need to prove to my family that behaviours come from within , not the product of WTS rules... I have nothing against Christianity, just the hypocracy of the WTS and the fact that their arguments are so easily destroyed by an "Honest estimate"... The Bible does not really teach it , if you read in context . Take the challenge and study it using outside as well as "In house" resources

    Being "In the Truth" can be at it's best , fun ,sociable and inspire one to do what is right, but the trouble is, IT IS JUST NOT TRUE.......It aint going to happen , there is no New World. That is an invention of men . We only have "70 or 80 years , not eternity .Once people realise that, who can blame them for living the rest of their allotted time any way that they chose.

  • myauntfanny

    Hey, Theocrat, just couldn't stay away, huh? I think you hardline JWs come here to give sermons because nobody at the hall argues with you and that must get really boring. Listen, have you read 1984 by George Orwell? Because this

    ?The Way of Life?Narrow but Free,?

    sounds just like newspeak to me. Narrow but free, narrow but free, why not repeat it to yourself 100 times till you hear how ridiculous it sounds? I've got to give it to you though, you have a brilliant sense of humour when you're pissed off. I laughed out loud at that picture.


    Oh wise theocrat, you have chastened me with your winsome words...I am on my way to the kingdom hall now..

    Oh wait, you are a servant of Jah posting on a forum with known apostates! GASP!

    You've stumbled me now....

    let us know how that millstone round the neck thingy works out...

    "I do not sit with wicked men of lies..I hate the company of those who truth(tm.) despise.."

    Examine yourself wingnut


  • Golf

    Theo, I'm not being a smart ass in asking this question, since Jah is a God of order, why the prevalence of 'emotional misfits' within the org?

    Guest 77

  • beaker
    3 b-days are in the bible. Job's kids.

    When Moses was relating the account of Pharoah's birthday at Genesis 40:20, he uses the words "day" (hebrew-yowm) and "birthday" (hebrew-yalad)

    Gen 40:20 "And it came to pass the third day, which was Pharaoh's birthday........"

    At Job 1:13 when it speaks about Job's children being all together on "the day" the verse only uses the Hebrew word yowm

    The writer of Job was not specifically refering to the day as being one of the children's birthdays.


  • neyank

    So you're advocating going back to the WTS in order to please God?

    Do you equate worshipping a man made and man run orginization with worshipping God?

    With the many scriptures you use, do you not remember the scriptures that state what to do with a false prophet?

    The WTS has proven to be a false prophet.

    Do you not remember the scriptures that describe true followers of Jesus and what they would be doing?

    The WTS does none of it.

    What about their many,many,many changes in teachings over the years?

    God does not change and He certainly wouldn't demand that false teachings be believed as a test only to change His teachings later on.

    Are you saying that you believe that the needless deaths caused by WTS teachings were aproved by God?

    The WTS changed the teachings later on. Too bad for those that followed them tho.

    Are you saying the only thing acceptable to God is to attend the many sales,WTS meetings and going out trying to sell useless literature that helps no one?

    Are you saying that we must be enslaved to a book publishing company to show our loyalty to God?

    Funny but no matter how much I looked, I could not find that in the scriptures. I even checked the NWT.

    If being enslaved to a book publishing company was what is pleasing to God, He would have made that clear. Don't you think so?

    The WTS has proven what they really are. And they certainly have nothing to do with pleasing God.

    But if you can show us why belonging to the WTS, even with all the facts proving they are an unChristian denomination, is a must in pleasing God then by all means do so.

    Otherwise you're just using a sales pitch for the WTS. But you must remember that most here have already investigated the history, false teachings, false date setting, and unChristian practices of the WTS.

    So acording to the scriptures, we are not to have anything to do with such an orginization.

    BTW. Did you know that the name Jehovah is not Gods name?
    Even in the Aid book, I think, the WTS admits the name came from a Catholic monk.


  • Corvin

    Theocrat, you are such a self-righteous troll. I can't speak for anyone else, but I will say this; The WTBTS f*cked up my childhood, my parents, my brothers and my friends. They tried to ruin my kids and their future through their mother and stepfather and a bunch of window washing morons called elders. Since I got the hell out of the org, and since I got my kids away from those insane idiots, we have never been happier or more stable. I do not overdrink, dont't do drugs, steal, lie, cheat or harm anyone deliberately. I do not have to be JW to be a good person and my relationship with God is between me and God, and it is none of your effing business. Stop judging everyone in here you pious, self-righteous, NWT spewing, WT wannabe. You remind me of the JW who had never suffered the loss of a loved one in all their life who said to me when my mother died, "get over it and move on". She didn't know anything about what I was going through, and neither do you. Rub a Monkey, Corvin

  • exjdub


    I?m just asking your to be honest with yourselves. If you pick up the ?spirit of the world,? doubting will become a part of your thinking pattern. But 1 Corinthians 2:12 writes: ?Now we received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is from God, that we might know the things that have been kindly given us by God.? One of those ?things? Jehovah gave us is a purpose in life. We know where we are heading.

    It is interesting that you would state the above. If you have done any reading at all in this forum it should be obvious to you that many here doubted, not because of the "spirit of the world", but rather because of the poisionous spirit of the WTBS while they were deeply dedicated JW's. Doubts were then confirmed by the lack of love and the hypocritical stance that the Society has taken on issues too numerous to mention.

    Just because we do not accept the spewing garbage that the WTBS puts forth does not mean that people here have no purpose in life. Our purpose just doesn't include gullibilty to the exclusion of all reason.

    The "tree" (WTBS) is rotten Theocrat. A rotten tree cannot produce good fruit. But you keep right along believing if that helps you...we have just chosen to educate ourselves and stop putting blinders on. Think for yourself without the rose colored WTBS glasses on. It just might make you a happier person who does not feel the need to "adjust" everyone.


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