Has this happened to anyone else?

by EyeDrEvil 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    LOL Candles!!

  • EyeDrEvil

    Another thought about this "situation."

    When the elders came to my home to explain their/ the "Society's" position on the matter, I felt as if I was in an episode of Twilight Zone, the 1984 Episode (if there ever was one). They stayed and "reasoned" with us for 3 hours. And for every one verse they quoted, we had 2 to return back

    They explained that though the bible does not say anything about facial hair having anything to do with my spirituality or disqualify one from serving the congregation (see scripture on qualifications of a MS), it is the Society's/elders position to keep peace in the congregation -- and since one person had a problem with my facial hair, I should take the high road and shave it so that I would not stumble that one brother.

    My question to them was at what point do I keep bending to the will of the few --- move from my nice home to the 'hood? Quit my private practice and get a job I hate? Sell my car and and buy a junked up mini-van, since my 4 door sedan is not big enough to transport a car group of 8? Wear only blue ties with white shirts, never ever any stripes? Stand on the corner in a pink tu-tu with a hula hoop around my belly, passing out WatchTowers to any passers-by? I swear, the elder who came to my home that told me, with a totally straight face, that if the Society told him to stand on the corner in a pink tu-tu, stand on his head and preach the "good news" at the top of his lungs, he would do it, no questions asked. Scary red flags were going off for me at that time.

    Didn't Goerring and those lovely SS guys say the same thing -- "I was just following orders..."

    Like I said before, I am so glad we are out. Glad our kids weren't poisoned too badly. They have moved on from the "shoulds" and "don'ts" very nicely. Every day is a blessing without that heavy WT burden as a frontlet band hanging in front of our forehead!!!


  • finnrot

    Cute candles.....NOT way too much info. Some of us have a good sense of humor and don't have a stick up our collective asses.

  • CeriseRose

    Well since I'm a light skinned and fair haired female, I haven't really had many problems with facial hair. Of course as a JW I didn't get to hold the mike or offer public prayers anyway. ;)

    I have known people on both sides...some who had the beard and others who didn't. Some retained their privileges, and others did not. The really odd thing was this was in the same congregation. I guess it was elders' OPINIONS on the right way to deal with it and not completely the WTS' stand on it.

    My feeling on it is, if there is a God (still not sure how I feel about religion now that I'm out), if he had a problem with men having hair on the lower half of their face, he'd have made it so you wouldn't get it. Right? I mean, omnipotence has to be useful somehow and if God doesn't want facial hair on men, then it's up to him to control it.

    My 2 cents. heh

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    I was sentenced to eternal reproof for staying single,also reviled a 'faggot' for not doing my brotherly duty of marriage and for making married brothers jealous of my singledom.


  • cyber-sista
    From early youth he had let his beard grow, and since some in the business community wore beards, he felt that his wearing one in preaching to others would be acceptable generally. But in speaking to a lady he was unable to do more than introduce himself, when she said: "I?m sorry, young man, I do not want to become involved in student revolt." No amount of explanation after this sufficed to clear up the misimpression. After the conversation ended with the closing of the door, he asked the experienced Witness what had happened. He was invited to consider his appearance in relation to what he claimed to be, a servant of God. Not wanting to be responsible for even one person?s being stumbled so as to miss the way to everlasting life, this new Kingdom publisher shaved off his beard. Would you be willing to do the same or to make similar adjustments if your appearance gave the wrong impression in a certain community?

    The uptight judgemental woman in this story is just the kind of person the Org is looking for (now wouldn't she make a nice sister). This story doesn't even seem real to me. Or, it could be that this woman just didn't like JWs and this was her excuse to get rid of this guy.

    How can this make any sense at all--if God is really calling people (or shaking them out of the nations) is this call from God so weak and inaudable that a person would not accept a heartfelt calling from God because someone stumbled them by their facial hair or insense burning, windchimes, etc etc etc....

  • cyber-sista

    How about sisters with hairy legs (or underarms)--anybody ever know any of them? Now that could be an interesting WT study...

  • Mac

    When I was young I was denied the "privelege" of auxiliary pioneering due to the length of my hair. I asked how short it needed to be and they told me they could not set such standards. I asked them if I trimmed my sideburns and shortened the back would it be okay? They said they couldn't determine that. I said ..... "But you know it's too long now....right???" They said yes. I inquired as to whether they would recognize an acceptable length if they observed me wearing it...they said yes.

    "But, you can't tell me what that length is?"


    "But, you'd know it if you saw it?"


    "But, you don't set standards?"


    "You guys are joke.... I had better not go door to door then at all......right?"

    "No, we aren't saying that."

    "I am...thanks... and goodnight!"

    ( A**holes)

    mac, dust on the bookbag class

  • FMZ

    Yes, exactly the same in fact. I was told the same thing, and it was exactly what got me out as well. It was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    I'm with Puternut on this one... God doesn't care whether we have facial hair.

    Even if he did, he would not ban it completely I am sure. A well kept beard or moustache can compliment a face well... sure... if it is the length of ZZ Tops, with bits of dirt, food, insects, various new lifeforms, then sure, someone may recommend a slight trim. But anything short of that (i.e. if not everything on that checklist is met), I dont see a problem.


  • EyeDrEvil


    you are so right!

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