June 1st Watchtower - The brothers are tiring out

by truthseeker 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Here's a little gem from the June 1st 2004, WT

    Second study article: Blessed are those who give glory to God

    para 7

    The apostle Paul also reminds us that "we have a wrestling...against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places"

    We are constantly exposed to the "spirit of the world," the spirit of rebellion and moral corruption that Satan and his

    demons promote. Like God-fearing Lot, we today may be distressed by the immoral things that people around us say

    and do. We are also exposed to Satan's direct attack. Satan is waging war with the remnant of anointed ones, "who

    observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus." Jesus' "other sheep" too experience

    Satan's attack in the forms of bans and persecutions.

    para 7 introduces the aspect that Satan is attacking every witness on earth. Little evidence is given to support exactly how Satan is "waging war" against the remnant.

    but, are the brothers allowed to be tired? Of course not, paragraph 8 kicks in...

    Give In or Fight Back?

    para 8

    What should be our response to Satan's attacks? Like the ancient tribe of Gad, we must be spiritually strong and fight back in

    accord with God's directions. Sad to say, some have begun to give in under the pressures of life, neglecting their spiritual

    responsibilities. One Witness said this about why meeting attendance in his congregation was low: "The brothers are just

    getting tired. They're all stressed out." Granted, people today have many reasons to be tired. It is, therefore, easy to view God's

    (WTS) worship as another pressure, a burdensome obligation. But is that a healthy - or correct - view?

    Let's think about this. Whose commandments are burdensome? Jehovah's or the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society?

    who tells us to attend all 5 meetings a week, preach 10 hours a month, pray for Bible studies, attend conventions and assemblies, prestudy every book and magazine, and do personal study in addition to daily Bible reading.

    Contrast this with Jesus' commandments: "Love Jehovah with your whole soul..." and "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."

    It is no wonder that the friends are tiring out from running on the religious treadmill.

  • minimus

    They are FORCED to acknowledge that they are losing people. It's happening EVERYWHERE! Thank God for the internet!!

  • imallgrowedup

    Ahhhhhhhh.... the notorious WT 'guilt trip' with nary a mention of the possibility that changing doctrine, UN affiliation, and abuse scandals could be chasing them away........


  • blondie

    That is what I thought too, minimus, the WTS has had to admit that meeting attendance is low...but they blame it on the rank and file.


  • Blueblades

    Hidden between the lines is this, meeting attendance is low,therefore, the money collected at the end of low meeting attendance is low.

    Sure the rank and file are tiring out and meeting attendance is low, the real concern is that when they count the money collected at those low meetings it is also low.

    So, they write an article to make the rank and file feel guilty for not attending no matter how tired they are because they think that a higher attendance will bring in more money in the boxes.

    So let's not let Satan stop you from contributing money at the meetings.Remember neglecting your spiritual responsibilities leads to neglecting your material donations to us.This is what is hidden between the lines.000000000 attendance = loss of $$$$$$$$$$$.


  • Sunspot

    **the WTS has had to admit that meeting attendance is low...but they blame it on the rank and file.**

    My thoughts as well! Again, it's the same old-same old "blame the victim" response to ANYTHING the GB has control over. DON'T ever change things cuz THEY'RE speaking for God, dontcha know!

    They have no CLUE about the burnout that JWs experience, OR that their "spiritual food" has been chewed over, spit out and rechewed and spit out again...not a very appetizing (meal) prospect at all!

    Usually I can't STAND reading WT literature (unless it's for "research" purposes :) but THIS article was veeeerrrrryyy interesting! (but.......shtoopid!) [From old "Laugh In skit)



  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Make more meetings!
    More field service!
    More comments!
    More study!
    More assemblies!
    Give us more money!
    Don't think, just believe!

    If you don't do exactly as we say, Jehovah will hate you, you will die and it will be your fault.

  • garybuss

    Why would they ADVERTISE they are having problems? That's NEVER a prudent business decision. For the life of me, I can't understand this strategy. What's the message they are sending to their members?

    When I was associating in the 50', 60's, and early 1970's they displayed increases every month as proof they were the approved spirit channelers. Now they seem to be advertising losses. Why? I understand why they are having losses, I just don't see why they think it's the best decision in the whole world to advertise it. GaryB

  • oscar

    In my moms hall there has been a tremoundos increase I could not believe it when she told me they have like 20 new publishers.

  • Nosferatu
    One Witness said this about why meeting attendance in his congregation was low: "The brothers are just getting tired. They're all stressed out." Granted, people today have many reasons to be tired. It is, therefore, easy to view God's (WTS) worship as another pressure, a burdensome obligation. But is that a healthy - or correct - view?

    This really makes me sick. You know, the WTS could have some compassion and say, "It might be wise to take a break from everything, take some time off from attending meetings, take a week off work, and just relax so they won't overload themselves". But no, they need to tighten their grip until they choke the brothers to death.

    Healthy or correct view? Burning out can't be healthy. The WTS is keeping themselves #1 in peoples' lives, rather than letting individuals be #1 in their own lives. The Society just doesn't care about peoples' emotional or physical health, just as long as the money keeps rolling in.

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