Persecution of JW's Imminent?

by blacksheep 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    The thing about being persecuted for your beliefs, the WTS conveniently leaves out the other groups who have suffered so. Do you think JWs are the only religions suffering in Russia or Turkmestan or Georgia? If you check the human rights reports or the news articles you will find many groups suffering too.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I'm quite sure they will find a way to claim that all of the court actions being taken against them around the world is a version of persecution.

    In his book 30 years a Watchtower slave Schnell talks about how Rutherford orchestrated the arrests of officers of the WTS. And then called it persecution. Ahhhh the divine plan

  • FreeWilly

    Blondie:"Do you think JWs are the only religions suffering?"

    My JW sis once asked me "why is it that JW's are the ones who are persecuted?" So I asked her, "Sis, would it surprise you that other Christian groups claim to be persecuted and even list examples of torture and death in many countries around the world?" I then told her about the Christian group in Afganistan who was being tried and possibly executed by the Taliban, were it not for their rescue during the first few days of the war and asked her "Doesn't that sound like persecution to you?" She had a hard time conceding that it was indeed persecution.

    EVERY group can (and usually does) point to examples of persecution.

  • FreeWilly

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  • FreeWilly

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  • Maverick

    As Free Willy brought out the WTS set up the RF to get dumped on. If all the people I talk to are any kind of example, most people only think about the J-duds when they are ringing the door bell or seen walking down the block. In this great big world the WTS is insignificant! The WTS create situations to get noticed. Then they can claim this persecution is Satan punishing them because they champion God.

    When Satan enters into heaven and asks God about the Witnesses I believe Gods response is akin to,"Who?" Maverick

  • blondie
    Blondie:"Do you think JWs are the only religions suffering?"

    Is that a rhetorical question, freewilly, or am I misunderstanding it?

    Of course, I don't think JWs are the only religion suffering. That is why I said above:

    Do you think JWs are the only religions suffering in Russia or Turkmestan or Georgia? If you check the human rights reports or the news articles you will find many groups suffering too.

    I'm sure your sister found it hard to refute the thinking that only JWs are being persecuted. The WTS dminishes what other groups suffer by saying they aren't the true religion...but then proof that a religion is true is that they would be persecuted...but then other religions are persecuted...but they are not the true religion....and so on the WTS "logic" goes.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Almost any issue of the magazine Christianity Today will readily disabuse any fair-minded JW (now THERE'S an oxymoron!) that they're the only group being persecuted.

    In fact, quite to the contrary, in some of the more liberal Western nations such as the U.S., the government's commitment to tolerance and freedom of religion have the judicial systems bending over backwards to ensure the rights of even the nuttiest religions.

  • Morgan

    On a slightly different note: What about the persecution of those leaving the WTS? Not meant as a question, just an additional comment.


  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    Jonty, I agree with you that the JW's and the way they act just asks for being persecuted. They also thrive on it.

    Morgan, very interesting comment!

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