Persecution of JW's Imminent?

by blacksheep 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • blacksheep

    Probably dating myself, but remember all those assemblies/yearbooks, etc., that focused on the possibility that JWs would suffer persecution at the hands of Nazi-like regimes? I remember attending an assembly which dramatized JW's being held, as in WWII, as having to make a choice to either "renounce?" their JWism or die. Those of you who remember those old "drama's" in baseball stadiums can probably remember. Well, in this particular "drama" one woman interrned decided to renounce her faith, but the other one didn't.

    Of course, the one who renounced her faith was taken out and shot by a firing squad.

    Question is: was this some sort of Cold War sydrome? Are JWs currently using this "dying for you faith" tactic? Will this kick up again as we''re at war, and at a war that, by our enemies insistence, seem to involve GOD?

  • Nocturne

    I don't think it's as serious as what you mentioned, but I know for the last couple of years, at assemblies, and meetings, they have mentioned being prepared in case of persecution. At the Special Day Assembly I went to a couple of weeks ago, they mentioned again that we never know when violent persecution to strike, and that every witness must prepare for such an eventuality.


  • FreeWilly

    I think the Society has definitely used the idea of persecution as a way of reaffirming that they are a select group. The idea they are especially targeted confirms the belief that Satan is out to get them. A common retort I often hear is "Why is it that, for one reason or another, everyone hates JWs??

    The most outlandish example of this is the claim the World War II was simply an attempt by Satan to wipe out the Anointed. Imagine that! On one of their video's they claim that there was a high concentration of Anointed ones in Western Europe, implying that this was the 'real' underlying reason for the war. I have even heard it said (I think at an assembly) that Satan doesn't care how many humans he has to kill to get at the Anointed.

    Persecution complex - it's right there on page 1 of the "How to start and maintain a Cult, Handbook"

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Persecution of JW's Imminent?...........Of course....why not?

    In answer to the control issue: "Control" is so very important to the society. No matter how it is done!

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Boy do I remember that fear of persecution. Lots of "what-if" scenarios at the KH and assemblies. I remember them *really* playing up the persecution of the brothers in Malawi, using the atrocities they suffered as a foundation on which to build up the fear that maybe persecution would descend on us, and would we show such a faithful example of defending our faith such as the brothers in Malawi? ugh.. i get nauseous thinking of it.


  • myauntfanny

    I remember the Malawi stories too, they went into so much DETAIL about the tortures. I think the persecution complex is partly a classic case of guilty paranoia. They really want Armageddon to come and kill EVERYBODY, which is actually a terrible thing to want, so they feel subconsciously guilty and deserving of persecution. It also gives them a good defense when anybody makes them feel bad for belonging to such a weird religion, it's not a different opinion, it's persecution. And it pulls everyone together with the old us-against-them strategy.

  • Jonty Parkin
    Jonty Parkin

    "A common retort I often hear is "Why is it that, for one reason or another, everyone hates JWs”? "

    From my understanding, The Organisation has always attempted (with some considerable success) to actually groom and create a society of eminantley dislikeable people!

    • Smug and arrogant (we have the one true religion, so fuck off!).
    • Deliberately unpalatable doctrines (no blood, no birthdays, no xmas and no oral sex!).
    • Crap clothes (you must be "modest" and "tasteful"); ie, for ladies - beige polyester skirts, 1 inch below the knee, as opposed to black lycra skirts 1 inch below minge-base; gentleman - beige or gray polyester slacks, as opposed to denim jeans!

    They do this on purpose, because they don't want to be popular, they actually want to be persecuted, and thus, in some perverse way, attempt to find some biblical justification of the world's "hatred" of them! But in fact, the world does not "hate" them. The world just thinks they are a bunch of bloody sad tossers!


  • myauntfanny


    LMAO! Only it hits close to the bone too, because they are so unlikeable, and I was raised in that religion and I sometimes wonder if they made me PERMANENTLY unlikeable. Okay, I should probably save that for a therapist.

  • ohiocowboy

    So, When can we start Persecuting?!?!!

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    Satan doesn't care how many humans he has to kill to get at the Anointed.

    Well he is obviously not doing too well then. There is a claimed anointed who lives by me and she happily toddles around the territory going about her business.


    The idea that JWs would be the exclusive group as far as persecution is concerned is flattering themselves beyond all belief. What about other Christian groups who are equally as vigorous within their own form of worship? The Bible reminds the Christian not to be so judgemental about others who come forward in Christ's name (it was Jesus who said so) and presumably this means that other groups baring his name would likewise be in for a kicking?

    As has been already mentioned above, it is exciting to feel exclusivity and in a special relationship. It is also a deceptive condition of the mind that can eventually lead a man away from the humble spirit.

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