Criticism of Bush from ME

by Yerusalyim 26 Replies latest social current

  • Yerusalyim

    As you all know, I'm a supporter of Bush...and the war against terror, and the war in Iraq. Here's my issues with the Bush administration thus far.

    Prescription Drug Benefit: Quite simply....we can't afford it.

    Public Health Care: Not that Bush supports this (yet) For all you proponents of public health care...let me give you an example of how this will work. My wife has had bruises appear on her arms and legs for no apparent reason. No, I'm not hitting her. She went on a trip to the Family Health Care Clinic where they gave her an appointment to see her regular doctor two weeks later. The appointment came...but her doctor was unavailable so she had to see another doctor. They needed to do more tests...and she had to make another appointment to see her regular doctor in order to get the tests approved....which is in two more weeks. Over a month and still the proper tests aren't done...this is what you can count on if we go to national health care.

    Israel: The Bush administration (and every other US administration) has been two faced...on the one hand waging our war on include the targeting of specific terrorist leaders...yet we warn Israel against attempting to take out Arafat...who is what Osama wishes he could be...a terrorist who is recognized as a head of state.

    Iraq: Fallujah...since when does the US negotiate with Terrorists? The Marines were 2/3's of the way through the city and were halted from completeing thier mission so the Iraqi Council and the UN idiot Rhamtisi could "negotiate" with the terrorists there (up to 2000 of them foriegn fighters). And both there and in Najaf we seem unwilling to use international law to our benefit which states that if a church, mosque, temple, school, hospital, etc are used by the enemy to launch attacks, store weapons, etc, then they are no longer protected sites. While the "negotiations" go on, the terrorists dig in and harden sites.

    One of our greatest weaknesses in this battle is that while these terrorists are willing to die for thier cause...the US seems unwilling to kill them for their cause.

    Why am I still voting for Bush then? Because John "What Medals" Kerry is far worse in the options he proposes.

  • Simon

    "Criticism of Bush from ME"

    It's the end of the world ... Run for the hills ... SAVE YOURSELVES !!!

  • czarofmischief

    I concur. although I'm not on the ground over there, it seems that there must be significant numbers of Iraqi civilian hostages being used as human shields. The United States must avoid creating a faux my Lai.

    But I just wish the Marines would pummel them and get it over with.


  • SixofNine
    Iraq: Fallujah...since when does the US negotiate with Terrorists? The Marines were 2/3's of the way through the city and were halted from completeing thier mission so the Iraqi Council and the UN idiot Rhamtisi could "negotiate" with the terrorists there (up to 2000 of them foriegn fighters). And both there and in Najaf we seem unwilling to use international law to our benefit which states that if a church, mosque, temple, school, hospital, etc are used by the enemy to launch attacks, store weapons, etc, then they are no longer protected sites. While the "negotiations" go on, the terrorists dig in and harden sites.

    Oh that things were so simple. Got problems? Kill more people! Muslims don't like ya? Call 'em terrorist and Kill em all! People don't want to hand their country over to you? Kill 'em!

    What exactly does America do when she doesn't have a friend in the entire world, Yeru? Kill 'em all?

    Some warrior (and some Christian) you are.

  • Gopher
    Why am I still voting for Bush then? Because John "What Medals" Kerry is far worse in the options he proposes.

    So you'll be voting for the lesser of two evils, or the less weak of two weak candidates? I guess that's what we Americans have to face at the ballot box in November. I'm thinking of voting Libertarian.

    I'm not enthralled with either candidate. Kerry talks in circles and spouts "old Democrat" stuff that even Clinton had surpassed. And Bush, well he came to my hometown of Minneapolis yesterday with a very profound message: "Education is good." Well, duh. Where is the money or new proposals to support what you're saying, Mr. President?

    The "Medals" issue is a red herring. Bush's people are on weak ground if they're trying to compare their man's "service" to the country with the medals Kerry earned (and deservedly so) in Vietnam.

    In any event, people ought to be sticking to the issues of war and the economy.

  • Gopher

    From "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" last night.

    President Bush says he won't pull America out of Iraq while he is in office. Now the Iraqis are saying, well what about next year when he's NOT in office?

  • patio34
    Some warrior (and some Christian) you are. --Six of Nine

    That's a very valid point. I often wonder about Christians and how they justify killing people in war, especially a war such as the Iraq Invasion.

    I guess I really don't want to hear their rationale, I just want to point out that it doesn't seem to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ (Love your neighbor, he who lives by the sword dies by the sword, if your enemy curses you, bless him, and many others).


  • Yerusalyim
    Oh that things were so simple. Got problems? Kill more people! Muslims don't like ya? Call 'em terrorist and Kill em all! People don't want to hand their country over to you? Kill 'em!

    What exactly does America do when she doesn't have a friend in the entire world, Yeru? Kill 'em all?

    Some warrior (and some Christian) you are.

    If you only knew.

    What IS obvious is you have NO military experience at all. We don't have "fair" fights, we kick butt and take names later. You don't beat the tar out of your enemy and then allow them to regroup, rest, and plan. Our enemy in Fallujah is not the's terrorists...foriegn fighters without a dog in the race EXCEPT their terrorist agenda. The pols I've read show that 85% of the Iraqis want us there...the other 15% are organized and have guns.

    What do we do? What's your option...bow to terrorists...that's a winning solution.

    That I'm a warrior is without question you even know the meaning of the word?

    That I'm a Christian...well, get to know me...but remember, I'm not a pacafist.

  • Yerusalyim

    No Gopher, I'm not voting for the lesser of two evils, I'm sharing with everyone my disallussionment with some of Bush's positions....I guess to try to make the point that I'm not the kool aid drinker some seem to think I am.

    The medals issue with Kerry goes to integrity and credibility...which of his four stories is true. And for me, as a service member, it also goes to whether he is fit to serve as Commander in Cheif...he can't hide behind his service in Vietnam and claim to be strong on defense...or even to be a patriot....the most decorated American soldier of the American Revolution was Benedict Arnold. Kerry also claims to have committed attrocities and seen attrocities committed every day...that alone, in my mind, disqualifies him from being CinC.


    Borrow a clue from someone, the same Jesus who said those things is also the Jesus who violently threw out the money changers from the temple. There is context to those scriptures you cite...and you're not using it...JW training kick in?

  • wednesday

    yes curretly it is really the only thing i have totally diagreed with the Bush admisistration about-prescriptiion drug coverage. first and formost, it is really only going to benefit the very poorest . most of us will see no benefit from it. Seniors who rely just on SS , often will still often make too much money for card to do them any good, and it has alot of qualifers.

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