Let's bring these enemies of freedom and human decency down to their knees!

by Jonty Parkin 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jonty Parkin
    Jonty Parkin

    Previously, I was content to go my own way and allow my erstwhile brothers and sisters go theirs. After all, if I am honest, I am equally delighted to be able to ignore/shun those myopic, sanctimonious little turds, as they are to ignore/shun me!

    However, having read many of your posts, I'm downright bloody livid, not neccessarily with the aforementioned "myopic, sanctimonious little turds", but those grumpy, stubborn, conniving deceitful old gits in Brooklyn who have created this society of "myopic, sanctimonious little turds"!

    Frankly, I couldn't give a monkeys toss about doctrine or prophecy, but I would like to see the corruption and deceit exposed! I'm sorry if this is a little too strong and I hope not to be to heavily censored, but this has jolly well got my bloody dander up!

    What can we do to nail these suckers! What can I individually do, to help bring these cranky, geriatric enemies of freedom and human decency down to their knees?


  • cyber-sista
    but this has jolly well got my bloody dander up!

    me too jonty...

  • frankiespeakin


    It is just a matter of time. The WT has pissed off a lot of people.

    With all these enemies and willing minds I'm sure that some one or maybe two people will suceed in bringing the Wt down.

    Keep your mind open to possibilities and you never know.

  • blacksheep


    I've been "out" nearly 20 years now. It sounds like you've been "out" only a few years. Like any greving process, you go through certain phases. Sounds like you are (rightfully so!) in an anger phase.

    Bottom line, these evil people have existed for about 125 years, and they will continue to exist as long as they are able to dupe other people. They think they alone have the "truth." They think they alone are right.

    The best thing you can do is to not give this wacko group the time of day. I, unfortunately, still have family who are JW's, so they continue, indirectly, to be a part of my life. If you are lucky enough NOT to have any direct family members who are JWs, the best advice I can give is to just FORGET these people. Do not waste any more energy on them. You've already given them to much. Fortuantely, you've broken free. That's payment enough.

  • avengers

    What will bring them down to their knees?
    Money! Or rather the lack of it.
    Lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits.
    And a very long breath, 'cause it ain't gonna happen overnight.
    Plus as many people as possible should be informed about
    their inner workings.

    Good Luck...........Andy

  • Jonty Parkin
    Jonty Parkin

    Good advice all round from all of you - thanks. Yes, I have wasted too much of my time on them already.

    And I suppose that by actively campaigning against them, I would be unwittingly playing into their hands, because the drones are conditioned to believe that any words spoken against their precious "Organisation" is conformation of said organisation's biblical legitimacy!

    Cheezers! These old gits are clever bastards aren't they? Sounds like they got the whole game sewn up!

    Also, regarding the drones, or the "myopic, sanctimonious little turds" as I, perhaps, uncharitably called them at the beginning of this thread, well, I wouldn't want to chew them out on my doorstep. They are not my target. They are just like I was, blindly following orders, believing that they believe.

    Nevertheless, I would like to build up a file of evidence of deception, hypocrisy and lack of financial transparency. Especially, would I like to be able to find evidence of occult affiliation, since they bang on so much about the devil, etc.

    Can anyone refer me to some good links?


  • DevonMcBride


    The internet is slowly bringing them down. This board among other ex-JW sites is hurting them. It's digging into them so much that they had to question one of the members here about it and asked him our real names.

    Not counted in their statistics are how many non-JW's who might have considered a bible study or who have studied with the Witnesses than came to the internet and learned the truth about the truth.

    These things take time and in time their numbers in developed countries will continue to dwindle which will lead to a big financial loss.


  • stillajwexelder

    Look things anger and piss me off too -- things can not go on the wqay they are -- the Internet will be the main catalyst for their downfall -- the Child Abuse thing will also (and has already done) irreparable damage to their whole system of corruption and deceit

  • paulE

    Hi Jonty,

    I think that there is evidence that these guys are quickly going to their knees. I recently visited the e-watchman site, the guestbook. Hundreds of active JW's including elders comment there. They seem to be in a panic. Some are describing their recent meeting with elders investigating them for mentioning the NGO thing. (just a rumor, but I heard one sister was investigated after she was overheard speaking of the NGA-National Gallery of Art) Seems to be a real witchhunt going on.

    As Blondie insightfully points out in her Watchtower reviews, much of the current info published in the WT is in response to "apostate" expose' of WTS dirt.

  • shotgun

    Hi Jonty...How's the weather in China?

    Only a scandal with as much exposure as the Catholic church scandal will rock them.....drop them to their knees so to speak..

    But given time they will recover, look at their past history......mankind in general seems to want direction and answers no matter what the cost to freedom .

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