I'm new, where to start...

by Quietly Patient 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Satan putting things like this into people's minds to deceive people( Your mothers quote)

    She was right about that!!!!! He keeps telling you "Its the truth""" Let me tell you love....When that thought comes into your head rebuke it....

    Jehovahs Witnesses are false prophets.please dont believe me. Do a real good read on Quotes page...Read Deut 18:20-22 if it doesnt pinpoint JW's I dont know who it does. they havent got ONE!!!! prophesy right....

    Please I beg you quietly patient!!!! dont deprive your son of a real life!!!! have the party!!! let him realize what FREEDOM is.... I am sure you have read about me... My daughter died >>I brought her up as a JW > no birthdays, no Christmas, no school sports, no fun. only trying to get her excited over assemblies!!! which being poor we had to spend in a tent!!!!!

    She left the WT ( still thought it truth in her head) to marry an unbeliever-THEN!!!!! she found out that JWS was not teaching truth-by reading scripture....She came to know the real truth before she died & was thankfully able to experience birthdays,Christmas, voting, church fellowship,who looked after so well as she was dying.... Sorry this is long.. but I had to say it.

    Didnt some one say "Let MY people go"""" so get going kiddo!!!!!to freedom in mind & thought (((HUG)))

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    Welcome QP,

    It took me a long time to get over the brainwashing, but it does happen. Then I got angry for all the lost time in my life, going to meetings and studying and assemblies and special talks and SERVICE! How I wish I knew what I know now. You are still so young. Enjoy life and let your son enjoy it. Life is too short to spend in windowless kingdom halls sitting like zombies. Life is beautiful. Enjoy it!


  • JamesThomas

    Welcome QP. It is common to experience fear and confusion upon leaving the Org., especially after being raised in it as the programming runs exceptionally deep. As far as your relationship with your mother and grandmother, there is no true-relationship unless you are free to be true to you and accepted for it. Accepting you only because you mirror their desires and beliefs, is no acceptance at all, and any relationship based upon it is very ill. It can be painful losing family and friends, but I assure you it is far more painful losing ourselves by not being true to our heart. Others will come into your life who are attracted to your honesty and integrity which will help a lot. As far as God, is it truly possible for you to love a god who will kill you and your young family if you don't love and honor him? Is it so wrong to feel dirty by worshipping something with morals lower than our own? I doubt that your love is as narrow and conditional has Jehovah's is shown to be. Could it be that it is mans beliefs and ideas about God that are limited and gross rather than the true Source of this marvelous universe? First be true to you (rather than a religion, belief system or someone else's desires), then see where it leads you. Chances are good you will never ever regret it. j

  • HadEnuf

    First WELCOME!

    You are doing the right thing by leaving the JW's. I honestly and thoroughly believe this. It's going to be hard. Many of us have gone through and may still be going through the same emotions and fear that you are feeling at this time. But with support from groups like this and the courage to stand up for what we now know is right and true...you can make it even in the face of opposition from your mom & grandma & other assorted family & friends.

    My mom & my sister shun me because I chose to leave this CULT. I used to think that I couldn't endure anything like that. But what I really couldn't endure was compromising my new found principles of what is right and wrong, and the JW's are just down right wrong! The pain and misery that they have caused to countless people is evil and unChristian. (Shunning, tolerating child abuse, allowing the murder of innocent people in Malawi, etc, etc, etc.) Stay true to your gut feelings.

    I raised two kids in the JW's. I only wish now that I could turn back the hands of time and raise them to be happy, healthy INDIVIDUALS's without all the Watchtower garbage clouding their minds.

    Hang in there...things DO get better. I would highly recommend reading Ray Franz's books...Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom. That's going to give you the information you need to know that you are making the right decision by leaving the JW's and not looking back. Have that birthday party for your son and enjoy it in good conscience!

    Cathy L.

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