I'm I the only one here that..................

by reganashe 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine
    Is this just a phase.

    Gawd I hope not. We wouldn't want to return to our vomit now would we?

    Religion is creepy. Almost every damn bit of it assumes that one person somehow got a line to god that some other person didn't. What bollocks!

    People who can preach to a congregation about god, are not people who've done enough rational or introspective or honest thinking. Their ego allows them to, with a straight face, tell other people what an invisible force (that science can't even show exist) wants and expects from us, and what that mysterious invisible force will do if it is not accomodated according to the beliefs of said preacher. If that isn't the height of ego-ism, what is? And 99% of all religious or "spiritual" writing is the same scenario.

  • SixofNine

    ps. If it makes you bad, then please come to TX

  • aniron

    Yes I hate religion as well.

    Thats why I became a Christian.

  • Shutterbug
    Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell.

    Spirituality is for people who have already been there.

    Man, that is a good one. SF Jim if that was an orginal thought by you may I use it?

  • Nosferatu

    You're definately not the only one! I can't stand being in any church, even for weddings and baptisms. Just watching how everything works makes me sick.

    I found it really stupid at my little cousin's baptism (at a Lutheran church) when the priest walked down the isle, and used a piece of tree to flick "holy" water at everyone in the crowd.

    The standing up, sitting down thing is stupid altogether. Some of the hymns are scarier than any Iron Maiden album. Then you get the guys (Catholic) with the stinky inscense. I hate that stuff!

    I remember while walking down the street one day, going to the store to get cigarettes, and I was appoach by this old lady with a pamphlet. She offered, and I rejected. Then she started crying and told me, "I just care so much about people, and I don't want them to die when the end of the world comes". I took the stupid pamphlet just to get the hell away from her.

    Yup, religion makes me sick.

  • poppers

    SixofNine, you hit the nail on the head when you said:

    "People who can preach to a congregation about god, are not people who've done enough rational or introspective or honest thinking. Their ego allows them to, with a straight face, tell other people what an invisible force (that science can't even show exist) wants and expects from us, and what that mysterious invisible force will do if it is not accomodated according to the beliefs of said preacher. If that isn't the height of ego-ism, what is? And 99% of all religious or "spiritual" writing is the same scenario."

    People are so willing to give up their ability to think for themselves - makes life easier I suppose, but it keeps you trapped in delusion. "Ego, get thee behind me".

  • Gopher

    I like six's quote about religious leader's egotism too. There may be some religious leaders who merely raise the questions but don't pretend to know the answers, and hence may be less egotistical and preachy.

    However, religions usually boil down to this: A preacher (or a group of leaders) tells you what you ought to think about a Creator and how to respond to it/him/her.

    I've had enough people try to control me in my lifetime. I don't feel the need to submit to yet another organized religion.

  • flower

    youre not the only one. i think religion as a whole is evil and hazardous to your mental health.

  • Purza

    Thank you for posting how you feel. I drove past a church last Sunday and I was totally turned off by seeing people going to church on easter Sunday. My boyfriend thought it was odd that I felt that way (he left catholicism years ago). For some reason it just really disgusted me seeing these people going to church. It was a very strange feeling. I guess time will tell if we will feel differently. Things are just too fresh for me now.

  • DanTheMan

    Actually, I think it's good for kids to be exposed to religion, just so that they understand how religious people think. Just teach them to be skeptical. Ask them if they've ever heard a snake talk, or seen water part by itself, or seen magic bread appear on the ground in the mornings. Ask them if they think stoning is just punishment for gathering sticks on the wrong day of the week. Ask them if it makes sense to center our whole lives around pleasing a being that we can't see or hear. If they can see the silliness of a fundamentalist, literalist mindset as a young person, that should go a long way towards preventing them from falling into the religious trap as adults.

    As a lad I was intelligent in some respects but I was never taught to think critically or to be skeptical of extraordinary claims.

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