'now I'll show you how an Italian dies,'"

by English Patient 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • IronGland

    Breave? I mean , I guess if you're about to be shot and you know it, you may as well not blubber on about it.

  • Realist


    although i am very tired of the whole mess and few both sides as not worth supporting i was not tooo serious about dropping nukes!

  • czarofmischief

    Suleiman the Great was a man of courage and honor - he sent Richard Lionheart a new horse after the beast died in battle.

    The Arabic people are a noble race, full of the courage and honor due to any nation that reached a peak of civilization.

    Sadly, their current leaders have betrayed them.

    I think the bad behavior of the current warriors is due more to the hate-filled and racist / religionist / xenophobic nature of the conflict. They aren't really defending the people, they are defending some skewed notion of reality. The good and noble people have no need to fight - all they want is to live in peace with their neighbors. But there is a wicked streak of racism in a few Arabs / other muslims that wants to kill all the Jews for starters and then the Christians.

    Imagine if the KKK or something started their vaunted race war in the USA. We would see the same tactics and horrible abuses of human flesh from the white racists that we currently see from the Arabic racists. lynchings, mutilating the corpses, torture - all these are not acts of war, they are acts of hatred.

    It just so happens that many Arabs just want to go about their business and are unsettled by the recurring xenophobia of many of their religiously deluded neighbors. But if these xenophobes had no Americans to fight, they would focus their fear onto their Arabic neighbors, as the Taliban did - whipping nonconformist Islamic women for not being fully clothed, etc. What we are fighting is a religious war that even if they won, they would still propogate.


  • Realist
    The Arabic people are a noble race

    talking about KKK ideology !?

  • Surreptitious
    people often chose their on-line names by projecting what they hope in their hearts they may actually be


  • heathen

    That is a sad story . But I can say that the US and britain have killed and mamed many civilians as well . I don't see how we can get angry over it . That guy must have been desperate to risk his life over there at this time . Noway in hell would I volunteer to be there .

  • hillary_step
    although i am very tired of the whole mess and few both sides as not worth supporting i was not tooo serious about dropping nukes!

    Yeah, but you must admit, not a terribly funny joke in the circumstances.


  • SixofNine

    Given the group that is his audience, and the fact that several have said just what Realist said, shy a few words, but with the same essential meaning, Realist parody is completely on point, imo.

    Americans who slip into an easy racism at the slit of a neck, a coffee table fantasy of ethnic cleansing at hearing of one of the few idealogically inspired murders that gets thru to them (but hardly the first), perhaps deserve no better.

  • Yerusalyim


    I have no idea what you just said.

    That is a sad story . But I can say that the US and britain have killed and mamed many civilians as well . How many civilians did we kidnap, point a gun at, and shot? I don't see how we can get angry over it . That's because you don't use common sense. The damning difference is intent. If you show me the US and the UK intentionally targeting civilians...I'll be irrate.That guy must have been desperate to risk his life over there at this time . Obviously, you don't understand what motivates most of the civilian contractors...it's generally not desperation. Noway in hell would I volunteer to be there . that's because you lack the courage to try to make the world a better place.
  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I wouldn't bother even responding to Hamas. He's already shown on more than one occassion what an immature racist little prick of an ass-wipe he is. Not worth the bother.


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