In the US: Our Children Will Be Subjected to Selective Service Very Soon

by gespro 46 Replies latest social current

  • donkey
    I think those who are supporters of Mr. Bush and of this war and it's reasons for being should enlist and go on over there and do what they feel is the right Mr. Bush physically, not just verbally.

    I agree with that. I also think I should only have to pay taxes for my own causes too...that OK for the leftists (I refuse to call you guys liberals)?

  • logansrun

    Just out of curiosity, what is the upper age limit on draftees?


  • Dan-O
    Some of us are still stuck on the 'discovery' of America by Columbus when people were already here!

    As far as I'm concerned, this country was stolen and it's run by the same people who stole it and they do what they wish.

    Oh, I'll agree that there were already people inhabiting what is now the United States long before Columbus crossed the ocean. But, having descended from people who colonized New York and Connecticutt nearly 400 years ago, I really feel the need to ask you this: would you prefer living in a thatched hut or a lodge or a teepee, shunning the life that you now enjoy in this nation of thieves?

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Ah yes, the noble red man. They were having such a good time massacreing and eating each other before the dastardly white man got here.

  • gespro

    Thank you Realist

    I agree, Sunnygal, Donkey...

    Dan-o -

    For real: A thatch hut would suit me fine, thanks. No one is critisizing a so called comfortable life but if you want to buy into what your fed via the media as to what is supposed to be a 'great life', you have that freedom don't you. Besides, you're of the priviledged whether you believe it or not.


    They were having such a good time massacreing and eating each other before the dastardly white man got here.

    Pass the salt! and 'dastardly white man'? No, these men were on a mission to save the rest of the world from their depths of depravity weren't they?

    Using christianity as a means to control others. Using it for an excuse for slavery [and not even using it honorably- the way slavery is shown in the Bible. Instead a people of color were bred like cattle to have the strongest workers as an end product.

    And I love this gem:"Well your own people sold them to us." Spin again. It's called tribal warfare and those slaves were prisoners of war. The winning tribes didn't no or care what happened to them.

    This sort of reminds me of Adam saying after God asked him what he was doing with the fruit by saying 'It was the woman that YOU gave me who handed me the fruit.' Do you here what I am saying? There's no excuse for that kind of slavery and to pass the buck like that is weak.

    Maybe you're not aware of the so-called Civillized Nations [which my ancestors' tribe was a part of] but these were Native Americans who played by the rules of the US [some had become lawyers to present their case of ownership of the land they had occupied before the 'dastardly white man' moved in] and lost! Trail of Tears for you guys was the verdict.

    And guess what? Those of us without consideral amount of money are the 'new slaves.'

    Sorry to ramble.


  • blacksheep

    No one is critisizing a so called comfortable life but if you want to buy into what your fed via the media as to what is supposed to be a 'great life', you have that freedom don't you. Besides, you're of the priviledged whether you believe it or not.

    Thought I'd tone down the font a bit...

    I don't think Dan O implied he wasn't "priviledged." Quite the reverse. (Not trying to speak for him). But I myself WOULD rather I and my children live in a nation which had one of the highest life expectancies, one of the lowest infant/child mortality/morbidity rates, the one of the highest literacy rates; the highest income per capita, etc.

    I don't think the "media" defines what is a "great life," for most people. Sure, we in the US have always been seeking the "American Dream," and econmic freedom. From the very beginning. We didn't like the rules in the mother country, so we started over. So have people from the "have not" nations. That's why millions of immigrants from other countries came here and continue to come here.

    And, it's not because mindless people are told by the "media" what to believe. It's because they KNOW what a good life is. The freedom to attain whatever economic freedoms they want to, without being squelshed by class systems, politcal turmoil, governments, totalitarian and otherwise, who truly limit you.

    YOU don't have to buy into that believe. But you don't have the right to say that others who want economic freedom, the ability to live well, feed and educated their children well, travel, ENJOY life--are simply being hypnotized by the media.

  • gespro
    YOU don't have to buy into that believe. But you don't have the right to say that others who want economic freedom, the ability to live well, feed and educated their children well, travel, ENJOY life--are simply being hypnotized by the media.

    Hey guys, sorry about the font.

    And Blacksheep, was that what you gathered from what I said? People wanting those freedoms are simply being hypnotized...Really? Do you think that everything on TV is good for you and your family? I'll go back and re-read what I wrote before...

    One example comes to mind: There are a lot of people who buy into the notion that if a local singer or music group isn't on the radio, their just not good enough. We're taught this at a very young age that if you're not there, you're invalid. Do you believe the Grammys show the 'best' music? This is a simple example but it does show how we're manipulated to except everything that is thrown at us as being great.

    I've gone on to study how the media works. It's basically a study of the human mind and how to 'massage' into the mind through subliminal messages the item being sold. There are a lot of things done to us that we don't realize. I'm not trying to sell a conspiracy package here but as ex-jdubs I think we need to avoid accepting everything that we were kept away from, if you know what I mean.

    And, yes, based on knowledge I do have a right to say that subliminals are a powerful thing and most people will get sucked into a certain mindset when it's reinforced continuosly. Some idiot was on this board spewing some stereotypical nonsense about laziness about a group of people and yet no ONE defended these people. I wish I could find the thread because it burned me up when I read it and no one adressed the issue. Does that person have the right to say something like that or do you agree with that?

    I do want Dan-O and Porkchop to reply to what I have already said...

  • czarofmischief

    Just out of curiosity, what is the upper age limit on draftees?

    25, Bradley.

    One - a draft for "cannon fodder" would be so completely counterproductive to the military's goals that it would be laughable. The US Army is downsizing - going higher and higher tech and into special forces recruitment and training. Special Forces cannot be created through a draft - the training is too rigorous and the commitment is complete. We are investing in precision and it is paying off as we struggle against the powerful individuals like Bin Laden and Saddam.

    Two - I support the war, etc. But a draft is so immoral to my viewpoint that I would protest with the hippies. If a country cannot recruit enough volunteers to fight for itself, then it doesn't deserve to fight. And I know that most of Republicans I know feel the same way.

    Three - mandatory military service is overrated. volunteers are the backbone of a modern military force and always will be. Draftees and mandatees just don't cut it. No democracy could stand the casualties that you are talking about - only Red China could get away with the high levels of casualties.

    Four - We are going to win this war. And the left is pissed about it and is trying to scare up support. They must be desperate.

    Five - Nader is becoming a nutjob. He's 70 now, and is a wrinkly old man that can be easily dismissed as a megalomaniac with nothing to lose. He's funny as hell, and I will send him a thank you card for running this year, and he serves a valid purpose by bringing issues to the front that otherwise would be ignored. But in this case, he's just yakking.

    Six - 700 dead in a year in a hostile country. I honor them. I know one. But more were lost on June 6, 1944 in ONE DAY. More were lost on December 7, 1941. the casualty rate is not nearly enough to validate ANY kind of draft.


  • logansrun


    I did research that said the upper age limit was 35.

    If you complain about "the left" so much, why did you say you supported socialism a while back?


  • Dan-O

    Gespro, I'm not ready to count myself as "priviledged" ... I'll reserve that for Bill Gates & Warren Buffett & others with a lot more commas in their net worth. On the other hand, I do count myself as a 'fortunate' person. I'm not interested in turning back the clock to live without indoor plumbing & electricity, or give up my gas-hog. Life is good.

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