Did anyone ever ask FDR to appologise for Pearl Harbor?

by blindfool 44 Replies latest social current

  • heathen

    I think the bottom line is that the US did not have world support for invading Iraq . They have tried to justify it with lies . To date no WOMD program has been identified . This whole thing was a big mistake and GW jr. needs to get his ass kicked out of the white house .

  • Realist


    thanks for the link! very informative! did you read it?

    it seems 225.000 children under 5 died because of the sanctions. and the estimates were made independantly from the iraqi gov.

  • blacksheep

    I think the bottom line is that the US did not have world support for invading Iraq . They have tried to justify it with lies . To date no WOMD program has been identified . This whole thing was a big mistake and GW jr. needs to get his ass kicked out of the white house .

    Whatever, but what does that have to do with an apology for 9/11??

    But, assuming we DO want to insist on apologies for "letting 9/11" be victimized by murderous fanatics, then let's get EVERYBODY'S apology.

    We need CLINTON to aplogize for the actions of his staff which contributed to not being able to promote intelligence on international terrorists. Well, the buck shoulda stoped with Clinton, so by the demanders of blame assumption, we should also unequivocally demand an apology from Clinton.

    Pretty ironic that former Deputy Attorney General under Clinton, and NOW one of the key leaders of the 9/11 commission, and btw, the idol of blame mongering by the infamous 9/11 widows, actually was most INSTRUMENTAL in thwarting a flow of intelligence which could have helped avoid 9/11.

    I'm sure she was uneasy as her infamous memo was declassified. Regarding investigations into the 93 WTC bombing, she told FBI director Louis Freeh and US Atty. Mary Jo White, who was the lead prosecutor in cases related to the bombing. These cases could have greatly increased our understanding of the AQ network. What does Gorelick advise?

    "We believe that it is prudent to establish a set of instructions that will more clearly separate the counterintelligence investigation from the more limited, but continued, criminal investigations. These procedures, which go beyond what is legally required, will prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appeararnce that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigations.

    That's right. Under good ol' Clinton was the legally unwarranted step taken to separate intelligence nexuses. For the sake of APPEARNCES.

    And this babe has the nerve to say she's the champion of finding out what caused 9/11. She should look in the mirror.

    If this blame game is so important to people, then we should expect a full apology from Clinton. And for god's sake, see what a joke this 9/11 widow driven Commission is.

  • Realist


    sorry didn't see your post earlier.

    so the 300.000 are supposed to include the dead kurds? remember there was a war for independance going on. also there were large uprises after 1991. if you include all those revolutionaries than yes the number could perhaps be accurate.

    i thought you guys talk about people killed during peace time.

    and yes numbers do matter. 30.000 is not as bad as 300.000.

  • heathen

    blacksheep --- It just looked to me like this thread got hijacked with the why invade Iraq debate. 911 was the reason for that . I think that GW jr. and freinds knew the possiblities of an attack on american soil, since the time of the clinton administration the government was encouraging citizens to keep on alert and to expect it . When GW was elected he claimed that national security was first and foremost but did nothing . Now we have to listen to how invading Iraq is a security issue for the US . It's obvious to me they were just waiting for something big enough to happen in order to put the US in a possition to try to justify an all out invasion of afghanistan and Iraq . I think that an apology is pointless but making people accountable for their actions and or inaction is something americans need to take seriously . We don't elect these people to office so they can play God all over the world ,we elect these people to run the USA and even then they are not God they have to answer to the american people . I for one am glad that they are investigating and asking questions . It's a very horrible thing that is going on and many people are dying and suffering . I feel strongly that the leadership we have now is a failure and needs replacing .

  • Realist


    excellent post!

  • blacksheep

    blacksheep --- It just looked to me like this thread got hijacked with the why invade

    And my point was that YOU are the one who hijacked it. The premise of the thread was who should ?apologize? for 9/11. Not whether we should have invaded .

    911 was the reason for that . I think that GW jr. and freinds knew the possiblities of an attack on american soil, since the time of the administration the government was encouraging citizens to keep on alert and to expect it . When GW was elected he claimed that national security was first and foremost but did nothing .

    Oh, I see. GWB was waiting/hoping that an attack such as the WTC would happen so he could start kickin? some mideastern butt.

    You and UNrealist are both hysterical if this is what you truly believe.

    Oh, and ? was encouraging citizens to keep alert and to expect it.? WHAT in God?s name are you talking about? ?Keep alert? to WHAT? Like the genius 9/11 widows suggested: maybe if people were more on the alert, they would have wondered why all these mideastern guys were boarding planes. I cannot fathom there, and your pathetic desperation on "what could have been done." For god's sakes libs are wailing and moaning the Patriot act and fears of racial profiling even AFTER 9/11. Think how possible it would have been in the post-Clinton-Civil Rights-are-the-most-importan-thing Era.

    So, let?s see. During , citizens ?were alert? and "to expect it." Please provide EXAMPLES of this ?alertness? and the communication that to the citizenry that we should "expect it." Could that ?alertness? caused more citizen arrests, more profiling, more alerting the government to the fact that people with brown skin and beards were boarding planes?

    When GW was elected he claimed that national security was first and foremost but did nothing .

    I see. So, are you suggesting that if GWB HAD NOT said that national security was foremost, he?d be off the hook? Like ?

    I feel strongly that the leadership we have now is a failure and needs replacing .

    Hmmm?by an overacting, stentorian blowhard that cannot offer a single solution? Whose flipped flopped on so many issues that no one has a clue as to what he believes? Who bemoans the job loss to overseas countries, but whose own rich Heinz heiress wife?s company outsources 72% of their jobs?

    Yeah, that?s leadership if I ever saw it.

  • blacksheep

    What is WITH the censors on this board. They deleted "Clinton" and "Iraq." Prior posts have deleted "US." Not sure what's up.

  • heathen

    Blacksheep --- It's pretty apparent to me you are clueless . I say put down the bong and read the thread over . Yeru and realist were going off topic .

    The stay alert and exspect terrorist attacks was all over the news media during the clinton administration . Now we are finding out that the government knew there were people from the middle east that were taking flying lessons and had terrorist ties but nothing was investigated .

    I did not mention any support for John Kerry . I do like the libertarian party . You can vote for whoever you want but IMO I think regime change is a serious issue here at home . The current administration is already 100 billion dollars over budget in this fiasco that was not neccessary in the least .

  • blacksheep

    The stay alert and exspect terrorist attacks was all over the news media during the clinton administration .

    I certainly don't recall the "Stay-alert" messages during that era (whatever "stay alert" meant). I did more national and international travel during that era than most people, and I never recall any warning to "stay alert" before I boarded a flight. I DO recall during the CLINTONX admin (added the X so it wont be deleted) sitting over in Europe watching groups of people burn American flags in Africa and the mideast. I remember thinking: this is BAD. Is anyone in the US(x) paying attention? Obviously they were NOT.

    Now we are finding out that the government knew there were people from the middle east that were taking flying lessons and had terrorist ties but nothing was investigated .

    Yeah, and we could have found out earlier if one of Clinton'sx aides hadn't set up an intelligence wall for "appearances" sake. Appearnces were VERY important in the Clinton(x) administration.

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