Take George out of the equation.

by Thunder Rider 127 Replies latest social current

  • Simon


    So, you excuse the Taliban from lending aid, comfort, and shelter to Bin Laden and AQ? How nice of you. Does it make a difference to you that they would have killed you had they gotten the chance? Besides, Bin Laden and Mullah Omar are FAR from poor.

    Ok then. Given that people should NOT be excused for lending aid, comfort and shelter to Bin Laden and AQ ... who, in any US administrations, is going to be thrown in jail for doing just that? Never mind comfort and shelter - what about giving them arms and training? THIS IS WHAT THE US GOVERNMENT DID!!

    Y'know what's funny? We're now buddying up with Libya and are 'welcoming them in from the cold' and yet THEY haven't changed but WE have. One of the reasons General Gaddafi didn't like America (apart from the acts of aggression) was the backing given to Osama Bin Laden which he saw as dangerous. Which leader was right and which leader was shown to be a short-sighted idiot? Hmnn ...

    You speak of 'dealing with terrorism' but he sure did that when he gave the Taliban 43 million dollars in 2001. Wise move if he knew that Osama was a big hit with the Taliban, wouldn't you say? I agree any aid to the Taliban was wrong headed. Hindsight is great, huh.

    So, Bush's claims and the warning about Al Queda prior to this money being given fit in HOW eqactly with this distored vision of reality?

    It seems like to the USA, Osama only became a terrorist after he attacked the USA. The fact is that he was a terrorist for a long time before that but this great country who stands up for truth and liberty was quite happy to fund him and allow the targetting of other peoples simply because it suited their own agenda.

  • Realist


    i see you simply ignore alternative solutions. fine! but don'T pretend there are none!


    again please give the LINKS !

    and also answer the question as to why the CIA and BUSH do not focus on the story if it is indeed true!?

    give me the links and we can discuss the probability that the meeting happened (and that hussein is behind 9/11 which is not the same by the way).


    That contradicts OTHER reputable information.

    which? where? link?

    People who are quick to suggest "something never happend" are necessarily suspect. Common sense raises flags. People who desperately want to believe something didn't happen will latch on to that.

    nobody is quick here! the claim is 3 years old...in the meantime Ani was captured and denied any meeting with atta. and no solid evidence suggests that there ever was a meeting.

    if someone makes a outstanding claim (such as hussein being behind the attacks and his orders being transmitted by agents in prague) needs solid evidence! your side has to proof that! the accuser has to prove in our society not the accused!

  • Yerusalyim


    Y'know what's funny? We're now buddying up with Libya and are 'welcoming them in from the cold' and yet THEY haven't changed but WE have. One of the reasons General Gaddafi didn't like America (apart from the acts of aggression) was the backing given to Osama Bin Laden which he saw as dangerous. Which leader was right and which leader was shown to be a short-sighted idiot? Hmnn ...

    Um, when exactly was it again the US gave money to AQ? I remember us aiding the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, but they are NOT AQ, in fact, most of the Muja fighters were also our allies when we took down the Taliban. And what acts of aggression were they that COL Ghadafi didn't like? You mean like when we bombed his house? He was already supporting terrorists by then. I really don't see us "buddying up" with Libya, but rewarding them for realizing that the pursuit of WMD was pointless and costly. I don't think the word "Trust" is being used. But you're right Simon, everything is the fault of those nasty imperialistic capatalist pigs in the US.

  • RevMalk
    RevMalk: are you discounting all the coallition lives that have been lost in Iraq? You seem to suggst that only Americans have made any sacrifice. It isn't the case.

    Absolutely not. I was quoting what I hear and since I'm in the US I hear about US forces from those around me.

    It's selfishness that is the problem alright ... a country and an electorate with an unquenchable thirst for cheap oil. Heaven forbit if anyone should suggest they USE LESS or PAY MORE and sod anyone who stands in their way to get it.

    Cheap oil eh? Ya, I'm feeling it already. I paid 2.00/gallon today and we're better off in this area than others I've seen.

    The number of people who have been tortured and killed is terrible. So I hope you will be pressing and calling for the head of the criminals who backed the regime such as Rumsfeld et al.

    That's my exact point. We've made horrible mistakes time after time and now we want to look down on someone who walked in here and fixed them all. That makes alot of sense.

    Almost all these problems are the result of foreign influence and meddling. What the people need is for US (the west) to stop trying to manipulate and control them so that they can work things out.
    Yep, they'll get right on that I bet. It's been centuries of war now, if we wait a few more it might be the garden of eden over there again right? Just get used to seeing the face of Mr. Bush, he'll be around for another 4 and if he's not, it'll be a sad day. Rev
  • SheilaM

    You know all of you that are so worried about our boys lives....you know what those boys want at least the over 5000 Marines that we are in contact with THEY WANT OUR SUPPORT Yep they aren't disgruntled as the "media" protrays. They just want support to know that we appreciate what they are doing......

  • Valis

    They just want support to know that we appreciate what they are doing......

    Sheila...nothing wrong with that, but then again there is nothing wrong with expressing dissent in regards the politics that surrounds what they are doing. I also ask when does our support for them change to concern for thier lives? 70 killed this last month...more every day. Haliburton contractors jumping ship...reservists not wanting to return after the death of one of thier sisters in combat...One can say that voicing alarm at such things is unpatriotic, but then again I guess those men and women aren't in Afghanistan/Iraq fighting for our freedoms now are they? I try to stay away from these topics cuz it just gets people at each other's throats..sheesh..Have a good day and happy anniversary.


    District Overbeer

  • SheilaM

    The military allows for them not to return if they so choose, the girls are mourning the loss of sister. This was not a statment against the war, it was a choice their parents wanted. Kinda like the movie Saving Private Ryan remember.

    It is much worse for the boys to think they have no support.

  • gitasatsangha
    Why don't you Bush bashers BTFO and express your ideas on how to deal with terrorism, despotism and evil, rather than fan the flames of hatred and discension, about a situation that in the long run YOU will benefit from?

    10 ideas

    1: Tighten the borders, and dramatically cut immigration quotas. Put soldiers on the borders and use them to inspect seaports if necessary.

    2: Do not use "Terrorism" as a strawman excuse for the conquest of yet another Arab nation. The pro-Sharon neocon theoreticians, seem to have their loyalties decided.

    3: End all aid and cut off diplomatic ties to Israel until they offer universal suffrage to all adults born in their territories.

    4: End NAFTA and other preferential trade agreements. Leave the WTO. These organizations do not promote world prosperity, but rather leave wealth in the hands of a few, while the poor get poorer. Poverty and extremism go hand in hand. A trully free ecnomy does not need this.

    5: Push the development of the V-22 Osprey. The military needs better rapid deployment and resupply capabilities for Afghanistan style theaters of conflict.

    6: End the war on drugs. Illegitamite drug trade is the main bankrolling device of terrorist groups.

    7: Boycott products from Maoist and Marxist nations. Placating the reds simply has not worked.

    8: Continue to assist allied nations like the Phillipines who need our help in stamping out the Bin Laudens of tomorrow

    9: Abandon Antiballistic Missile program. It's pork politics at its worst.

    10: Better Intell. Intelligence heads need to be responsible for the failings of their departments.

  • Realist
    It is much worse for the boys to think they have no support.

    good. maybe they won't sign up for that bullshit the next time.


    some excellent points in there!

  • RevMalk
    10 ideas

    1: Tighten the borders, and dramatically cut immigration quotas. Put soldiers on the borders and use them to inspect seaports if necessary.

    2: Do not use "Terrorism" as a strawman excuse for the conquest of yet another Arab nation. The pro-Sharon neocon theoreticians, seem to have their loyalties decided.

    3: End all aid and cut off diplomatic ties to Israel until they offer universal suffrage to all adults born in their territories.

    4: End NAFTA and other preferential trade agreements. Leave the WTO. These organizations do not promote world prosperity, but rather leave wealth in the hands of a few, while the poor get poorer. Poverty and extremism go hand in hand. A trully free ecnomy does not need this.

    5: Push the development of the V-22 Osprey. The military needs better rapid deployment and resupply capabilities for Afghanistan style theaters of conflict.

    6: End the war on drugs. Illegitamite drug trade is the main bankrolling device of terrorist groups.

    7: Boycott products from Maoist and Marxist nations. Placating the reds simply has not worked.

    8: Continue to assist allied nations like the Phillipines who need our help in stamping out the Bin Laudens of tomorrow

    9: Abandon Antiballistic Missile program. It's pork politics at its worst.

    10: Better Intell. Intelligence heads need to be responsible for the failings of their departments.

    I'd agree with this list.

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