New Sex-Scandal Coming Up In Norway!

by Kent 39 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • happy man
    happy man

    yes in Norway they have this system, perhaps they have to much oil money, so they must give some avay to diffrent religions.

    But we all now that it is nt 15.000 wittneses in Norway, even if they go upp 2 procent last year, not go back Kent.

    All JW in Sweden are very yellus, to this magnisifient Norwegian progress, what holding the spirit back in Sweden?

    I have also talk to some frends as say the congs in Norway are much more freindly and have much more love amnog them selfs than in Sweden.

    Ferrytales how nows?

  • waiting

    Hi Kent,

    Good to read your posts again. Could you please tell us the ages of the brother & sister? If neither were under the age of consent (don't know your laws) - then it's incest (at least in *most* of the usa states).

    Does incest have to be reported to the police in your country? Assuming that one of the two siblings was under age?

    Since sex was discovered, I suppose incest was too. Cain?


  • TheOldHippie

    "So, the JWs doesn't have a "good time" in Norway - and they are loosing members for every year. I also happen to know that "Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Akershus" - the governmental office that has to do with registration of religious churches and so on, has something coming up. They are perfectly aware the Watchtower gets paid for about 15.700 members - while the official figure in the Watchtower is about 6.000 less. They also know "publishers" will be publishers at a very young age, and as such the Norwegian JWs have to have 6.000 children below 6 years of age!" According to Kent, that is the situation. Incidentally, there is a growth in Norway these days, 2 % in each of the two latest years, but OK. And this talk about the difference between the 10,000 JWs in Norway and the 15,700 JWs receiving governmental funds pops up every now and then. It should not be THAT difficult, Kent; children are one group that has to be added to the average number of publishers of the annual report, then there are the irregulars, and there are the elderly, the inactive ones, those having left but not officially - having just slipped into the state of being forgotten in stead of df'ed etc. If you say that there are some 8-900,000 below 15 years of age and 3.5 million above, that is some 23 %. IF 10,000 JW are above 15, then 2,300 are children below 15, and you have 12,500 approx. You lack - not 6,000 but 4,200. Then you can add the other groups I mentioned, and you more or less have the 15,700. If one were to really look into groups not meriting the funds, one should look into the various Moslem groups - which the authorities HAVE, at times, with the holding back of fundings as the result. Since JWs have not been denied funding so far, no errors have been found, and this constant mumbling of "soon something will happen" - which I have heard for 15 years at least - is tiresome more than promising.

  • Kent

    What does this mean? Does the watchtower get money from the government depending on how many members it has?

    Yes. In Norway we pay a tax for the church, and congregations that is outside the Church of Norway (Protestant church) get the money refunded. So, the Watchtower is every year sending in a statement telling the authorities how many members they do have in Norway.

    According to the Watchtower, they have about 15.700 members in this country - and everyone who can read the Watchtower will see there is something wrong here, right?

    The watchtower also claims money for "work for children" all over Norway. As we all know, the JW Congregations NEVER did any special work for children. This is something congregations can get to have special arrangements for kids, like boy scouts, and stuff like that.

    Plain and simple - this is a fraud.

    But then again, the JWs is known to bluff the authorities. I just made this page about another bluff by the JWs:

  • Kent

    It should not be THAT difficult, Kent; children are one group that has to be added to the average number of publishers of the annual report, then there are the irregulars, and there are the elderly, the inactive ones, those having left but not officially - having just slipped into the state of being forgotten in stead of df'ed etc. If you say that there are some 8-900,000 below 15 years of age and 3.5 million above, that is some 23 %. IF 10,000 JW are above 15, then 2,300 are children below 15, and you have 12,500 approx. You lack - not 6,000 but 4,200. Then you can add the other groups I mentioned, and you more or less have the 15,700.

    Yeah, sure! The only problem is that the Jehovah's Witnesses made a pamphlet to Norwegian authorities a while back, where they wrote that "A common way to disassociate oneself is to become inactive as a publisher". In other words, Mr. Hippie, the Watchtower - according to themself - is seeking money for people who have dissassociated themselves.

    As for the ones below 15 years of age. How many JW-children doesn't deliver a service card and is harassing people by knocking their doors at the age of 15? Most ar baptized at that age or around that age - which means they have been publishers for years. And publishers are among the 10.000 you say there are officially in Norway.

    And claiming money for people who just "slipped away" - that's typical the Watchtower, right? Peple who has been "forgotten" - who no longer are JWs? I can actually prove they claim money for people no longer in the congregation!

    The Watchtower is as they have always been. Jehovah lives in Brooclyn, and Jehovah is always broke. Jehovah always needs money, and he don't care if he has to swindle anyone, neither if he has to be a fraudster.

    Maybe you will excuse them for the stunt they made with the old lady who donated her property to them when they should bild their branch office in Enebakk, Norway as well? She gave the Watchtower her property, on the condition she should live there till she died. Well, the Watchtower needed the property, threw her out, and nobody cared one bit.

    A cute international gangster organization, if you ask me.

  • Angharad

    Hi Kent

    Welcome back

  • TheOldHippie

    I do not quite see what the "stunt" done to a certain elderly woman has to do with receiving governmental funds, but there might be some connection you see as opposed to what others do see. But back to the point in focus, the receipt of funds. For all churches benefitting from this provision the general rule is that you are a member until you formally leave or until you join another church. As long as you withdraw informally, you remain a member. I am confident that errors are made and people are listed as members of two or three churches, and this is the reason attempts are made to make the churches give the members' personal code or social security number in addition to their names and addresses. But this goes for all churches, and these registers are no big deal to the congregations, nothing on which one focuses,and nothing with which one deliberately commits fraud. Of course they should be in order, and of course fraud should not happen, but if you REALLY want to criticize someone for fraudulent registers, you should turn to the Moslem groups.

    I see no reason to bark and snap and sneere at people. Perhaps one could learn from the attitude of COC and ISOCF?

  • Kent

    Perhaps one could learn from the attitude of COC and ISOCF?

    Yeah, sure. You could learn how to be a hypocrite, for one thing. I was never especcially impressed by COC at all, since people who say in one sentence we did break the law, accepted bribes and so on - in the next sentence is saying: We did the best we could in an honest way - I don't trust people like that.

    I have other reasons as well.

    To the question at hand. It's always fun to see how the Watchtower uses the laws. When they suit them - they use them. If they don't - they don't care. Your explanation is OK to a certain degree - but only as long as you agree the Watchtower is all about money. They are calling "disassociated" people Jehovah's Witnesses just because they have not formally resigned? OK - why do they treat them like pestilence, then? They are good enough to use as a source of income - but should be "hated with a perfect hate" by the other members of the so called church?

    Really a great example of great "Christians". Love is all around, right? I'm sure yoy are still working o your salvation, my friend. Defending hypocricy is a typical way, and I'm sure you know the proper name for such things. Theocratic Warfare Strategy.


  • LittleToe

    Hey Kent - Loooooooong time no see.
    How's it hanging?

    Thanks for the update.

  • Kent

    Hi LittleToe and all other old friends as well:

    I'm doing fine, really - but do have a lot to do these days. As a result, I have not been a lot online with the JW stuff, and probably won't be either. At the moment I try to have a good time, drinking my wine, beer and whisky, listening to great music at ear-damaging sound levels (according to Norm), and enjoy my life the best I can.

    Recently there has been some "action" in Norway, because a friend of mine, Roar Henriksen, just published a book. "Gud bor i Brooklyn" (God lives in Brooklyn), and papers, TV and the like have made quite a lot of fuzz about it.

    But, the rest of the time I just try to spend as much time in the pub as my money allows me to, and think of everything BUT the JW-crap.

    This summer I might even travel to a barbeque in the UK :)

    Yachyd Da


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