Which Doctrine Convinced You That This Wasn't Right

by ignorance is strength 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    Child abuse policy

    Lack of love

  • glitter

    Could it be because it was written in the Middle East?

    Further to english Patients's reply, I'd like to say that no - it's because it was written thousands of years ago - women in most of the other parts of the world would have been oppressed. Actually until last century Muslim women were better off than Western woman (allowed to own property etc).

    The doctrines mostly seemed perfectly reasonable at the time - or no-one would've stayed!

    The thing that got me to question was partly the UN thing, I couldn't understand how the UN was evil when I always saw the UN peacekeepers on the news helping people in terrible situations.
    Also when a friend's mother got disfellowshipped for remarrying because her ex-husband denied he'd cheated on her when they were married.
    And when there was a magazine a few years ago explaining that blood salvage machines were OK... I couldn't understand why I couldn't store my own blood for use in an operation.

    The actual *scandal* that really woke me up (even though I was already 50% out) was the child abuse policy. After I saw Panorama I couldn't stand to even *look* at a WT book or magazine, I was so angry and disgusted. Then I found the JWD from a link on the AJWRB site and I found *that* from the Skeptic's Annotated Bible (JW section is v interesting). Then when I got here I found out so much stuff in such a short time (just read and read for ages) that I was *so* happy that I was right and out of it for good - but I'm still *furious* at the JWs.

  • Mulan
    finding out 607 was bogus....it collapsed the entire 1914 doctrine...

    that too.............major thing for me

  • ozziepost

    all of the judicial arrangement followed closely by Jesus not being the mediator, then that Jesus is a created angel.

    Guess what?? That's a threesome!!!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • SAHS

    The thing that convinced me that something is rather fishy about the FSD is their attitude of pompousness and high-handedness. It is most interesting to compare Jesus? scathing denunciations of the hypocritical Pharisees at Matthew Chapter 23 with the legalistic and hard-line stance of the GB. Another interesting exercise: try substituting the words ?God? and ?Christ? in their literature with ?the Organization? and ?the Watchtower.? It really makes their underlying self-serving attitude light up just like shining an ultraviolet light on certain mineral rocks in the dark (fancy iridescent colors from nowhere!).

    My favorite Scripture is Matthew 7:1 ? I believe it mentions something about not judging if one doesn?t want to also be judged in like manner. Well, I have never heard of any other religion that passes so much judgment against all other religions and groups (i.e., all non-JWs). Come to think of it, they also sure do a lot of judging of their own people (i.e., if they don?t follow all the rules about birthdays, clinking glasses, burning incense, wearing beards, watching things like Married With Children, etc., etc., etc. . . .).

    Also, their treatment of women has always bothered me. You would think that the one true religion would treat everyone with respect and dignity regardless of their race or gender. It doesn?t make any sense to me why someone can be the president of a large corporation, or even a country for that matter, and then not be allowed to even operate a sound mixer or microphone simply because they are female. (This bothers me even though I am not a woman myself because I?ve always believed in justice and fairness.)

    Actually, if it weren?t for the fact that I started believing that I had quite possibly been condemned since around puberty, I would never have recently decided to check out Web sites like this one. Looks like that particular doctrine backfired!


  • Stefanie

    The annionted thing.

  • Farkel

    : What WT doctrine convinced or made you doubt your faith in the WTBTS?

    It wasn't the doctrine so much as the people. They were a bunch of hypocritical assholes.


  • Flash

    Changing doctrines along with their oppressive and relentless social engineering!!

  • Odrade

    Policy, not doctrine... treatment of women, blood policy (fractions being conscience matter,) UN matter, Mexico bribes for cartilla, "low hour publishers," etc.

  • Snowball

    For me...the first doctrine I disproved for myself was the 607 chronology. It was like a house of cards after that. The blood doctrine was what got me kicked out though.

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