The Borganization

by Agent 1 of 1 7 Replies latest social humour

  • Agent 1 of 1
    Agent 1 of 1

    I am a recent XJW and have noticed quite abit of people referring the WTS as The Borg. They usually refer them to as the ORG. I would like to write down several things that each seem to have in comparison. And please add any other things that you have come up with yourself.

    The Borganization:

    They are all one body, one mind. They do not think for themselves. Emotions are irrelevant.

    They assimilate all races and technology to reach their ultimate goal. Perfection.

    They adapt. (AKA The New Light)

    They are controlled by one entity, their "Mother".

    They are consistently made up of white men and speak English (little StarTrek joke).

    They tried to change history to help in the assimilation of mankind.

    The "mother" slept with a representative of the "United" organization to gain access to their computer library.

    And if there's anything else you want to add, please do. Have fun.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    The drones don't attack until you become a threat.

    What ever attack you use on them can only be used once before the rest become immune.

  • Leolaia

    A Borg member may develop a seed of individuality and independence of thought, and then poses a danger to the rest of the Borg by infecting them with his or her own "apostate" thinking (cf. the episode "I-Borg")

  • Sirona

    They say that "resistence is futile" because the Borg will eventually assimilate the entire universe and no other species will exist.

    They see themselves as superior to all others.

    They're only truly "hot" looking when they've left the collective (7 of 9)


  • Brother Beyond
    Brother Beyond

    They receive simultanious instructions that spread throughout the entire collective. (WT study).

    Once an instruction is received, the drones act on it without question, even if it contradicts a previous instruction.


  • blondie

    Very good, everyone. Frightening isn't it, the similarities.


  • gods vigilante
    gods vigilante

    Oh, oh... I got one. The Borg hate the federation cause they allow him to have a beard.

  • cyber-sista

    I always found it strange how many JW Star Trek voyager fans there were (including myself). We were all fascinated with 7 of 9 and loved to watch her through her efforts of gaining back her humanity after living as a borg drone for several years. I now wonder if some X-JW had a part in writing those scripts--the symbolism seemed all too familiar...

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