by wednesday 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wednesday

    thank u GV, i appreciate your kind post.

    u know somethig else that occured to me. JWS always say" there was ALWAYS AN ORG OF GOD'S PEOPLE -the jewish people- so god has always had a people.Also, they use the fact that the early christians were in congregations to say we must be in an org to have God's approval. But that is not so. If u believe the Bible, then Jesus came to fulfill the law. the jews were no longer God's special people and He was extending the chance to worship Him to the people of the nations. he wasn't using an org. he gave all a chance to serve Him. I think all who call on God and are sincere, he will hear. I have always thought that, even when i was an active JWS.

  • wednesday

    well we have the wine and i'm baking the bread. I feel ok about this now, and it seems more natural. Neither my hubby or I are making a huge deal out of it, we will just have a simple prayer and read a bit from the bible.


    Hi Wednesday:

    My entire family decided not to attend the Memorial at the K.H. for the last several years and we celebrated at home. This year was the nicest I have ever attended in my entire life. We all, about 20 of us, discussed things about Jesus' life that stood out to each one of us and it was so touching. It was great to Participate in the event, unlike the K.H. where you just sit and go through the motions. I could not believe how much better I felt afterwards...I hope you have the same experience.

  • garybuss

    I have been missing ritual meetings for mostly 30 years and so far the sky has not fallen'-) Enjoy the evening. GaryB

  • cruzanheart
    I decided that I will, instead of going, read the whole passage concerning the passover.

    Welcome to the board, GV! I did that last year, which was the first time I missed the Memorial. This year it just plain didn't matter. We had two elders come over a couple of weeks ago (after a year and a half of NOTHING) to nervously invite us, and I got a curt e-mail from someone I used to think of as a friend, but that was it. Oh yes, a friend of mine did offhandedly invite me but wasn't surprised or offended when I said "no thanks."

    So I tried a new recipe -- planked salmon -- which turned out pretty good, and now after posting to you good people I am going to bathe my 8-year-old and put the kids to bed. For bread at dinner we had homemade foccacia (I have a bread machine), and we did have some really good wine.

    I appreciate greatly the sacrifice God's son made for us on this night. I appreciate the gift of life that God gave me and the brain that allows me to entertain all sorts of new ideas, like maybe the Bible is just a tale of popular myths. Entertaining those ideas and researching them does not mean I appreciate God's goodness any less; if anything, I appreciate it more because I am allowed the freedom to think.

    Love to all,


  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    But somewhere in my indoctrination is the belief that even if they were to spit on us, we should attend and serve jehovah. After all we are serving him, not the brothers. That's the party line anyhow.

    I think it's commendable that you put God above others, but if your so called brothers and sisters don't make you feel welcome, then this is further proof why the JWs' religion is a fraud.

    Anyway, you asked about my name. Oxnard is a character on a cartoon/anime called Hamtaro. Like me, Oxnard is fat, likes to eat, timid, and shy around females. I also chose the name because I consider myself a kid at heart.

  • Purza

    I didn't go today either for the first time in 35 years. I did not want to be a hypocrite and go to my one meeting a year. Even though I thought about it on occassion today, I do not feel any guilt because I did not go. My best friend went (she doesn't attend meetings either), but she was irritable and dreading it. Glad I didn't get that way.

  • bebu

    Too bad you don't live near me, Wednesday! I wish you could be my guest at our church.

    Thursday there is a Maundy Thursday service, and our pastor gives an insightful look into understanding how the historical events of the last hours of Jesus' life likely played out. Friday night is a 'tenebrae' service--reading of the passion, psalms, and prayer; and we all leave in silence. Then on Sunday we will have communion in the morning, and a musical production in the evening. I'm even singing in the darn thing (choir--first time! ).

    BTW: different churches have different communion practices. To take communion in the Catholic church, you should be a baptized Catholic (correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what I recall). But many protestant churches have "open communion", which means that any person may take communion if s/he has faith in Christ for salvation, baptized or not; member or not...

    Easter's a week away. You might really enoy attending a church that allows the fellowship Christ was offering...


  • nojudgement

    I also did not attend tonight for the first time in my life. It was a conscience decision that I made in the last couple of weeks after joining this forum and reflecting on my true feelings. I have really appreciated so many of your stories and experiences. To find a community that truly understands and resonates so many similar thoughts I've had over the years has been very liberating. But still, to understand that my whole family and many others who I still care about are there tonight and I am not...I feel defiant in many ways. That song they sing at the beginning of the memorial has always been so touching to me...I don't know why.

    I always thought I would go to the memorial no matter what. As the sun was setting tonight and I was riding my bike on the beach I wondered if Jesus and Jehovah thought that I wasn't appreciative. I said a special prayer and I will read the text in the Bible concerning the memorial before I go to bed. My family has no idea that I am not attending tonight. They would be HORRIFIED!!! Why is it so hard to get passed that? But this is a very important step for me. Psychologically, it's the biggest step in my separation from my JW way of life. I have let go of the final ritual that I always thought I would observe.

  • wednesday


    that must have been very hard for u to do. Family is a strong "Pull". I know God hears all sincere prayers, and so he heard yours. Sounds like u had a lovely bike ride and talk with God. My hubby finds his spiritual side wih nature. he is not a man who prays a lot or even reads the bible alot, but he understands nature, and says it makes him feel closer to God. I respect that. I do believe we can see God in nature, all the beautiful things god has created for us. there are so many ways to be spiritual.

    I know this was a hard day, but sounds like u got through it. The way to show your family that u are still a spiritual person is in the BEING not so much in attending meetings and peddling mags.

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