by hawkaw 52 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    my favorite line:

    Kimberlee Norris, a tenacious Fort Worth, Texas, attorney

    Yes, its the tenacious Kimberlee!!!! you go Kim!!!!

  • DanTheMan
    the victim is taken to a back room with guys who don't know diddly-squat

    Message to Bill - lose the hillbilly talk, it diminishes your effectiveness.

    Other than that, great article. Looks like there will be no new light coming down the pike regarding the two witness rule, not as long as the hardliners are in power.

    Them saying that abuse cases are reported in states that require it is such baloney, it makes me sick to see that. Watchtower lawyers are so concerned about protecting the org that they've lost touch with reality and are in complete denial over how much pain has been caused by the insensitive and in many cases hostile treatment that victims have received.

    Message to WT lawyers reading this thread - shame on you.

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    Looks like there will be no new light coming down the pike regarding the two witness rule, not as long as the hardliners are in power.

    I think it's more due to the WT's lawyers than 'old school' hardline GB members.

    If they admit that the 2 witness rule is faulty, that opens them up to lawsuits with those whose abuse was covered up under that rule. Basic rule of corporate legality (or, for that matter, anyone who's ever been in a car accident): Never Admit You're at Fault. Even (especially! in the case of corporations) if you are guilty. I don't think it's terribly unusual for corporations to refuse to change policies they know are wrong, for the sole reason that if they changed they could be sued for admiting there was something wrong with the old policy, hence admitting liability.

    Screwy, but the way the corporate and legal system works.

  • kgfreeperson

    I am fascinated by what creates the "tipping point" for a committed believer--not just JWs or cult members but for all of us who have cherished beliefs and resisted all opportunities/pressures to give them up. Some people just seem to get better and better at finding convincing rationales to assure ourselves that we should go right on cherishing those beliefs. And some suddenly recognize an inconsistency and life-long convictions collapse. I have a theory that the more of ourselves we have to give up or the more pain we have endured in the process of accepting a belief, the harder it is to let go of it. But it is fascinating--and as we all know, it does not have to do with intelligence.

  • Sunspot

    **The problem in the JWs is not just with a clergy class. No activists are claiming that only elders or MS are the abusers. The problem is that the "corporate climate" of the WT has made it possible for individual JWs, not clergy to avoid being charged both by JW judicial committees and the secular court system. **

    Asleif, I SAW your post--and I read it three times when the full impact of what you said had "hit" me! I had just never THOUGHT of it that way, but you're absolutely right!

    I really appreciated how you brought this up "over there'.....


    Annie (aka CWT)

  • cyber-sista
    I am fascinated by what creates the "tipping point" for a committed believer--not just JWs or cult members but for all of us who have cherished beliefs and resisted all opportunities/pressures to give them up. Some people just seem to get better and better at finding convincing rationales to assure ourselves that we should go right on cherishing those beliefs. And some suddenly recognize an inconsistency and life-long convictions collapse. I have a theory that the more of ourselves we have to give up or the more pain we have endured in the process of accepting a belief, the harder it is to let go of it. But it is fascinating--and as we all know, it does not have to do with intelligence.

    Kgfree...good points. This is what happened to me--I came to my tipping point--the child molesting WT policy was one tipping point--I knew of a situation and saw the way it was being handled and you could say it really "stumbled" me. I reasearched and found the silent lambs program--I could no longer be in denial. Even though I had been a devout JW for 20 years the underpinnings of those beliefs were slowly eroding away until one day the walls just came tumblilng down.--suddenly the realizations poured in on me and I saw it for what it really was.. I was in a state of denial and think I was snapped out of it rather suddenly by a few major incidents. I feel now like I just awoke from a hypnotic trance--it scares me now to think of how brainwashed I was.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    I am confused from what I see people are complaining that the watchtower is "behind the times", but so is most of organized religion. In the old days women and children were abused regularly, and the same thing that happens in the elders meetings happened with the police. Also it is not the WTS job to protect anyone. I know it is sad, but they are a book company people! The people whom protect you are the police! It says so on their cars.

    I think some people such as silent lambs (I?m not throwing stones) are under the false impression religion has a say in the matter. That is the problem that started the "pedophile paradise" people waiting for Jehovah to smite the sex-offenders. In this case it is the outside world for once turning the Watchtower into Jehovah. In effect praying to the Watchtower to smite the child molesters.

    JWs have a false sense of security because of the ?special relationship? with Jehovah. Providing their field service time is up they can pray, and instantly the all the sex-offenders in their hall will be swallowed up like Korah and the rest of the men in the camp, and a molester proof halo will shield their child from all assaults. Before every assembly he brothers get up and remind the brothers to watch their children because there are pedophiles lurking conventions. Yet the average JW does not use their reasoning capability to figure out that means there are pedophiles in their kingdom halls too.

    Most parents never search for sex-offenders in their area anyway. It is not anyone?s fault, but the abusers granted. JWs rarely call the police or the elders until the crap has hit, the fan. I don't know why but from personal experience every JW I know acts like they have a key of coke in their book bags when the cops come around. Maybe that American flag on their uniforms make them look like agents of Satan. I know a "brother" that committed adultery/ statutory rape with a 15 year old guess who?s in jail? Who gives a crap if the elders do anything? If it is a convicted sex offender then it is easy to find them. I believe that the "closed society" that breeds pedophiles is a fairy tail. It is just JWs are arrogant people, whom collectively rather take a chance of letting their children get molested than looking bad. The reason is simple those two magic words "Brother" and "Sister" what you are describing is the same mechanisms that perpetuate abuse in families. Except this family have 6 million people. Since nobody wants to break up their family they rather take the abuse or cover it up then risk exposure. What you want basically is to dissolve the cultic unity that JWs have. Don't waste your time. You can't police ego.

    Sorry if I sound uncaring, but I have first hand experience. Most JWs will never call the police because just like 70 years ago the embarrassment and stigma of being a molestation victim is greater than any amount of justices giving a pedophile jail time will bring. Sadly to say it the only way to solve this is to make child molestation ?okay?. Someone needs to find a JW Oprah to basically show being molested is not something to be ashamed of, and that you can grow up to be a normal person. I know a few JW children molested (by minors), and nothing was done except separate the minors. No juvenile courts, child protective services to figure out who molested the perpetrator, or therapy. Just jarring the kids like Siamese fighting fish. These broken child perpetrators did eventualy end up in the system. It is like they think if it is known their child has been molested, and since their child has been already turned into a ?sex fiend? any man, or beast that wants some will just bring out the publisher cards of JW molestation victims, and waltz your kids off to Motel 6 for a giant orgy. I know it sounds sick but I have heard ?you gotta watch them they?ve been molested, don?t sit too close to um?, like the little kid was going to start giving lap dances or something.

  • JT

    I am confused from what I see people are complaining that the watchtower is "behind the times", but so is most of organized religion


    don't be confused my dear friend you see the WT doesn't consider itself to be like other religions- in fact other religion according to the WT are under the direct control and oversight of Satan himself, DID YOU KNOW THAT?

    While the wt claims to be under the DIRECT CONTROL AND OVERSIGHT of God himself- they have the title according to THEM of being the ONLY CHANNEL AND MOUTH PC god is using on the face of the earth since the early 1900s

    so with such a lofty standard would not one expect that they be far ahead of backward religions that rely on Satan for directions-

    when it is conveint the wt compares itself and how superior it is to all other religions, then when it is conveient the wt wants to be compared as BEING NO BETTER THAN THE REST

    you can't have it both ways

  • JT

    Philip Brumley, Watchtower's general counsel, says his religion cannot alter its beliefs and doubts secular courts will demand this.

    "Do you change doctrine because someone feels something is more convenient, even if it's not in harmony with Scripture?" he asks.







    LAST DAYS 1874 1899, 1914, 1925

    SO his point is moot

  • JT

    I know it is sad, but they are a book company people!


    you hit the nail on the head

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