New Announcement At The Memorial?

by dawn27 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    New announcements are historically made at the service meeting, the least attended meeting by the public (by JWs too).

    Example, the updated version of the "Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry" was a special release at a service meeting with a big hoopla about a special announcement.

    Also, the change in the donation arrangement was made at a service meeting.

    Also, disfellowshippings and reprovings are only at the service meeting.

    They don't want to scare off the "new ones."


  • ozziepost

    Mineralogist said:

    If you are curios about the announcement it seems you still give them power over your life. Do you think you will need something of them for a happy life? It is a cult and they can decide and do what they like

    I gotta tell ya: the posters downunder are in full agreement with the poster from Germany!

    Talk about a worldwide brotherhood!!

    Or, I'll put it the ocker way: Struth mate, who cares what they say and do, they're a cult, they're wrong, and they can run around in circles till the cows come home, who the heck cares what they say and do?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • xjw_b12

    I have to agree with IT Support on that one :

    Every year at the end of the memorial there's a portion of the outline designed to "encourage" (emotionally blackmail) all the backsliders to rejoin the cult...

    Kinda of a mini love bombing. And that is all there is too it.

  • Elsewhere

    If anyone does go, it would be great if they could record the announcement.

    I'm inclinded to think it is the same BS announcement made at the end of the memorial, weddings, funerals, etc.... "If you are interested in a study, please contact a local Jehover's Witness and they will be pleased to help you."

  • gumby

    Anything not discussed at the memorial. New doctrinal "Light" is ALWAYS in the Watchtower (study article)..and new organisational policy in matters is discussed at the Service Meeting either in a KM or a letter read to the congregation from the society.

    The memorial is strickly for the purpose of making publisher and other attendees wonder what in the hell they are doing there!


  • ozziepost


    It's the great rejection of Jesus non-feast!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • gumby
    It's the great rejection of Jesus non-feast!


    If one really examines Jesus role through the eyes of a witness.......they reject all he was suppose to stand for.


  • Mulan
    Are they going to come find and disfellowship us unless we go back or can we now come back "no questions asked" (yah right)?

    I agree with Blondie on this issue. They won't make any such announcement at the memorial, since there are too many interested ones there. It would make them wonder too much.

  • Evesapple

    there's always a new announcement, i can remember way back when....'oooh tonite they're going to announce something' and it was always the same old thing....blah, blah, blah, blah.....

  • Richie

    My daughter phoned me to invite me over to the Memorial. I politely told her that I will NOT be going to the meeting.

    I am born again and there is no way that I will get any benefit at all. So why go? Whatever the Borg teaches is not in line with sound and truthful doctrine and I do not want to waste my time to listen to tainted teachings which only serve their agenda! Besides, I would partake so it would only embarrass them anyways...

    Richie :*)

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