Why is there a High Rate of Suicide among Jehovahs Witnesses?????

by Aikon 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • acsot
    Since she was d/f , and it was a suicide, no brother would do her funeral talk. So in my mind they even punished this poor woman even in death. She still was a believer, a lost person, with no one there with her in her last hours. No cards, no calls, no one was at her funeral because of the situation. No flowers even,,,,,,,,,that is when I broke down,,,,,,because she loved flowers so much. It wasnt fair these fresh flowers and plants, had more life in them than she did. The brothers and sisters didnt even come to the funeral for the sake of me and my husband both of us active , JW's.

    It took me getting out of the borg,,,,,,,,,to see really how much the local elders, and the ( bad word) @#$% UP JW rules contributed to the total loss of self respect my mother had for herself and her hopeless grief. The anger I have for them will never go away.........but I try to keep it in check, or I would go mad myself.

    I tell her story,,,,,,,,,for her sake, out of respect and hoping that others will understand her. It is my personal mission to make sure the WT will be seen and held responsible for the blood they have on their hands.

    Lura Anne Davis 1950-1985,,,,,,,faithful JW for over 16 yrs, d/f only for 2 months when she committed suicide.

    f&&king hell, now I'm crying and I'm at work, good thing the boss is gone. Gawd almighty Lyin' I'm so sorry for what your mother went through at the hands of those ass-holes.

    As long as you tell her story, she still lives, her life wasn't in vain and her grief and suicide are a permanent indictment of the life-sucking WTS rules and regulations and those that impose such on people like your mother.

    (((((((((((Lyin' and Lura Anne))))))))))))))))

  • LyinEyes

    Thank you all, and you know Acsot, I cry also when I hear other's stories of suicide, lonilness, loss of family, the list goes on and on.

    Suicide is such a heartbreaking ordeal to go thru, because the will to live is such a strong factor in all humans. A person has to be so broken in spirit, crushed, with no hope to go thru with a suicide plan. Most of the people who do complete a suicide plan, knew what they were doing, and although they were not totally mentally stable in most cases , due to depression , etc, they were not psyhcotic either. The ones who committ suicide when there is hope , or help, even if they can't see it , is what is so sad about it. If someone could reach out at the time and help them get help, that would be great. But it doesnt happen that way.

    My mom was acting very normal the day before she did it. I think in her case, suicide was always something she fought , especially with what she was going thru at the time. But I saw a strenght in her that I hadn't seen, in such a long time. I was sure she was finally going to make it. I was sure she wouldnt go back to taking pain pills. She seemed so strong and seemed to have the attitude that she would pull out of the bad situations she was in.

    Since she left no note, and I had no idea , I am not sure her suicide was one that was thought out very carefully , I think she just had it up to there, so to speak, and some straw , triggered, broke the camels back. I think she did it more on an impulse , because of her lifelong pain. She had delt with it so many times before and I guess she just couldnt handle it anymore.

    In her mind she probably figured she would go to sleep, finally, and awaken to paradise. I think she was like me, even when we were JW believers, that Jehovah would judge us , our case individually as he saw fit. She knew she was a good hearted person who gave to many,,,,,,,,but it was herself and her low self esteem that was her down fall. Being one of JW's sure didnt help matters,,,,,,,the JW's teach you to not rely on yourself, to put your trust in the elders, the GB, the WT magazines, and prayer. And of course to wait,,,,wait on Jehovah. Some people get freakin' tired of waiting on Jehovah. That is why so many are depressed, so many are in physical pain caused by emotional factors, and why so many are committing suicide.

    Some are walking away from the WT, still belieivng it is the "truth", and are just awaiting their destruction. That is in their mind just another form of suicide, but they are trying to have some kind of life until the God of doom and destruction brings on Armeggedon. I know many people I talk to who think this way.

    You bet I am telling them all I know, about the WT so they can be free too. Free of the guilt. Life is meant to be enjoyed, you take the good and the bad,,,,,but a religion that makes you want to die,,,,,,,that king of religion is just sick and wrong .

    ((((((((((((((Hugs to all, and thank you for the support and understanding of what my Mom went thru,,,,,,,she would smile and feel so loved))))))))))))))))

  • reboot

    My mom was acting very normal the day before she did it. I think in her case, suicide was always something she fought , especially with what she was going thru at the time. But I saw a strenght in her that I hadn't seen, in such a long time. I was sure she was finally going to make it. I was sure she wouldnt go back to taking pain pills. She seemed so strong and seemed to have the attitude that she would pull out of the bad situations she was in.

    Dede, i'm so sorry; I knew about this, but not all the details, it's heart breaking to read, and must be awful to relive... (((dede))) you obviously, know your mother better than anyone; but sometimes when people behave like this it's because they're relieved as they've finally decided where and when and life seems to be almost 'bright' for a while as the decision has been reached; relief and the ending of mental pain is in sight and you feel real happiness as the confusion is over.

  • acsot
    Some are walking away from the WT, still belieivng it is the "truth", and are just awaiting their destruction. That is in their mind just another form of suicide, but they are trying to have some kind of life until the God of doom and destruction brings on Armeggedon. I know many people I talk to who think this way.

    I felt that way, before I had my eyes opened, so to speak. I didn't want to live in any "paradise earth" if the elders I knew were to be "princes in the earth". I also felt so guilty and unworthy that I figured I'd be bird feed at Armageddon. Glad that burden is off my shoulders.

  • LyinEyes

    You are exactly right reboot. As stange as it may seem, I cant say the word is comfort, not sure really what word I could use, but I feel that she made her choice , even if I hate that she made that choice, but she was doing what she felt she had to do. I don't hate my Mom for what she did, I thought I hated her for doing it for along time. It took alot of growing up, ( I was just 18 when she did it) and living my own life , and seeing how painful some things can really be. Somethings can be so painful , especially when they go on and on for so many years, with no change. She tired to change things over the years but she never was able to stay off the drugs, she was always sad because of my father's coldness for so long.

    She always was a little red headed spit fire,,,,,,,,but I watched her thru the years and saw the light just finally flicker out. Then she went to rehab and seemed to have a new lease on life. But she didnt stay with the program of AA, I know that is really hard for a JW to be part of , because they talk about God all the time, and the way JW's see God is not the way AA sees God, not really.

    She didnt stay in touch with a sponser, she thought she could just get back to the meetings and get reinstated, and Jehovah would help her.

    I guess she knew in the back of her mind, that there was no one there who could help her,,,,,,,,,and you know how the JW's use that scripture ,,,,the one where Peter says........" then whom shall we go to", if he was to leave Jesus.

    I am sure in her mind,,,,,,,,she felt there was no where to go. Being d/f she had no friends, her family was not close because of being JW, the was always a wedge there because of that. My dad left her too. I was gone, I had just married. And you know,,,,,,,,for along time I felt such guilt that I wasnt there to take care of my mom like I always had. I told myself for years, if only I would have went to her that night, as I always did on the phone to check on her,,,,,maybe I could have saved her. I was out of town thou.

    It took many years to realized that even thou I was the mother to my mother, that wasnt my place and I had no real experience in taking care of someone who needed so much help. I had to admit to myself, that I couldnt have held her hand everyday, for fear she would die. I grew up that way and it was just a natural part of my life to take care of her. I gave her sponge baths when she was out of it, I wiped puke off of her face, changed her gown, nursed her in her pill induced haze,,,and just kept quiet to the world about it.

    In the end, my mom begged me to forgive her for all the years she neglected me and put that burden on my shoulders. I loved her so much , I told her she never had to beg forgiveness from me , ever. I just wanted my Mama back,,,,,,,the one that I saw a few times in our years together, the way she was,,,,that is all I wanted for her and for me.

    I guess she just had too much grief and self condemnation to fight anymore. In her own way, she must have been like you said Reboot,,,,,,,relieved that her pain would end. And really, I can understand that now that I am older. The weird thing is ,,,,, I am now older than my mom was when she died. Strange.

  • seedy3

    I'm wondering if there are any stastics, that show suicide rates in compairison to different religions/cults/sects. I saw the post that mentioned that religion tends to "promote" (perhaps not the correct word) suicide, but I would be more interested in some stats, rather then just an opnion, even if it was an educated opnion.


  • 4JWY

    Seedy :

    The suicide rate is high among those of the Mormon faith who also live a very controlled life. Don't have the statistics handy, but we had done a search on Mental Health & Christianity a while back that proved very interesting.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    I'd say no one has made the case that there is a higher rate of suicide among JWs. This anecdotal stuff doesn't really mean much, and I don't know of anything definitive. I've known two people inside the organization that committed suicide and three people outside, but that's meaningless in the context of proving anything.

  • cruzanheart

    Perhaps not, Pork Chop, but I liken it to the cases of Andrea Yates and the woman who stoned her sons to death, claiming that God told her to do it. They both were deeply religious. They both belonged to fundie religions. Can you make a case that this proves that people who (1) are deeply religious, or (2) belong to fundie religions have a greater chance of killing their children than other people? No, but it does make one go "hmmm" and try to find a common denominator in the whole thing. There was a healthy debate about this a while back: does the religion make people suicidal, or is the religion attractive to people who are already suicidal? Good questions. Probably no definitive answers. But those of us who have lost loved ones to suicide think about it a LOT.


  • reboot
    And you know,,,,,,,,for along time I felt such guilt that I wasnt there to take care of my mom like I always had. I told myself for years, if only I would have went to her that night, as I always did on the phone to check on her,,,,,maybe I could have saved her. I was out of town thou.

    It took many years to realized that even thou I was the mother to my mother, that wasnt my place and I had no real experience in taking care of someone who needed so much help. I had to admit to myself, that I couldnt have held her hand everyday, for fear she would die. I grew up that way and it was just a natural part of my life to take care of her. I gave her sponge baths when she was out of it, I wiped puke off of her face, changed her gown, nursed her in her pill induced haze,,,and just kept quiet to the world about it.

    ((((Dede)))) You did so well...but as you said, you should'nt have had to be responsible for all that.

    I stayed near my mother after my brother and sister moved out so I could carry on looking after her and protecting her..I used to nurse her injuries from my father from when I was seven and wondered whether she'd die in my care and imagine how i'd felt if she had? I was'nt allowed to call an ambulance...terrifying...we should have been able and allowed to ask for help for them-but we were just children...I think that's why we're left with little nagging guilty doubts...but we should'nt think like that...circumstances put us in that position..but age prevented us being able to sort it out- so we did what we could- we just looked after them and loved them-my mother spoke of suicide often..and children should'nt have to hear things like that...I just wanted to wrap her up and make her feel better and thought I could and felt like afailure when she did'nt get happier as the years went by.

    we had slightly different situations-but similar burdons at too young an age. I don't think that if you had watched her all the time you could have prevented what she did that day; we have to respect people's ability to choose their own path and sometimes all we can do is accept that they could'nt find the help they needed from anyone and just be proud of ourselves for being there and letting them know how much we loved them..my mother too, just before she died appologised for everything, and i felt as you did-to be that close to her was wonderful; I was glad to be there-but thinking about it, I should'nt have had to...your mum sounded as loved as mine ...I bet she was so proud of you

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