
by morty 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • codeblue


    Sorry to hear you are having problems with fibromyelgia. I was diagnosed with it in 99........and found that muscle relaxers helped...but didn't completely eleviate it. Fortunately for me, my fibro only flares up when I am under "huge" is not a day to day battle like others face. I am extremely grateful for that. Mine hits me for a month when it does...and that is bad enough.


  • talesin

    Sorry to hear you have joined the ranks. But now that you know, you can take care of yourself.

    I've had it all my life, and have recently recovered from a 2 year bout with the miserable stuff :( As Bikerchic said, you will find your own path, there's lotsa information here for you to start with already. It's a good idea to steer clear of meds, imho, and go the homeopathic route. Just my two.


    The thing is, that is very difficult to do, when you cannot even bring your hands up over your head to wash or fix your hair, without tears streaming down your face, due to the pain. ... And the pain doesn't ever go away totally. It's like getting stuck with a knife that stays in, and then someone twisting it on whim.

    That is the most eloquent description I have ever heard. What you said about people perceiving us as lazy, is so true. I have felt depressed many times because of the way this condition has limited my capabilities to take care of myself, earn money, etc. It brought tears to my eyes, just reading it. Thank you for being able to communicate how it feels. If you don't mind, I am going to print it off to share ...

    To everyone suffering with FM ---->>>>>> Take it easy on yourself, don't lose heart.


  • simplesally

    My mom thinks aspartame (fake sugar) is the root of all evil.

  • Richie

    Speaking about aspartame:

    Most people think that drinking diet Coke or any Diet drink will make them lose weight. The exact opposite is the truth: in fact most if not all diet drinks contain an artificial sweetener called "aspartame", which is deadly dangerous! Recent studies proved that by taking aspartame, you're actually GAINING weight and intake of aspartame is also linked to lupus, multiple sclerosis, is dangerous to diabetics and causes cancer or allergic reactions. Aspartame can be hazardous to the one in 20,000 people born with phenylketonuria, which is the inability to metabolize phenylalaine (aspartame's main component) High blood levels of phenylalaine can interfere with mental function, which is why all foods containing aspartame must be labelled. Another concern: when aspartame breaks down in the body, it releases methanol, a gas that negatively affects optic nerve function and interferes with blood supply to the retina, resulting in vision loss. Additionally, aspartame can cause dizziness, headaches, epileptic-like seizures, insomnia, vertigo, rashes and anxiety.

    When you see aspartame anywhere on any foods, DO NOT buy it. If you have bought something with that substance, then just throw it out. Your health is more important than anything else!

    Richie :*)

  • Richie

    Interesting website about fibromyalgia is

  • outnfree


    So sorry to hear that you're suffering (again! ) I hope the information others have provided here is helpful to you.



  • LyinEyes

    You know i read this thread and thought I responed to it......but there ya go,,,,,,,the fibro fog. Yeah , I am oen of those who have delt with this "syndrome" even before it had a name.

    I am so much better after leaving JW, and the stress of it all, the guilt associated with trying to be so perfect, when your body doesnt want to

    I have TMJ, moodswings, migraines , had juvilenne arthritis, still have artritis that will not leave my side for a minute, add the fibromyaligia and even I can't believe someone could be so cursed with pain problems.

    I don't know if I just have a low threashold of pain, or if my pain is as bad as I think,,,,,,,but regardless it is knock me on my ass, in the bed , unable to feed myself, wishing a big rock would put me out misery kind of pain.

    What I hate the most about this fibromyalgia pain is that my children dont really understand how mama can ride bikes and play with them one day, and then one day be too sick to get up and make dinner. For so many years, I was able to make myself do what my body refused to want to do , because I knew they needed me. They were babies and needed changing and bottles, now that they are older, they still need me , but I have taught them how to do some things on their own, like making a sandwich, and my daughter is a great cook . But really that is something I wanted my kids , all of them to know how to do anyway on their own. I guess because I grew up with my mom suffering the same pain, hers was so much worse than mine,,,,,,,add to that abuse of pain medications for the muscle pain she was I had to learn to take care of myself.

    Now when I am having a bad day,,,,,,,,,, I can tell my kids.....Mama has fibromyaligia , a migraine or my arthritis is acting up , so help me out and I will be here to "walk" you thru making macn chesse, or whatever.

    I guess this way I have alot of guilt taken off of myself because I can admit to them I am sick, that I have a problem that will come and go,,,,,and for them not to get upset when I have a bad day,,,,,, it will pass and I will be back to the way I usually am. But still as a mother, I wish this was not on their plate as well as mine.......but acceptance of the problems I have,,,,and knowing they are real, they have real names,,,,,,,helps me to help them.

  • DrOscarGhelberMd

    All of us know about depression is a mental health related disorder. Other than there is also an other disorder called [url=]Fibromyalgia[/url].

    [url=]Fibromyalgia[/url] is a sore for anyone who effected. Because it's create pain in skin elbow and every muscles of body where it's effected..

  • botchtowersociety
  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I have periodic flareups of it. Through my rounds of health care professionals, I've heard contradictory info. It was not recognized in Britain when the US first accepted it. There are several meds that seem to be useful. Massage is helpful but can be pricey. Let us say that massage itself is addictive. If it did not feel so good and make me further aware of how tight I brace my body, I don't know whether I would have continued.

    I'd read about trigger point injections or myotherapy. It flares up and then disappears for many years.

    Personally, I am furious that the medical field tends to blame women for being women. Our more likely illnesses are harder to research b/c of mentrual periods. I was talking to someone my age the other day about R.D. Laing and schizophrenia. In the 1950s, 1960s it was accepted that schizphrenia was the result of bad mothers, never bad fathers. Homosexuality was also caused by bad mothers. It was never clear how they were bad. They did not mean common abuse. I suffered such facial neuralgia that seemed to strike mostly women. Hence, we were labeled neurotic girls. The early reports on fibromyalgia also blame neurotic women. The statistics get skewed b/c men tend to not seek treatment as quickly as women. I would see pain specialist with tons of female patients and perhaps two or three men (who did not want to sit in the woman talk gossip room). Later, I saw an equal number of men.

    One would think that at some point, physicians would look back and realize how wrong their theories were. Today's theory is regarded as proven fact. After many years of agony and being suicidal, I switched to a novel surgical treatment. My neurotic jaw was mostly complete dust. I was told I had the worst case in terms of concrete pathology. End of vent.

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