
by morty 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    Morty - per our conversation yesterday, here is a great site to help you get started - simple tests to determine whether or not the yeast overgrowths in your body are causing this condition:

    P.S. Diet has also been contributed to ADD & ADHD as well, for those that might be interested.

    Ditto all Nan said

  • Sentinel

    After many years of constant and severe muscle pain and spasms, and having been referred from doctor to doctor, to get test after test--as only HMO's can do, I was diagnosed in 1997 with Fibromyalgia by a specialist in the field of the central nervous system.

    I opted NOT to take prescription pain medication; and chose rather to learn to deal with pain as part of my life. The downside of prescription pain medication is that slowly you become less affected by it, so you take more powerful drugs. Then, you find you are still very much in pain, and addicted to the pain killers. I decided right up front not to go that route. Once when we had planned a vacation, and I literally was wondering how I would walk from here to there and find any pleasure, my doctor gave me a two week supply of Celebrex. It really worked, but I went off it when I got home. There are side affects.

    There have been times that my severe attacks leave me nearly like a robot without any oil in the joints. It is a labor to do even the most menial tasks. However, I have been determined from the beginning to keep moving; to get up in the morning and all through the day, as I go to work and do the best I can with chores at home. Most around you don't understand your limitations, and the labels come out like "lazy", or "mental". This comes from those who don't know, and it causes additional stress because of the emotional end of things. They don't know what initially causes this malady to present, but sometimes extreme emotional or physical duress starts it. It is a chemical in the brain that isn't sending or receiving the proper messages to your nerves in your muscles. Then, your body reacts to what it believes to be happening, and your joints begin to swell, etc.

    While Fibromyalgia is NOT Multiple Sclersosis, it is every bit as painful and dibilitating. There is no cure. I have endured so much pain over the years, and I'm certain no one else, save my doctor and others who suffer, truly understand. What we need to do is keep moving, to keep ourselves as flexable as we can. Exercise is a must, and I have learned since last July, when I joined a fitness center for women, that building strength and stamina will help us endure.

    The thing is, that is very difficult to do, when you cannot even bring your hands up over your head to wash or fix your hair, without tears streaming down your face, due to the pain. The first several exercise sessions left me in total pain, head to toe, and I had done so little. And the pain doesn't ever go away totally. It's like getting stuck with a knife that stays in, and then someone twisting it on whim. It can last days, weeks and months in the critical stage. It can move from one area to another area over night, with no left-over residual pain in the former site. It can mimic severe illness, which is the scary things--but after awhile, you become more in tune with your body, and you learn to listen and accept the "twinges" and "numbness" as signs of an "event". If you aren't sure, then it's off the to ER for an evaluation to eliminate anything serious that needs medical attention.

    I am so very sorry to hear that you have this "thing". But, at least you have received a diagnosis. There is lots of information available, you just have to dig in and check it out.


  • KKLUV155
  • Sassy

    Morty, I will see if I can get some information from my mom. She has been suffering from Fibromyalgia for years. I believe she takes medication for it every day.

  • morty

    ((((((((hugs to you all))))))))

    bikerchic...You are right about finding our "own" path to this desease..what works for some, could not work for others, and visa versa....thanks for your advice...

    Petty...your info has been useful... Infact, my children are both ADD and ADHD, and I am having them tested for the yeast as well....We will see what the outcome is in the end....thanks girlfriend

    Wednesday...Thanks for the list and links...I'm on it right away...

    Nan...I am starting really to believe that diet is the answer to alot of things these days...I have totally cut out my wheat/surgar/yeast out of my diet....I have had headaches for the last 3 days but, I think it is withdraw from the these things...thank-you

    Mole...I am in Canada, but I may take you up on that personal phone contact....I do hope your wife is pain free one day....Thanks for the links

    Billygoat....I think the hardest thing the last couple of days have been giving up my sweets....I love surgar but, if it means feeling better then what I have been feeling, I will give it up....Thanks for your help....

    KKLUV155....thanks for the links...

    Sassy...would love to hear what worked for your mom....thank-you as well

    Sentinel....I have to say, I was overwelhmed by your feelings and your educated information you had for me....The one thing that really stood out for me was,how people that do not understand this, take this disease a "lazyness"so to speak...yes, that does also play on the selfesteam of one....There have been days, that I could not even bother to get out of bed....I also think alot of it was "not knowing" what was wrong with me....I had thought the worse sometimes...I feel that what I know now, I will get through this....thanks for your concern, and asset you are to this board...You have been inspiring for me....I hope that you, yourself, will be pain free one day....

    Thank's to all


  • pettygrudger

    Michelle - just remember, when they do the testing, make sure they include the analysis of what treatment will work best for your body chemistry.

    Nystatin is usually the "drug" of choice, but actually many individuals do not have a positive affect with this. In some persons, "garlic" or other medications actually are more efficient and prove to have the best outcome.

    It won't "cure" the symptoms overnight, but for those individuals that have actually stuck with it for more than 30 days, the results have been extremely positive. Most people won't stick with it, because based on western medicine, it's easier to put a bandaid on the symptoms, instead of curing the root cause.

    As far as the boys - maybe it would be good to have them tested for the heavy metals - that's actually a bigger contributing factor to ADD & ADHD than the yeast thing.

    Let us know how it turns out for you! :)

  • Billygoat


    I understand the pull of sugar as I am a sugar addict! I've successfully given up wheat and flour-based products for several years, but sugar is my weakness. For almost 5 years I have eliminated pasta, bread, cookies, cake, crackers, etc. from my diet. It was very difficult at first since those products being eliminated from your system, cause you to crave them. Occasionally, when I cheat and eat something I shouldn't, I find myself craving it more. So I don't let myself cheat too often. I get very weak and ill and it reminds me of why I can't have it. But now and again I have corn pasta, rice flour bread, or rice flour cookies (found at good health food stores) which is a real treat to experience. LOL!

    Again sugar is my weakness. Anything chocolate, butterscotch candies, candy bars, ice cream...oh...I could go on. I have discovered this past year, that those foods have a very similar effect on me that flour did - only if I consum in large quantities - which I did. So since February 25th of this year, I gave up sweets for Lent. That means candy, desserts (that I can eat), ice cream, soft drinks, etc. I use Splenda in my coffee and tea, I drink diet drinks (you get used to it), and even eat sugar-free gum.

    I let myself cheat on Sundays, but no other days of the week. Since then I have noticed that my craving for sweets has REALLY diminished. I think my system is going through a cleansing phase. My energy is up, my mind is more easily focused, I sleep better, my emotions are less roly-poly, my memory is better, my bowel movements are more regular. All in all, I feel better now than I have in a long time. I am considering keeping my sugar-free diet beyond Easter Sunday when Lent is over just to see how I do.

    That adage "You are what you eat" is so incredibly true! It truly is amazing how much better we feel when we take care of ourselves.

    I hope this helps you!


  • orangefatcat

    My dear friend Morty, I really know hun what you are going through. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1988, I have had every concieveable drug you can think of and nothing worked for me, like nothing. I was on a pain management program for 16 years. I was on a drug that was rather a unorthodox approach to pain. It worked to some extent, but for the last two years nothing helps. I am unable to walk. The pain is so excruiating at times I could just cry. I am now on Morphine and the Pain Patch called Duragesic Fentanyl which is replaced every three days. I am on a high doesage and still the pain never goes away. I asked the doctor a couple of weeks ago to increase the dosage another 25 milligrams but he was worried that it would make me to drowsy to function. Well I don't function as it is now so what would another 25mg hurt me? Anyways he is seriously thinking of starting me on cannabis. I don't know how I feel about that yet and I am still pondering its effects. Mind you you do get effects from the medications I am already on. But I have to stop and think that their has to be something that can be done. I have had two rhemotologists and they are wonderful doctors, but I am highly sensitive to anti inflamitories and many of the drugs contain sulfa to which I am highly allergic.

    My Fibromyagia is compounded by rhemotoid athrithis as well as osteo. So I am in a real pickle. I try everyday to be upbeat, but sometimes the pain over rides everything. Like today for example I was at the hospital for 5 hours going through tests for my heart. I had to have Nuclear scan and you are not able to move what so ever on those tables. So here I am trying to lay still and at the same time wanting to scream as the pain in my leg and hip was unbearable today. When I got home the first thing I did was go straight to bed. Its a rotten condition and I have tried everything. I went through the Arthritic Program at our hospital several years ago and it is a great benefit to learn to manage this condition. To be honest I have found that the only relief I experience is when we go to visit our daughter in Warkworth she has a hot tub and this is the place I get a little relief. Our town has swimming pools but everytime I go swimming I get a virus or bacteria infections in my lungs. So I had to stop and that same complex had the whirl pool and it helped too but once again the bacteria was not good for me.

    I need to get our own. Any ways the government is giving my an electric scooter and Ontario disability pension is buying me a lift chair and an adjustable bed as I can no longer get in and out of bed with out any help. I have been accepted as a member of the Canadian Parapelgic organization and they have fantastic source of help and support for all disabilities. And the March of Dimes too. I am going to be getting some home care too. We are moving into a handicapped apartment through ontario housing for seniors.

    So there are a lot of resources and if you ever want to call me feel free to do so as I would love to chat with you, or use MSN messsenger or ICQ. I will give you my phone number in a PM

    All the best to you and all who suffer this terrible disorder and incurable arthritis.

    Love OrangefatcatOrangeFatCat 15Double Kiss

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    My sympathies to all who have to endure the pain of fibromyalgia. Whatever you do, be very careful with massage therapy. There are trigger points that a massage therapist may unknowlingly manipulate that will trigger severe pain episodes. Make sure you inform the practioner (massage therapist or physical therapist) that you have fibromyalgia so they can avoid aggravating your extreme discomfort. And just to be on the safe side, it might be a good idea to turn down well meaning friends who offer back rubs and the sort.

    Something that is gaining notice in my area is CranioSacral therapy. I've seen some folks with chronic neck and back pain find extreme relief where nothing has helped before. CranioSacral therapy has also been found to be effective in treating fibromyalgia. Here's a web site that has more information.

  • topanga

    doesn't that come from over production of estrogen, that makes them grow and blood from numerous menstrual cycles ?

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