Strange picture in this week's Watchtower on porneia?

by eyeslice 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Flash
    illustration of a 3 year old not obeying.

    This here show the problem with how the GB views the congregation...what arrogance!!!

  • talesin

    yes, Flash, imho children are meant to be nurtured and cherished, not bent to our will.


  • avishai

    Reminds me of the threats I got as a kid. "You know, direspectful li' boys in ancient israel were stoned to death. Or eaten by bears. If we lived there right now, you'd be dead!!!!" All this at 3 years old and up. How many of you guys got the same crap from your folks?

  • talesin

    How about the torture stories from Malawi?

    I used to lie in bed at night, thinking about having bicycle spokes shoved through my calves. Oh, the fear! Those magazines were so graphic. No wonder I still get nauseous from violence in movies.

    Oh yes, that's godly and loving - having your little ones making themselves sick daily because they constantly worry about how they will be tortured !

  • Sassy
    The following caption appeared opposite the paragraph porneia (quote: "porneia includes such acts as oral sex, anal sex, and masterbating another person")

    well it isn't like they could have a picture showing oral, anal or masterbation??

  • ball.

    The article could have used the pictures off of this "porn site":


  • pudd
    "paedophiles like pictures of little boys reaching for balls...."

    [Choked on my bacon laughing]

    Sorry, but I don't find that at all amusing.

    I agree with the original point about not letting a young child near water, but I think the jokes about child abuse are sick!

  • Flowerpetal
    Not sure about "perfect little people" - some are foul-natured little imps

    That is how the WT wants all children to be "perfect little people". Of course, since they never had children of their own, they absolutely have no idea what raising a child is like. It's joyous, heartbreaking, disappointing, and wonderful.

  • Sunnygal41

    Another viewpoint perhaps meant by the picture: child has been warned about staying away from mud puddles, etc. since he is all dressed up, but the temptation of his ball juuusssst within reach, albeit in a muddy puddle makes him disobedient?

  • talesin

    for clarification

    We are all born 'perfect', imho. In that, 'children are perfect little people'. They are complete. Do they do naughty things? Yes. That is part of their perfection. They are still spontaneous and curious, without the cognitive reasoning abilities that will be developed by age 8 or 9. That is why they need adults to nurture and protect them.

    It's much more work to nurture a child and be watchful. It's easier to 'train' them, using fear tactics.

    At the age of 3, the little boy (most likely) will not think about the consequences of reaching too far for his ball (he may knock his head, drown). That is why it is important for adults to not place unrealistic expectations upon him. Well, if he's in danger, then go protect him. Let him be a child, imo, he will 'grow up' quickly enough. He will learn how to reason for himself as he grows, if you teach him critical thinking as opposed to blind obedience. Then, when he is a young adult, he will have more capabilities to make better choices for himself (in spite of the raging hormones). :>)

    Children are 'perfect' as they are, at that moment, innocent, spontaneous, and yes, they can be a pain in the butt, exhausting, and challenging. But still, in the end, 'perfect little people'.

    edit: Yes, Sunnygirl, that is what I see, as well - that bad boy is going to get dirty, playing in the KH parking lot. He'll probably get a good beating for it ! **puke**

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