Would you wear a crucifx?

by orangefatcat 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Art In Me
    Art In Me

    I feel uncomfortable about wearing a cross, I guess my jury is still out about the "tree" vs "cross" and just for myself, it's displaying someone's death instument as mentioned above.

    I do wear a silver fish bangle bracelet that I absolutely LOVE. It reminds me of how Jesus is a Master and reminds me to be a better person every day by focusing on the love aspect of his teachings and by his example.

    Same sentiment I guess, just different expression of such.

  • Dan-O

    There's a gold cross hanging in our dining room, and it has two gold rings on it. It was a wedding gift. (Of course, we were married at St. Francis of Rome Catholic Church.)

    But I wouldn't wear a cross as jewelery. Mrs. O is Catholic, and I'm not ... so she sometimes wears one. The only jewelry I consistently wear is a wristwatch. An earring every now & then, but that's about it.

  • LoverOfTruth

    Yes, I wear a little cross 24/7. I finger it throughout the day and think about the sacrifice Christ made for all of us. With this reminder, he's never far from my thoughts.

  • catlady

    As I wasn't brought up in a religious household I just think of the cross as groovy looking jewellery! I have a few different gothic style crosses to wear as necklaces and earrings. The only thinking that goes into whether I will wear one or not is if it suits my outfit for the day. My DF'd boyfriend however still feels pretty uncomfortable when I wear one so yesterday I did change my cross necklace to something else. Hopefully one day he won't automatically be triggered into thinking of JW teachings but at the moment I am treading softly because I realise these beliefs are deeply ingrained.

    I believe that you can assign and create your own meanings for things ie Christmas can simply be a good opportunity to come together with family and friends, ghost stories can just be a fun way to pass the time on a stormy night and a cross can merely represent a very sad appreciation of 1980's fashion!

  • orangefatcat

    Love of Truth, you feel the same as I do, I wear all the time and I hold it in my hand and touch it and it is a constant rememberance to me of the life death and resurrection of Jesus.

    It makes me feel closer to Him and his life and I appreciate the fact too, that yes Christ was not the first to die on a cross, nor was he the last. The cross goes back to ancient antiquities of the Egyptians. I have seen egyptian works and I have seen the smybol of the cross, they carried it about as a symbol of fertility I believe.

    But to like many things in life, People can take a symbol and apply to it what ever they want to . Even the peace symbol and swastika are ancient crosses. To me that is not important at all, because I don't look at the symbol itself but rather the significance of it, during our time in history. . Its to bad that the Nazi's took the swastika and made it into something to fear. As that was not the origanal purpose of that symbol.

    Oh gee I hope you understand what it is I am saying and also I would never ever impose my believes unto some one else. I merely express my feelings. I would never want to offend another so if in any way I have done that please except my deepest apologies.



  • Nosferatu

    I have a cross dangling from my earring. I'm not religious, but I think they're cool. However, if I could have the symbol of Kronos dangling from my ear, I would be happier. Instead, I settled for having it tattooed on my left arm.

  • Xena

    I have one I wear from time to time. It's an ornament not a symbol to me though.

  • Sirona

    I dont think there is anything wrong with wearing a cross. If it is your belief and it means something to you then it is fine. Of course it identifies you as Christian and I like that too.

    I don't wear one, but I do sometimes wear an egyptian Ankh which people often mistake for a christian cross. I also wear a pentacle, a goddess pendant or a pendant made from clear quartz.


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