We were invited to The Memorial......

by Nan 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman
    This is their prom

    ...except for the teenagers, of course.

  • DevonMcBride


    I was invited once to the Memorial and declined. It wasn't me they really wanted, it was the brownie points the congregation wanted for keeping high attendance.

    Personally, I would rather clean my toilet and scrub the bathroom floor than attend the Memorial.


  • heathen

    I refuse to go to it even if someone invited me . I'm sick and tired of the twisted interpretation of scripture they use to insist that people are supposed to just observe the event and not count themselves worhty of entering into the covenant as a christian . They miss the point entirely of the event . Taking a nibble of a cracker and a sip of wine does not exemplify what the event as described in the bible entails . The whole thing is absurd .IMO

  • Triple A
    Triple A

    Last year I wrote this to a friend, but like all my other iquiries there was no response.

    I also hope you can read this with the understanding that I am not trying to be pious or arrogant. I am being honest with my thoughts and beliefs. I am also saying this out of love and concern.

    There are several things that we have not finished in discussion and I hate to open up another topic, but this is an appropriate time to mention this. Since tomorrow is Nisan 14 and your Memorial will be held.

    This is a definition of the Memorial as I understand: It is the annual "observance" of Christ's death on the Jewish date of Nissan 14. A talk is given teaching the death of Jesus and the New Covenant being established only for "Anointed" Jehovah's Witnesses, who alone are allowed to partake of the emblems. Unleavened bread and wine is passed from member to member to symbolize the body and blood of Jesus, but no one, unless they have the "heavenly hope" is allowed to eat or drink the symbols.

    I believe that the taking of the Lord's Supper is symbolic and salvation is not dependent upon ones participation. With that symbolism in mind, I would like you to think about this when you let the unleavened bread and wine pass by you. I believe that this symbolizes your letting the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ pass you by.

    But what of those that are partaking at your Memorial? Since Jehovah's Witness believe that Christ was only a man here on earth and Michael the Archangel before and after this, those that partake are worshipping a man and/or an angel. This would than fall into the category of idolatry especially since the Bible is explicit about not worshipping either.

    The Christ that I know came for us all and is as much my personal savior as He is yours and as He is Milton G. Henschel. But I believe that the Jehovah's Witness have rejected the True Christ and Savior. But I guess we will get to that sometime later.

  • heathen

    Triple A--

    Welcome to the board . Hope to see more of your experiences posted .

    There are some here who would argue the case that partaking of the symbols is important . Jesus did say that he was the bread from heaven that only those that eat will be saved . The apostle Paul did warn that if you were leading a double life that you would bring judgement against yourself . The WTBTS teaches that all early converts were of the anointed so they assume that only the anointed are elegible. Pretty much the whole thing is just a way to show you have faith in jesus christ as the savior as jesus said keep doing this in remembrance of me and as later the apostles wrote that by doing so you keep professing the death of christ . I just don't know where they come up with the you have to be anointed to qualify besides that the bible does say that God would poor out his spirit on all flesh in the last days. The WTBTS teaches these are the last days , so let's see if we can't follow this astounding logic further, the WTBTS has been claiming for some time now that people can only receive salvation by following their interpretations and have put themselves in a possition of redeemer of mankind rather than jesus christ by making a mockery out of the ritual and I agree the symbols have become a form of idolotry .

  • blacksheep

    There's great pressure to get participation up, since the Memorial attendance numbers are used by the JWs to deceptively imply that all the millions attending represent actual membership.

    Beyond that, you are far better off attending a good movie or actually doing something else ENJOYABLE. My memories of the memorial were one, big, giant YAWN. Not religious, not inspriational. Just a very somber, boring "talk" during which guys in suits pass around stale crackers and a glass of red wine that only one-two people and most get to eat/drink. I'tve had more fun getting a root canal (literally, at least my dentist has a cool system where you can actually watch a movie during long procedures)

    At the JW event of year...whoo hoo!, they'll of course do their best to convince you of what loving, sincere group they are. They don't get into subjects of shunning, disfellowshipping, gossiping, etc. That comes much later, after they've already got you hooked on the believe that they ALONE have the absolute truth.

  • LoverOfTruth

    My ex-husband has stopped by our daughter's place of employment within the past week inviting her to their Memorial. It's too bad he can't just stop by to see how she's doing or to say he loves her.

  • Triple A
    Triple A


    Thanks, I do look to participate in these discussions. But I am looking more for outreach ideas and help with the way on how approach items. Still learning and sometimes do not really show that I truely care.

    Having never been a Witness, I have thought about showing up for a memorial service to actually see and hear for myself what goes on. Do you have to be invited or can you just show up? Any does or don't if I do crash the local kingdom hall.

    Triple A.

  • Triple A
    Triple A


    One other item, I do believe it to be important to participate in communion. But I do not believe that one's salvation is controled by when the last time was that they partook of the elements.

    Triple A

  • Panda

    Gosh, the memorial!!! I remember getting all decked out in my Easter Bonnet new outfit which showed respect forrrrrrrrrrrrrr something. anyway, It is boring and I doubt that you'd enjoy passing the bread and wine. I mean it's no Masonic secret meeting or anything. You'll beat yourself if you go.

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