Apostates receive a letter from the Watchtower

by jst2laws 26 Replies latest social current

  • jst2laws

    We receive a letter from the Watchtower yesterday. Buggin Thought it might be a card celebrating our disfellowshipping this time last year. Nope.

    Maybe threats or denunciations. Nope. THEY WANT TO GIVE US MONEY. Shock Hehe. Really. Here is the explanation. Several years ago my wife received an inheritance. Like good dubbies we decided to give 10% to the Watchtower Society. Hanging Head In Shame Bang Your Head It was a "Conditional Donation" which meant if we needed the money in the future we could ask to have it returned. We thought we had requested all of it already but must have miscalculated. They now tell us that what is left in their records is less than $ 5000 and that does not fit the "conditional donation" requirements. So they want to confirm our address so they can return the rest of the money. ALL RIGHT! So we are thinking of sending them a letter confirming the address and asking them to also change the beneficiary. MAKE THE CHECK OUT TO RAY FRANZ, at Commentarypress. Big Grin Jst2laws and Joyzabel

  • Valis

    bwahahah That rocks Steve!


    District Overbeer

  • Scully

    LOL @ jst2laws

    I'm surprised that they are actually offering to return that money to you. Your money must have been demonized and caused some rumblings at Bethel.


    Love, Scully

  • Celia

    No, don't do that ! They'll probably keep it if you tell them to send it ot Ray

  • Satanus

    Good one. Make photocopies, register the letter, have it witnessed by a lawyer, send a photocopy of the original wt letter, etc.


  • jst2laws


    Yeah, Valis. They cant refuse to return the money. They are concerned about compliance with IRS rules. I wonder if we can refuse to receive it unless they make check to who we specify?


  • ozziepost
    what is left in their records is less than $ 5000 and that does not fit the "conditional donation" requirements.

    They don't want the money???????? Struth!

  • codeblue

    Very interesting news!!!

    lol...wondering if they will comply with your wishes?

    Yeap, they must be having IRS problems if they have to return your $5,000.00


  • Scully


    I think you'd be doing Ray a bigger favor if you get the WTS to send the check to you, in your name. You can give Ray the whole sum if that's what you want to do, and then both you and Ray can send them a letter thanking them for the money once you've got it in your hot little hands. And then they won't be able to do a d@mn thing about it!!

    Love, Scully

  • ScoobySnax

    See...... And you said they were ALL bad!!

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