Did Noah really build an ark?

by frogit 67 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mac

    Thank ya ma'am!


  • FlyingHighNow

    Thank ya ma'am!


    You are welcome. Now, it's gettin' late in my neck of the woods and I must be moseyin' off to bed. I gotts ta work tomorry afternoon. For some reason, I keep thinking smurfs live in England. I guess it's mornin' there. But good night or good mornin', mac.

    Back on subject: don't know if Noah built an ark. I don't know if much of the Bible is true. I'm all confused. I can't help much with this one. Thank for another good thread, Leo.


  • badboy

    I understand that if they built a boat 450 feet long, it would had disintregated in the flood.

  • ozziepost
    a boat 450 feet long, it would had disintregated in the flood

    Who told you that???

  • SpannerintheWorks


    I think Badboy is referring to the website quoted by Frogit at the beginning of this thread. In it is contained the following:

    The traditional shape of Noah's Ark comes from the imaginations of 19th Century artists. It would have been about 450ft long, and experts say it would have broken apart.


  • badboy

    It said on the programme on Sunday,am unsure,think it was abt 7pm on BBC1

  • Englishman

    If the whole world was flooded, what happened to the fresh water fish?

    Being something of an aquarist, I know that only brackish water fish can survive in both salt and fresh water. All other fish, the majority at least, will die if the water is tainted with salt, or in the case of sea fish, if the salt isn't there as in streams etc.

    It's all to do with osmosis!

    You see, salt water fish need to drink water, fresh water fish can't as they absorb water through their skin. Now, if they start to absorb salt water..they die!

    The existence of fresh water fish today, which is the stuff common to most amateur tropical aquariums, is proof that the whole world could not have been flooded.


  • hooberus
  • gumby

    So, since the bible says there was a flood.....then it's true?

    Flood legends older than the bible is that little stickler though.....isn't it?


  • shotgun

    I wonder why God made swords and clothing for Adam and Eve and made Noah build his own boat................Noah got so caught up in it he forgot the Unicorns to boot.

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