Bush: I'm God's Delivery Boy

by William Penwell 44 Replies latest social current

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    You are correct, GW Bush is entitled to his religious beliefs and I would defend that right. That is what America is all about but if his believing that way clouds his decision making ability than it is morally wrong. I recall a few years ago how Bill Clinton was crucified for his moral conduct because as I recall the reason given was because that could cloud his judgemental abilities.

    The right wing Christian fundamental movement is just as scary as fanatical muslins. If they feel god is on their side and will bless anything they do. Then what is stopping those types from blowing us all to Kingdom come? What does it matter if we are all dead when we will all get our reward in heaven.


  • Pleasuredome

    more like 'satan's rent boy'.

  • heathen

    gitasatasangha--- That was ingenious. The government does not have the right to define morallity . They don't have the right to condemn anyone for valuing peace . GWjr. has spent his entire term as prsident beating the war drums trying to turn americans into some sort of blood thirsty violent mob . These people are such idiots it's unreal .

  • IronGland



    It's ok, im not mad.

  • WildHorses
    its Freedom of Religion, not Freedom from Religion...

    All I have to say about that, is that I feel much better since I have become "free from religion".

  • Panda

    One wonders why Dick Cheney and the other cabinet members don't stop this stuff? Maybe they know that it's a political move to show the divide from Kerry? The President Bush who I voted for didn't voice these beliefs. I liked him because he had been in the work force, knew what it meant to be responsible to employees, and knew what it would take for someone to overcome an addiction. I also voted for him because Barbara Bush raised him and Laura Bush has stayed married to him. Both strong women (IMO) AND his pets are not just for show (ala Clinton)... The way he takes care of Max the black scottie endears Pres.Bush to dog lovers. Mainly I first liked Pres.Bush because he is not a career politician.Thats why people in Texas voted to make him governor twice(very unusual in this state).

    OK back to the Christian stuff. OK he's a Christian, many of my best friends are Christians. But being an atheist doesn't mean I'm always right either(well ok maybe most of the time.) Abortion is a part of the Constitution already. Stem cells continue to be researched but not by any facility in the US. But it's going on and the Chinese will undoubtedly be the first to clone a human. Also they will probably be the first to use genetic material to cure diabetes, hogkins and other uncurables. US companies are involved with this research. And if the research and testing and initial patient studies were done in the US there would, at some point be huge law suits for some overlooked effect.

    Because President Bush does care about those suffering in North Korea, and he feels he is in a position to deal with this offense, I hope he does. If you ever watch LINK tv you'll see a documentary made in N.Korea about the horrid and YES inhuman suffering.

    He isn't crazy. He's a regular guy. He wants to do whatever is the right thing. I believe this about him.

  • ThiChi

    There are many forms of "Freedom" Economic Freedom and opportunity is one example. Usually, people use this type of freedom in the US to make the money necessary to live in places like Belize.

    To blanket all sincere Christians as worse than Muslim Terrorists is ludicrous. Some here fail to realize the History of our Nation and the principles and values which made us great.

    The appeasers, Islamo-Fascists, Radical Left, Red Diaper Doper Babies, and the Hate US First bunch are once more on the wrong side of the facts and History.....


    You cannot escape it. Most of our laws are based on Religious Laws and Principles.....

  • heathen

    Panda -- I didn't know that china was doing stem cell research . From what I know about china they don't really care about things like that for curing disease . I would figure disease as a method of population control .

    I for one would hate to see the US sending troops to N. Korea. I don't think china would like to see it either and could really mess things up especially since the moslems are starting the jihad thing also the problems with the terrorist is costing far more than what the US should be spending anyway . I would think that N. Korea would turn out to be more like the Berlin wall coming down after awhile anyway as they are in economic collapse .

  • IronGland
    The appeasers, Islamo-Fascists, Radical Left, Red Diaper Doper Babies, and the Hate US First bunch are once more on the wrong side of the facts and History.....

    Welcome to the board Mr. Savage. Or should I say Mr. Weiner.

  • ThiChi

    Thanks for the compliment!! I do not claim to have invented RDDB....however, it sure fits, does it not? That's a wrap, IronGlad

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