Bush: I'm God's Delivery Boy

by William Penwell 44 Replies latest social current

  • Farkel


    : Voicing an opinion as worthless as a wino at a wedding, Farkel

    So, you prefer Godless, Atheist Presidents, then?

    You replied:

    : Whatever.

    Uh, what was that about worthless comments, again?

    I took what I considered to be an absurd opinion, and showed how the opposite opinion was every bit as absurd. Sorry you weren't able to figure that out and felt you had to counter with a childish ad hominem.


  • czarofmischief

    When a man works for world freedom, why shouldn't he be considered God's agent?

    I think that liberals think they are going to live forever - that they can sit around and wait and hope that things magically "get better" aroung the world. Why not seize the day while we are alive to make a difference for our children? Our founding forefathers did? Why don't we attack North Korea?

    We have to die someday, wouldn't it be better to have done so fighting for freedom, instead of sitting at home and whining about how's come nobody does nothing for US?


  • Pleasuredome
    Even Bill Clinton went to church every Sunday and often spoke of his faith in God.

    yer, but which god? when he isn't worshiping molech at bohemian grove, or satan in the death cult 'skull & bones', maybe he has a little time to worship his god of SUNday.

  • LucidSky
    We have to die someday, wouldn't it be better to have done so fighting for freedom, instead of sitting at home and whining about how's come nobody does nothing for US?

    Agree, but in part: There's a hell of a lot of people worse off than those in North Korea and Iraq. Just take a look around Africa. Would it make the world better by bringing war to lift oppression or bringing food/medicine to lift starvation and disease? $200+ billion could have done some amazing things...

    But anyway, what I dislike about the President's decisions is that he ties religion so intimately to them on issues from science to foreign policy. A moral leader is great -- just not someone who sees the world so simplistically in "black-and-white."

  • ThiChi

    Ahhh, finally a President that understands what has made our country great. I agree with the mission...

  • gitasatsangha

    How quaint to see Jingoism returning to America again. Maybe we can annex Mexico again (Bush intends to do so by osmosis), and destroy all the indian casino's that are massacre'in good white people's money outta there pockets.

    By Jingo, Bush is the man fer me. We're not gonna tolurate these Grecians, Basilisks, and A-rabs, and what not. We can't have no godless president who aint afriad to kill thousands of people on a whim (Cept the Chinese.. it's ok if they chop up our planes and all, cause after Bush is finished, the chinese will be makin 'em anyway.) Yep Bush is a patriot all right, and so is God. Thank God he gave us this wonderful land to turn into an empire by killing off the redskins and giving meaningful work to all them ferriners and slaves and what not. We need to get back to those days, cause we don't have no more morality, anymore.

    Remember folks, a vote for peace is a vote for treason, and it's ungodly I tell ya. If you don't want peace your an unchristian agnostic traitor. Vote for Bush. god would!

  • Elsewhere
    The President was exercising both his Free Exercise and Free Speech and Right of Assembly, why is that so problematic for those on the left?

    He is also "making an establishment of religion".. which is forbidden.

    There is also Artivcle VI of the US Constitution...

    no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

    Bush cannot use his "test of christianity" as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. As I see it he has been placing his right-wing christian buddies in all sorts of offices.

    He reminds me of the JWs... always skirting around the law where it suits them.

  • ThiChi

    Your point? Name one country that has never been invaded, at all? What a straw man.......In fact, peoples are flocking to the US to live (Mexico?). Why? Why?

    ""He is also "making an establishment of religion".. which is forbidden.""

    How has he done this? please, the facts.....its Freedom of Religion, not Freedom from Religion...

  • gitasatsangha


    The difference is that people no longer flock to America for freedom. If they do, it was not the first thing on their list. (People go to Canada, Belize, and other places for that sort of thing). People who still immigrate to america usually do so because they are poor and they can make more money then they would at home. but you're a reactionary rightwinger, traded Jehovahs-Witnesses for the GOP, so you you'll believe what you want to believe.

  • Simon

    Great, just what we need. A fundamentalist with his finger on the button who believes that a man in the sky is talking to him and he is there to 'follow him'

    Sheesh. And people wonder why we think he's dangerous?

    All religious nuts are dangerous.

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