cult marriages

by No Apologies 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim
    So, shall we f**** now or would you like to get to know me better?

    Has honestly had to ask her name the next morning more than once...and more than once didn't ask cuz I REALLY didn't want to know (ugggghh)

  • Faraon


    I once read that the greatest definition of love is: "Having the best interests of another at heart (especially spiritually) before you own."

    And in the mind of the Watchtower, you should marry only another JW so that both of you have the interests of the WT at heart so that there is no b*tching about all the time and money spent on them.

    If one of you leaves the Borg, then they can make you break with your mate for spiritual endangerment. It keeps the money coming in.

  • Hunyadi

    Hey Nosferatu,

    Has anyone ever told you that you look like Gary Oldman? He is one of my favorite actors, he also played Dracula (Nosferatu to some) hehe.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    the problem is that they marry them off at a rediculously young age to prevent fornication when they are nothing more than kids and even worse they are kids that have not experienced a proper adolesence. Not getting to know how the world works before getting married is a big mistake, I am glad I waited til I was past 30.

    I think it is possibly the same being a parent - my parents were still kids when I was born and made some terrible gaffs. I'm hoping that waiting til now to start a family will give me a better chance to avoid some of those mistakes and make a whole different set of mistakes of my own.

  • Yerusalyim


    I think "kids" matured faster than they do today. We've made life soft for kids (in most cases) and the maturing process takes longer because of that. Conversely, they mature physically much faster now than back before...mostly due to better health/nutrition I think...or maybe it's the bovine growth hormone they're getting in their milk these days.

  • astro_girl
    Remember the moonies and their mass weddings? Maybe they still have them, I don't know. I don't know enough about them to know just what the point was, or the rationale for something like this.

    They do still have mass weddings but I believe Moon does them via satellite now. It cost the couples $3000 to be wed or to renew their vows by Moon. That buys Rev. Moon lots of expensive properties, Rolex watches and Mercedes Benz. My brother has been a moonie for nearly 30 years now. I went to his mass wedding at Madison Square Garden years ago where he married a German woman whom he was matched up with by Moon. I can remember he was pretty miserable for months after the wedding because they just didn't get along. He was the over-zealous, proselytizing obnoxious fanatic and she was pleasant and passive (and didn't speak much English). My family actually liked being around her more than my brother! My family background is German, thus the main reason for the match, I guess. They stayed together and eventually became friendlier towards each other. They came to some sort of an understanding but in my heart of hearts I really think my brother "made" this marriage work out because he has a tremendous ego and to admit failure would be a strike against the faith in his beliefs. I believe the reason for these marriages, at least in the Moon world, is money and loyalty. My brother and his wife (and their 2 children) have devoted their lives and salaries to the "church" and still pay enormous amounts of money to go on "spiritual guidance" seminars in other countries (mainly Korea). astro_girl

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