Congratulations, Spain - first government to fall because of Iraq, Bush!

by TheOldHippie 102 Replies latest social current

  • talesin
    If it was America that got bombed, we'd go into their countries, uproot their political systems, bomb the living fuck out of their leaders, and then bomb the living fuck out of countries that gave peripherial support to their regeimes and uproot their genocidical regeimes too.....

    No, wait, we already did that.

    How's it workin' for ya??? on a totally different train of thought ... Even though I was a small child back in the sixties, I remember the IRA bombings, the '68 (or was it '72?) Olympics, car bombings in Lebanon and Israel, and many, MANY other terrorist acts over the last four decades. But there was no 'War on Terrorism' till the US got attacked. Interesting. Kinda reminds me of WWII. tal

  • Yerusalyim

    As you'll see from my Thread on Victory for Terrorism, I read this differently than some...this is a victory for terrorism, and will result in similar acts in the rest of Europe by Al Qaeda.

    I would guess that the messege the Spanish people meant to send was not "let terrorism win", but rather, "we won't submit to a government that doesn't adequately listen to our needs and wants". Up until the bombing the Popular Party was projected to win...the terrorists will read this in only one a victory for terrorism.

    The Spanish people, by majority, did not want to support America in Iraq, and the American people would not have wanted to go to Iraq if the real reasons had been layed out to them. So say you...the real reasons WERE laid out...but that's a different arguement.

    Oh what a tangled web we weave...Yes indeed, the web that encourages terrorism.

  • roybatty

    All of Europe will be overrun with Islamists within 20 years.

  • PopeOfEruke

    Australia has elections later this year. Maybe the Islamic extremists can bomb Howard out of office too. Lying little shit that he is......


  • AlanB

    I disagee with 'Cold', whilst it is disturbing that this may appear to be an Al Queda victory, a bomb or act of oppression can often gain support for a government if handled properly.

    The reason the Spanish people voted the government down was that they were sick of being lied to, taken into a war no one wanted and the way the government used the ETA card to attempt to increase their poll.

    I am concerned that Al Queda may attempt to bomb the US and UK prior to their elections, which would kill and injure many innocent victims in the UK who are already disillusioned with their democratically elected government and many innocent victims in the US who are victims of the Bush administration who have taken control of the American democracy.

    Personally I forsee a massive defeat for the current ruling party in the UK, so much so that they may be relegated permanatly to the third party for a considerable time. The British people trusted the Labour government after many years of right wing rule. We wept with Tony Blair when Dianna died. We wept with the American people on September 11th.

    Since then we have been lied to, treated like fools, a weapons inspector commited suicide under government pressure, Our BBC, which is our broadcasting medium, paid for by us to entertain, educate and inform has been berated, and we have been taken into an Illegal war with no UN mandate, clearly against the wishes of the people as demonstrated in the largest public demonstration in British history.

    OK, so Sadam was a bad guy, since when has that stopped the American Government funding, training, arming and trading with them? Since when has a bad guy been of any issue in the case of Haiti & Yugoslavia? Even that is not the point.

    The point is.....

    The British, American & Spanish (and other) Governments Lied to and acted against the will of the people.

    If we believe in Democracy, it is that which will determine our votes, not Bombs.

    And another thing........ (while I am on a roll)

    What did you mean by Large Islamic Fundamentalist Populations..... !!!!

    OK, we have a few, in the minority, however it is just that kind of thinking that we need to discourage. We have many Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Pagan & Other's from all races living in Europe. The Musilms I know & work with are amongst some of the most intelligent and peacefull people I know. If we start thinking like this we shall only make matters worse.

    Now is the time to read the Koran, visit a mosque, foster understanding. We have experienced what can happen when one group of people are singled out for blame in the 1930-40's.

  • AlanB
    Even though I was a small child back in the sixties, I remember the IRA bombings, the '68 (or was it '72?) Olympics, car bombings in Lebanon and Israel, and many, MANY other terrorist acts over the last four decades.

    I have first hand experience that as late as 1994, the IRA (a terrorist organisation) was funded by the
    New York State government. I met the guy who at the time was the 'Special Projects Co-ordinator' who's role was to launder the funds.

    We have much experience of (state [NY State that is] funded) terrorism, the Birmingham Pub Bombings, the Manchester Shopping Mall Bomb and the tallest building in London at Canary Wharf was bombed in the City.

    A long story of how I ended up in Albany and met the 'fundraiser' which is linked to my leaving the JW's but we shall save that for the long winter evenings.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    For those interested in the varied international response to the Spanish election, there are summaries and links here:

  • JH
    All of Europe will be overrun with Islamists within 20 years.

    Maybe Islam is Babylone the Great

  • Athanasius

    Giving in to terrorists only encourages terrorism.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    This had nothing to do with terrorism, this had to do with the Spanish PM being an American ass kissing liar. The guy was an idiot who tried to use the bombing for political gain and tried to pass it off as internal strife to victimise the basque people yet again. The general population were pretty fed up with the government who were becoming more like Franco's regime by the day but were not bothered enough until the bomb to do anything about it. Even then it was very close. This is not a message that terrorism wins, this is a message that if you lie to the people and do not listen to the people then you will get your ass kicked out of office. Tony Blair must be squirming in his seast right now. Bush will lose in November - the US will not forgive him for squandering the biggest budget surplus since the war and for presiding over the whoesale movement of jobs to the far east. More and more people are seeing through his retarded rhetoric and enough of the educated US population will do the right thing and vote for change.

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