by 2escaped lifers 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • alamb

    I wrote a Letter to the Editor two years ago (they are more likely to be printed than ads) thanking JW's for coming to the area and enjoying the summer season bringing with them healthy business for our city. Then I encouraged residents to show their support by donating blood for those who can now accept factions but still were unable to donate for each other.

    It got a reaction.

  • Atilla

    Yes, these are all very good ideas but some of them are very time consuming. I barely have enough time to surf this sight let alone any other idea that might pop into my head. I do see that there are many people of this sight devoting hours and hours to the cause and we should all be very thankful.

    I think Howard Stern put it best when he was talking about the FCC shutting down his show and what should be done about it. People were calling in and saying they should march on Washington D.C., etc but he said that most of his fans do care but they simply don't have the time for such an endeavor. They are too busy just trying to make a living and survive. I think this is why you really don't see any really large demonstration anymore. I just think of the 60's and how D.C. would be packed with thousands and thousands of people protesting and demonstrating or even supporting various causes.

    Not anymore. It's not that the young don't care, it's just that many of us poor folks have to work. Add that situation to an ex-dub who is already trying to play catch up financially and you can see that there is very little time for protest. However, the recent U.N. letter shows that even modest time put in added up can make a huge difference, so keep up the good work everyone.

  • Rabbit

    How about newspaper, magazine, billboards, etc. ads with different witty, provocative questions, maybe with the help of someone in advertising -- that could direct a curious one (preferably JW's & their non-JW relatives) to a web-site. Use the power of the internet in a powerful anonymous and private way. Have it designed to easily allow people to see, what we think is the greatest danger. Family breaking DA/DF, blood issues, UN, publish the secret elders manual and others.

    Individual ads can easily run into a lot of money. Links could be provided to all kinds of XJW help and recovery sites like Lighthouse, etc. Even to the JW sites...can you imagine 'the world' decending on the WTS with millions of questions and comments ?

    It would be very important NOT to seem like we are pointing them TO any other religion either, I would not support that. Personally, any organised religion sickens me. People can do what they want after they're out...

    Do you think this could work?

  • 2escaped lifers
    2escaped lifers

    Yes, I definitely think it could work. All of these ideas could be rolled up into one overall campaign that advertised links to all of the major web sites. Press releases to the newspapers and news outlets in each convention city might also be useful.

    The convention committees have been sending out press releases for the conventions for several years now, so our following that up with our own press release might give the news folks the "conflict" that they so often look for in a story. It would at least prompt them to ask some tough questions when they show up with the cameras at the convention.

    Yes, this can get expensive. It will have to be a group effort, financially. We would have to start small, but as it gained momentum and actually started showing results, I bet more and more of us would participate.

    I have experience in ad layout, copywriting, and graphic design. So we could play with different ad designs until everyone here agreed on a few good ones to start using.

    Any other thoughts? I think we might be on to something here...


  • Rabbit


    The convention committees have been sending out press releases for the conventions for several years now, so our following that up with our own press release might give the news folks the "conflict" that they so often look for in a story. It would at least prompt them to ask some tough questions when they show up with the cameras at the convention.

    Conflict...hey I like that idea...the press would have a field day with that. Can't ya' just savor the moment...the JW spokesman is talking about Jesus' Love for mankind...the reporter asks:

    "Is it true that even if a JW has a difference of opinion, with the church, they will be disfellowshiped?"

    "And this has been the cause of many thousands of tearful divorces, family break-ups, because, the so called 'faithful' good Christian Witnesses are required to shun them totally -- until they get back in lock-step?"

    "Is this correct sir...? Sir...? Please don't walk away...we have thousands of signed testimonials..."

    "Well, there you have it folks...maybe when the Witnesses knock on your will be able to ask them!"

    That's my opinion and ahm stickin' to it !

  • Ray Skyhorse
    Ray Skyhorse

    I think billboards across the street from convention centers are the way to go.

    Especially if they are brief and get your attention. Something like "Got Cults" with a web address (kinda like the Got Milk ad campaign.)

    Plus, you would only need to rent it for a short duration.

    It would be so humiliating for the Borg.

    Gotta luv it.


  • shotgun

    Brandon...I had thought of this as well but thought it would be best to hit papers the weeks preceeding the memorial...lower their magic numbers which mean so much.

    Hitting before the District conventions will not affect them too much because loyal dubs won't read it anyway and the general public does not go to conventions.

    I think it has to be short and to the point mainly about all the molestation.

  • Mulan

    In our area, they count on the the 3-4 weeks the JW's are in town for the convention. It pours a lot of money into the economy and I don't think they want to mess with the status quo. Nothing anti-JW ever seems to go anywhere here.

  • shotgun

    Have you ever believed?

    A) Organ transplants are condemed by God!

    B) Lifesaving hemophiliac blood treatments are condemned by God!

    C) God says you must shun all family and friends who stop believing as you do!

    D) The word of an abused child is not sufficient evidence to involve the authorities!

    If you answered yes to one of these questions my heart goes out to you. If you answered yes to all four you must be a Jehovah's Witness!

    Please research the past teachings and history of any organization before you join it. The truth is out there, don't wait for them to show you they're present version ! ; ; ;

  • flower

    Great idea..

    Great example of an ad Shotgun. I think its worth a shot. Might not do a whole lot the first time, but as with any message, repeated advertising has been proven to work on the majority of society. Heck I still think frosted lucky charms are magically delicious and I've never even tasted them.

    Its something we as an exjw community should do every year around convention time.

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